"What is it?" is my suggestion, and, while at first glance one could say that it's a topic solely for photography, let me just say that our (lamentably missing) friend from Chicago, "tealeaves" Lori, taught me to appreciate fractals and see deeper into her images, getting a lot of enjoyment out of coming up with my own interpretations of the cool (sorry, I'm a child of the 60's) images she, and Joanie, and Casechaser (to name just a few) would produce. Digital artists could emulate people like M.C. Escher, Salvadore Dali, that dude who creates that fantastic sidewalk chalk art (I forget his name but you get the drift), Bev Doolittle, Rene Magritte, and so on. Macro photography can be quite beautiful without giving away clues as to what you're looking at (my office partner shoots macros of the inside of paint cans where the paint has dried up or separated, creating gorgeous color spectrums). The judging for this topic could be based on beauty and suitability for use as a wallpaper and in the meantime we could have fun trying to figure out what it is we're looking at with each entry, the individual artists keeping it close to the vest and spilling the beans after the contest is over, surprising us by how close or how wrong we were in our guesses. Lately the contests don't seem to have a lot of challenge or snap. Perhaps this one could turn that around? I'm including a link here to a variety of interesting images of
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I vote for the 'Rule of Thirds in Blue' methinks it's a challenge for all the artist here on Caedes.
I admit it looks a bit to the contest we had about the blue hour stuff from June 2010, but this time you have to think about the composition aswell.....and I hope we don't get to see sunset/blue hour pictures only, would be nice to see some other pictures too. So phuleze let your imagination and creativity work.
Ok, so we've just done 'Perspective' but it did make me wonder if this could be focused upon a specific feature of perspective: accentuating the 'vanishing point'.
Then again, "Rule of Thirds in Blue" looks like fun.
It's up there as a suggestion, so feel free (Les) to shoot it down :)
"Inspired by a Song" sounds like fun. When I play my flute, I always come up with little stories to help me express the moods of the music better -- It's something I've never thought to apply to my photography before!