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Search results for "squirrel": 

White Squirrel Finding food by dwdharvey
I saw this guy on a nature walk and thought he was kind of cute. Hope you guys like it
Tree Racer by rahto
This squirrel was racing through the tree and stopped just long enough for me to get this shot.
Profile by rahto
This squirrel was trying to stay on the opposite side of the tree from me.
Portrait of a squirrel by rahto
This is a 500mm shot of a squirrel who was keeping a close eye on me. Bob
Squirrel in front of a log by J_E_F
Thirdly and finally (in the cute squirrel collection), squirrel sitting in front of a log. I liked how the light colour of the log makes for a plain background to park desktop icons. see also: Squirrel 1 Squirrel 2 Squirrel 3
Looking In by rahto
A squirrel shot from last fall
I see you! by jeffpratt
I can't keep the bunnies away from my flowers or the squirrels away from my birdfeeder. It was shoot 'em with a gun or shoot 'em with a camera. It wasn't an easy decision, believe me...
Please enjoy the obvious charm and appeal of this grey squirrel....He visits my garden early in the mornings.
I've Struck the Mother Lode by muggsy
Or so this "RED Squirrel" must have thought to himself ... sitting atop a feast of nuts and seeds. This little guy is slightly larger than a chipmunk but smaller than the more common "GRAY" most often seen throughout NY. However under the strict wildlife protectorate in the Adirondack Park region, I'm told the Red outnumbers the Gray (Note the black stripe that separates the white underside from the reddish back.) Despite their size they are more aggressive than their larger Gray cousins, but nonetheless entertaining with their acrobatic antics. On the down side, the locals tell me they can create havoc should one manage to find it's way into the house.
You talking to me by rahto
One from the squirrel files
Peanut theif by egggray
After cynlee's (Cindy) squirrel finished all of her bird seed, it came to my house and ate all the peanuts I put out for the Blue Jays. To gloomy for bird photos anyway, so I let this guy enjoy a little snack. Had to set the iso to 1600 to get good enough light, not to much noise at that setting for my 7D, just had to reduce the noise a tad in post work.
Most people like these animals, although there are some, who don't. As for me, I find them extremely nice and want to share this little fella with you.....Please enjoy.
Peek-a-boo! ICU! by lilkittees
Caught this little squirrel peeking around the tree at me. Thanks for looking and any comments you wish to leave.
Tale Tuck by rahto
This squirrel had no problem posing for the camera
Lunch by SatCom
OK....Since I have stopped chasing Shiny Things, I have to resort to Squirrels. I got this little fellow on my rounds enjoying his lunch.

Thanks for all your help on RAW processing.

I think I am enjoying my camera now. Just takes a lot of practice.

Just A Salad by rahto
This squirrel has his figure to think about.
Over The Hump by rahto
Another squirrel captured with the Canon 100-400 zoom lens.
Park Lounger by rahto
I caught this rather shabby looking squirrel lounging in a tree after what has been a very hard winter. Bob
Acorn by rahto
This squirrel was nice enough to hold this acorn for me to shoot.
Muddy Nosed Squirrel by kevywevy
This photo of a grey squirrel was taken at Springbank Park in London, Ontario, Canada.
Winter Snack by rahto
This squirrel is enjoying the break in the weather by having a nut from his stash.
Straight Up by Jimbobedsel
I found this squirrel along the Maumee river, near Waterville, Ohio.

Thanks for the comments.

Mmm...I Love Sunflower Seeds! by lilkittees
This squirrel was really having a feast on the sunflower seeds in our bird feeder today. Thanks to all that view and comment.
Squirrels by Paul_Gerritsen
Very curious and playfull.
Hello Down There by rahto
Another squirrel shot from the park.
Manicure by rahto
This squirrel appears to be giving itself a manicure. It was from a distance of about 30 feet using a 500mm lens. Bob
What's for lunch 2 by BossCamper
One more of the Blue Jays raiding the squirrel feeder. Another interesting pose.
This is MY tree! by chickadee59
Red squirrel photo taken in Wiscasset, Maine
Goose by Mvillian
This is a male Red Tailed Hawk that is trained to hunt and bring back squirrels and rabbits! His name is Goose after the fighter pilot in top gun
A Tree Too Small by rahto
Another squirrel picture done using a 400mm lens with a 12mm-extension tube.
"Catch Me If You Can" by Jimbobedsel
I think this squirrel was teasing me.

Thanks for the comments.

bright eyed and bushy tailed... by kursed
I captured this little hyde park inhabitant on an afternoon walk through London on a beautiful summers day after having done the tourist thing and gone to see the changing of the guard at the gates of Buckingham Palace (really quite a dull affair). Hyde park provided much more interesting subjects to capture with all the local wildlife and picturesque city scenery poking out above the English foliage... This squirrel happened to pop out and grab a nut in a streak of sunshine on the flowering grasses as I had my telephoto lens at the ready which allowed me to get some nice depth of field. Enjoy!
Baby Squirrel on the run by Michel_Lalonde
He had ventured out while his mother had gone collecting their next meal.He needed to jump up to go back to the nest but still did not know how. You can see his mother as she found me between her and her young, in my previous post. For more of this little creature hit .. Squirrels.
Rip Van Squirrel by rahto
Looks like old Rip Van Squirrel is going to sleep till spring.
Lookout by rahto
This squirrel is keeping a close vigil on his domain.
Song Bird by rahto
I saw this bird when I was photographing squirrels in the park. I don’t know what it is and couldn’t get close enough for a good shot but got this long shot using a Sigma 50-500mm lens. Bob
Tasty Morsel by rahto
Caught this squirrel having some lunch
Is It Safe? by scorpie
My little squirrel buddy was peeking out of a woodpile to see if it was safe to run across the yard. No need for comments, just thought it was cute.
Backlit by wheedance
We fed the squirrels and birds sunflower seeds this winter and this summer we've had sunflowers popping up all over the yard. I guess they paid us back!
Squirrel by aktait
It finally snowed and stuck! So I went for a walk to the park and took some portrait pictures of my friend and saw this squirrel. I like squirrels, haha.
Grey Squirrel by bbodien
A grey squirrel eating a hazelnut (provided by me as payment for this modelling session), on a path in Regents Park, London.
Squirrel by Beowulf1976
Another pic taken at Amerton Farm, again on my mobile phone :) This one was more difficult because the mesh used was closer spaced so I had to really lean over the "safety barrier" but still balance and try and cut out the mesh. I like this one a lot :)
Where's my nut? by PamParson
Another shot of the Kentucky squirrel that I was chasing to get just a wee bit closer. He was so cute and his color was beautiful.
The Great Escape by rahto
Another squirrel shot from my favorite park.
Squirrel Time by rahto
Another park squirrel shot with a 100-400 zoom
More Hanging With a Nut by rahto
Another one from the squirrel archives.
Squirrel Lake Sunset by rriesop
So recently I have been very busy with work and other summer activities. did just get back from Northern Wisconsin where this photo was taken. Sorry for the lack of posts and comments. Hope you all enjoy this and leave comments/suggestions
Casual Friday by SinaiB
If they made jeans for squirrels, this guy would be wearing them right now.
Sociable Squirrel by angelicem
This squirrel was unbelievable friendly. He was taking food from peoples hands and waiting patiently besides a bin to inspect all empty wrappers!
Scared Squirrel by muki7
While sitting outside enjoying my morning coffee I noticed that the cat was stalking something. The next thing I saw was a cat take off like a bullett across the yard. Then a squirrel with a cat hot on it's tail comes running towards me. Not a smart move on the squirrels part because i'm sitting here with four dogs. Now there's four dogs and a cat chasing this poor little squirrel. When he made it to the large oak tree the cat and one of the dogs was right on his tail. I brought the dogs in and that squirrel wouldn't move from that safe spot he found in the old oak tree for a pretty good while. I'm not sure where the feral cat went but I know he's somewhere keeping an eye on that scared squirrel. Thanks to all for comments
Tail Top by rahto
Gravity and a heavy tail make for a squirrel with fuzzy vision.
A Furry Visitor At The Bird Feeding Station by tigger3
This Fox Squirrel has found the feeders too. I don't mind it just gave me something else to use the camera on. Lol! He'll run back and forth from the lilac bush, and feeders to my big old cottonwood tree.

For me I only see maybe one or two squirrels a year in my yard so this was a nice find.

Thanks in advance for your comments.

=^..^= sandi ♪

Gray Day by Eubeen

...or would like fries with that. I meet this young fellow out in the backyard the other day while he was busily chowing down on a french fry. It was one of those damp miserable gray overcast November days and I totally messed up the settings when I took the shots. Everything came out way too dark no matter what I did. That is until after the squirrel departed to get more fries. Then the camera decided to co-operate. So some heavily edited cuts later I managed to wring this shot together.

Hope you enjoy the dreary scene and your comments welcomed.

Grey Squirrel 2 by gerryp
Another shot from Nature Preserve...thought this guy was kinda cute...she certainly had her eye on me.
Poecile atricapilla by Hottrockin
Well, well it looks like Mr. Squirrel in his defense trips up by showing us this little fella snacking in the feed. Mr. Squirrel didn't realize this feathered friend is of course welcome in the feeder. The verdict regarding Innocent, Until Proven Guilty concludes tomorrow. Feel free in the meantime to read up on this Black-capped Chickadee RIGHT HERE .
"This Is My Best Side" by Jimbobedsel
Wasn't it nice of this squirrel to pose so proudly?

Thanks for the comments, friends.

Same squirrel same log by J_E_F
Following yesterdays post, this little guy was obliging enough to pose for a while, despite be photographed by a rank and file hack, lumbering around with a small terrier in tow. There will be a third posting of the same mammal tomorrow, from a third angle. I think I've got it covered. See also: Squirrel 1 Squirrel 2 Squirrel 3
Come Home Soon by MrOpus
This squirrel is actually semi tame and let me get really close to take this photo.
curious little one by obscene_ness
This cute little squirrel walked up to everyone and wanted food! It was so cute. If you called him, he came! So I had to get a picture of him. comments welcome!
Backpackers by Paul_Gerritsen
Saimiri boliviensis or Bolivian squirrel monkeys.
Aquatic Squirrel by rahto
The squirrels seem to be none the worse for wear after the flooding of their park here in Des Moines.
Grey Squirrel by dwdharvey
Taken with Canon S2 IS
New Comer by dwdharvey
This very young squirrel was under one of my bird feeders today trying to figure out how to get to it ........ and he did Because of his unusual colour I thought this would make a good desktop. Hope you like it to and thanks for having a look at him, Don
Squirrel Portrait by lilkittees
I was able to get within 10 feet of this little guy munching away on the corn. He didn't seem to mind me being so close. He even stopped and posed for me! Thanks to all that view and comment.
Around The Tree by rahto
This squirrel tried to stay on the opposite side of the tree from me.
Crack'n Nuts by rahto
The squirrels are quite busy getting ready for winter.
Sigh, You Caught Me by scorpie
These little red squirrels are so cute, but so destructive, this one is trying to ruin the feeder by enlarging the holes in order to get to the black oil sunflower seeds (which the yellow finches go ape over). I guess I will stop the feeders for the summer - I think I read somewhere you're not supposed to feed birds in the summer.
Vineyard skies by Surfcat
These are the vineyards at Wilson Creek Winery!! Off in the distance you can see a white box on top of a pole. It's an owl box put there to encourage owls to live in the vineyards in order to keep the squirrel population down.
Covert Spie 2 by 427cobraAC
I noticed that these two squirrels kept spying on me while I was sitting at the back Patio. I took a few pictures and Liked this one the most. Hope you enjoy! -Chris
Little White Squirrel by dwdharvey
This guy reminded me of the prehistoric squirrel in the movie Ice Age. I fallowed him around our park and he just keep holding on to his food paying very little attention to what was going on around him. Hope you like it.
No time to stand and stare by jacked
What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. No time to see, in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like skies at night. No time to turn at Beauty's glance, And watch her feet, how they can dance. No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began. A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. Author: William Henry Davies. Hope you injoy. Thanks for any comments. Dwight.
Ring Face by rahto
This squirrel has a face kind of like a racoon
Rocky The Too Fat To Fly Squirrel by rahto
I used a Sigma 150-500mm Zoom for this shot.
Snack time by ted3020
I followed the squirrel until he climbed a tree to have a snack. He never seemed bothered by the observer.
Evil Squirrel by thestealth
This little guy spent all Summer fattening himself up eating my vegetable garden and then eating my tulip bulbs. Now he's back again looking for handouts and dive bombing the bird feeder. Hope you enjoy.
Squirrel by bartosz_b
Sciurus carolinensis by Hottrockin
The Eastern Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) is a tree squirrel that is native to the eastern to midwestern United States and the eastern provinces of Canada. The Eastern Gray Squirrel makes a variety of noises, including a loud screeching, a "buck buck buck" sound and a chattering, often followed by "kyukyukyuuuu". They make these noises to communicate with other gray squirrels, and sometimes they make noises during mating.
Posing by Lithfo
Snoozing alone by Michel_Lalonde
I know... I had said enough with baby squirrel pictures until next spring... but I found a few others that I would like to share. More Squirrels. are sleeping here.
Wiskers by MiLo_Anderson
This photoshoot probably borders on animal cruilty. d_spin_9 and i stalked this squirrel down shot and him 20 times or so. Im pretty sure he is blind now because we were both firing off flashes on most of the shots. He didn't seem to mind all that much though. Hope you enjoy.
On Guard by mmynx34
A lil squirrel I found at one of the rest camps in the Kruger Park. He was quite keen on posing for a picture... enjoy and thanx for stopping by
Nut Hunter by phasmid
PAT Phasmid took this and the next upload this afternoon..hijacked the camera while I was having my hair Some pretty fine, fat squirrels who live in the backyard and have so far not had too hard a time of it


Relaxing by rahto
I used a Pentax DS with a Sigma 135-400 zoom for this squirrel picture.
Winter In The Park by rahto
The angle of the winter sun certainly makes squirrel photography a bit more challenging. I saw this squirrel grooming itself up in a tree and got this shot using a 50-500mm zoom at 500mm.
Happy by rahto
This happy squirrel was playing in the snow.
What's for lunch? by BossCamper
A Blue Jay raiding the squirrel feeder. Not the best image because of the poor lighting, but I think it is an interesting perspective of him.
"Excuse me you have the time?" by Jimbobedsel
Another squirrel by the Maumee River.

Thanks for commenting.

Boy That Sun Feels Good by lilkittees
It was a cold but sunny day when I looked out and saw these squirrels laying on top of the feeder. So I got the camera and took the picture thru the glass of my back door.
N-index For Nuts by rahto
This squirrel is looking for style point for running up the tree with this nut.
Darn Yankee by biffobear
Secret Squirrel..A member of the SIA...Sent to spy on us Brits...
Bok Sanctuary - Squirrel by CanoeGuru
The Sanctuary was FULL of squirrels! They were incredibly tame, I had a great time watching them scamper around.
Mr. Squirrel by cctruckee
Yesterday I took my granddaughter Taylor, to the Rose gardens for a photo shoot. For her 13th birthday I bought her a camera like mine. She is a budding photographer, and I wanted to give her the proper tool for exploring photography. I am encouraging her to join Caedes and share her work here. While we both got many beautiful flower shots, I kind of liked this little fellow. He was as interested in us as I was in him.
Hello there by ladyred
I know there are probably too many squirrel shots..But I thought I would share this one with everybody...Comments appreciated..
Winter Coat by rahto
A break in the weather allowed me to stop by the park and try to get a few pictures. This 500mm shot shows off this squirrels winter coat.
Guilty, As Charged by Hottrockin
Mr. Squirrel pleads insanity and request to go to the nut house...I don't think so mister!! Off to the county slammer with ya!! 8~D
Tree Hugger by ironjoe
One of many Grey squirrels that live on our property. This one is just outside our quest room window hugging a Hazelnut tree that has been estimated at around 100+ years old. Shot with a Kodak Z712 IS using the 12X zoom.
Peek-A-Boo by Jimbobedsel
There were squirrels all over the place yesterday at the Hayes Presidential Center. Next time, I am taking food for them.

Thanks for the comments, friends.

Mama Squirrel And Toy by mysecrett
The first meeting of our tame squirrel, "Mama" and our toy squirrel. Mama is not tame to the point where we can hold her, but she is tame enough to take food from our hands and come inside of the back door to get her own nuts out of the nut bucket. :) ....Sadly Mama just passed away. However, her babies and mate still live in the house that we built for them in our large pine tree.
Classic Squirrel by rahto
Another squirrel shot from the park
Tree Rage by rahto
This squirrel was busy defending his turf against the big bad camera.
Porch Squirrel by raiden747
This squirrel regularly visits my second story porch only accessible to animals by a single tree branch.