
Contest Results: Backlighting

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 12/07/17 3:15 PM GMT
Winner: 0930_23 (See the full results)

1st place
On Golden Swan by 0930_23

bfrank: Congratulations!!! Good job Tick.

questjester: Woo hoo! Congratulations!! :)

Lin_O: contrasting colors are very nice,makes the swans stand out.

tanimara: Beautiful!

Ramad: Congrats on winning the contest Tick.

jerseygurl: Congratulations Tick on your 1st place win - So Well Deserved!!!!!!!!!

0930_23 received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Woodland dawn by Lin_O

casechaser: Lisa was so correct in that your photography is also art. I love to see geometry in art and your diagonal creates a midpoint between the the golden top and the red/rusty bottom. The walkway is an interesting perpendicular which leads the eye across the hill.

Lin_O received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Early Morning by Starglow

tigger3: Very dramatic, and the cow as a silhouette is wonderful.

gr8fulted: Love this! It gets my vote.

0930_23: "Bring on the cold fingers and we'll get this day started."
You called up a beauty here Carol.


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4th place
Sundown by WTFlack

Flmngseabass: Way to go William!!! 4th pace huh?? Always good no matter where we place as long as we get in one of the top 5 spots - all is good LOL!! Great job and well deserved:):)

Vickid: The depth and the mood set by the contrasts in light and dark is astonishing. You were at the right place and time for this sunset, excellent capture.

5th place
Lakeside Perspective by corngrowth

koca: Wow! Wonderful perspective. Love it.

0930_23: The silhouettes and the railing really pulls us into the photo SEA.


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tigger3: Congrats on placing in the contest Mr. C. tigs=^..^=