
Contest Results: Humorous

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Ended 09/08/14 7:15 AM GMT
Winner: nanadoo (See the full results)

1st place
There are many ways to view the world..... by nanadoo

icedancer: Lol, What an adorable child and what a view. I just love the way they are able to bend over and touch their heads right down to the ground, I remember those days with our 2. Gorgeous colours and composition.

nanadoo received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Take Us For A Ride by mirto56

GIGIBL: Excellent shot Doug good luck in the contest.

biffobear: She's off her trolley..Made me laugh..R.

trixxie17: A very good entry for the contest Doug and one not easily duplicated I imagine!

tigger3: Lol! Great contest entry, you sure were at the right place at the right time for this one.:) Tigs♥ =^..^=

mirto56 received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Secret Agent by Ramad

trixxie17: A real funny one Raj - all this secret agent is missing is a cold martini! A great entry.

susanlynn: Hilarious Raj and I see she has binoculars for those far away suspicious characters. Great capture. Good luck in the contest.

4th place
"I turn my back for twooooooo seconds!!!" by Nikoneer

ted3020: You have evidence to blackmail him when he gets older.

0930_23: Congrats on the 4th place finish in the contest Knik.

mirto56: Congrats NiK and to your daughter, on placing in the Humorous contest with this fantastic photo! Bravo!

5th place
Man and Freedom, Woman and Phone by 0930_23

tigger3: I think he is throwing up his arms in disgust that she is texting for the 103 time! Super perspective, and a a fun one for the contest Tick. Tigz♥ =^..^=

GIGIBL: Great shot good luck in the contest.

danika: I've seen this sculpture in both locations. You captured it superbly, Tick & I see the humor in it as well. Mayo Clinic is a huge place.