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I noticed Cindy's lovely wedding photograph "Now Until Forever". I was really captivated by the way she captured such a touching moment of affection between the newly wed couple. She graciously allowed me to play with the image. The image above is the result of my "play" and below is the info on what I did.
Image - Adjustments - Levels:
Input levels at 17, 1.50 221. This brightened the scene, but still retained shadow depth, giving more visible details.
Image - Adjustments - Selective Color:
Adjusting the tones of each color brightened and gave more texture to the brides dress and brought a bit more depth of color and warmth into the scene. The percentages were determined simply by playing with the sliders and viewing the image as I adjusted. Not some complicated mathematical formula or anything ;)
-40% Cyan/-50% Magenta/+10% Yellow/+15% Black
-20% Cyan/-25% Magenta/+20% Yellow/+20% Black
Yellows- -25% Cyan/-20% Magenta/+13% Yellow/+20% Black
+25% Cyan/+15% Magenta/+20% Yellow/+25% Black
Cyans- -50% Cyan/-50% Magenta/+20% Yellow/+20% Black
Next I attacked the little building in the distance with the clone tool to remove it from the scene.
Lastly, I am such a sucker for the Orton effect, and I think it works really well with scenes like this. It adds a certain dreamy quality, which is great for weddings! So..Orton effect applied, with about 60% opacity on the screen layer and 70% opacity on the gaussian layer.
There you have it :) I hope Cindy thinks I did this one justice. A big thank you to her for allowing me to play with this, I really enjoyed it. She captured such a wonderful moment in time!