This is one of the many ocean going vessels supporting the Petroleum , Chemical industry in Baton Rouge. It is not uncommon for them to be docked on The Mississippi for weeks at a time , blowing smoke.
Marsha, I can clearly see that this, under the Liberian flag sailing, tanker is empty. Therefore I don't think that it's blowing smoke, but steam, as steam will be commonly used to clear empty tanks because of the thick oil residues. This can be a rather time consuming job.
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Lovely shot of the tanker Marsha. That river has always amazed me. Such strong currents with millions of tons of water flowing for ever! We always had to anchor with two anchors because of the current.
Cool shot, Marsha... as that Steam sets the mood for Your composition! As for Constructive criticism, the Rule of Thirds might be my Only suggestion, here... with a Little more Sky and a Little less water in Your composition... though, the Detail of the Water is Very nice! B&W works Very well for this Presentation!
The reason why the sun sets in the evening is because it wants to see the sunrise in the morning. I rise in the morning because I want to see them both. RvdB
This Image GRABBED my EYE. That's Why I Stopped By.
Thanks For Sharing ! Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience
I partially agree with Adam, Marsha. The foreground water could be reduced by about 20%, and eliminating the sky completely, removes a number of distractions and makes the steam more noticeable. A touch of contrast would highlight some of the ship's detail.
So it's blowing steam not smoke, [I read Cornelius comment] this is a mighty big tanker but then again all tankers are big. The photograph is good Marsha but perhaps a little faint adding more contrast will help.
This shot has the look of the old WWII films. I like the water and would rather look at the water instead of white sky. That's my water thirds rule. In the history of the world, water wins everytime. You failed to mention one important fact... that you shot this photo hanging out of the passenger window while passing over the bridge at about 70 mph! Not bad for a daredevil shot!
A formidable image for sure but I would have shown more sky and less water to balance it out (3rds rule)..............unless that wasn't possible. Love the toned down colors Marsh:)
The P must stand for politician since it's blowing smoke.
I like the effect.
(Viewed Full Screen)