
  The 1815  

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Uploaded: 11/07/13 6:45 PM GMT
The 1815
Views: 432
Dlds: 181
Status: active

This is one of the trolley's that runs along the Embarcadero in San Francisco. I'm experimenting with the some new textures and treatments from "Picadilo" and "iPiccy Photo Editor." Enjoy and thanks for your comments:)


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11/07/13 7:24 PM GMT
Well done great work
4∈ [?]
11/07/13 8:28 PM GMT
Great depth of field with this photo and lovely colour tone it as old world effect that very fitting for this great subject .Love the frame work as well very cleaver effect.
2∈ [?]
11/07/13 8:58 PM GMT
Textures work well with giving this a yesteryear effect, BB.


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2∈ [?]
People are like cameras--sometimes they lose focus.
11/07/13 9:57 PM GMT
Really has a great look of the past. Tigs♥ =^..^=
2∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
11/08/13 12:00 AM GMT
Love the vintage look to this Bruce .
2∈ [?]
11/08/13 2:25 AM GMT
Well, I'm loving your experiments your trying, Bravo, excellent work
2∈ [?]
♥ Skates ♥
11/08/13 7:54 AM GMT
Great result with your experimenting, Bruce...I'm really liking the old-time feel of this one and the subject matter too.
2∈ [?]
11/08/13 8:00 AM GMT
Art work!
2∈ [?]
11/08/13 8:53 AM GMT
Good treatment to make this look Olde Worlde!
2∈ [?]
"Never stop photographing. It is very likely that your best photograph has not yet been captured"
11/08/13 10:11 PM GMT
I love old trams. Sydney had one of the biggest tram networks in the world until they were replaced by buses in the early 1960s. I have fond memories of riding them when I was a kid.
4∈ [?]
11/09/13 8:50 AM GMT
Unusual and very interesting work. Good idea posting this.
3∈ [?]
11/17/13 3:12 AM GMT
I had no idea they had turning lanes back in 1815, how very modern of them. Great post work Bruce. A good capture of the trolley car and perspective in the photo.
2∈ [?]
Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane. -- Philip K. Dick, Valis

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