Chris: This came up in the VB, and I to tell the person that took it, that I'm impressed. Your capture of the colors in the water, and the sky is just outstanding. I have to admit to giving it a 10+ and it's in my favorites. ;-)
Sorry that I haven't been commenting more. Just got lazy? But I did look at most of them. And again, thanks to all of you for your comments on mine.
"Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile" .... mygallery
Several of my photos are available for purchase in larger format at Shutterpoint, and some are also available in high quality framed prints at
Soo beautiful!! Specially the shadow and light effects over the water, and the "corner" of the boathouse_water nances, and reflects showing transparency of it is awesome_poetic theme...
Congrats, nice work! (forgive my poor english :(
To me the clouds are just great i love to see them bump up again the mountains, this is a very nice place you have captured Chirs. Best wishes to you and your loved ones. Dwight.
Hello Chris...Well,everthing has been said about this fine picture...The content,colour and how you have composed the scene makes this a pleasure to view....Well done my friend...All the best....Mick.
No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced. Everyone has photographic memory; some just don't have the film.
Found this while viewing some one elses favourites and just had to take a moment to say how much I like this image. Majestic quietness comes to mind.. Very nice work Chris.