
Works by biffobear

I'll Have by biffobear, photography->still life gallery Fading Star by biffobear, photography->flowers gallery Good Stuff by biffobear, Photography->Flowers gallery
I'll Have Fading Star Good Stuff
My Lady by biffobear, photography->boats gallery Lambs to the slaughter by biffobear, photography->trains/trams gallery The Opportunists.... by biffobear, photography->birds gallery
My Lady Lambs to the slaughter The Opportunists....
Warm sea breeze by biffobear, photography->lighthouses gallery Great Grey by biffobear, photography->birds gallery Would you take this path ? by biffobear, photography->landscape gallery
Warm sea breeze Great Grey Would you take this path ?
Ripples by biffobear, photography->water gallery Great Grey Heron by biffobear, photography->birds gallery I love by biffobear, photography->people gallery
Ripples Great Grey Heron I love