In the contest that just finished up, Tick submitted a blurry, out-of-focus night photo that included lit Christmas decorations and a car's headlights passing row houses. (The only reason I know this is because I downloaded it and brightened it in Photoshop, and because Ron told me what those bright lights were.) I'm wondering what kind of images, either photographic, fractal or computer-generated we could get by intentionally blurring the focus? The fun thing about Tick's was trying to figure out what the heck it was (well, it was for me, anyway... maybe for you, too?). For people who wear glasses, night city lights or fields of flowers can take on an entirely different character once we take the glasses off and the world is a blur. This theme could even incorporate the "What is it" idea we've done successfully in the past. Any thoughts? -Nik
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Having worn glasses and/or contact lenses for more than 25 last years, I just stopped wearing anything. And the world does look better, softer and milder and definitely less aggressive. On the other hand I had to start using Orton, HDR etc to get better visibility on my computer monitor. So I am with Nik and Raj by all means. Experimenting to improve or impair visibility may be fun ! Lt SAM & Sgt SAAB
Okay, I'll go with Focus Feature - sounds interesting. I'll leave the tripod in the closet, that should help. Maybe slow shutter speed shooting really fast things, lol.
In the contest that just finished up, Tick submitted a blurry, out-of-focus night photo that included lit Christmas decorations and a car's headlights passing row houses. (The only reason I know this is because I downloaded it and brightened it in Photoshop, and because Ron told me what those bright lights were.) I'm wondering what kind of images, either photographic, fractal or computer-generated we could get by intentionally blurring the focus? The fun thing about Tick's was trying to figure out what the heck it was (well, it was for me, anyway... maybe for you, too?). For people who wear glasses, night city lights or fields of flowers can take on an entirely different character once we take the glasses off and the world is a blur. This theme could even incorporate the "What is it" idea we've done successfully in the past. Any thoughts? -Nik