
  Shading and Lighting Final Project  

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Uploaded: 03/29/08 7:05 PM GMT
Shading and Lighting Final Project
Views: 3803
Dlds: 813
Status: active

Shading and Lighting Final Project. Needs some work now that I look at it after awhile. :) Not bad for my first time. Yes, I know the chess pieces scene is clitche, but forgive me.


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03/30/08 9:15 PM GMT
Very good work!! I sure like it! Also, at least to me, my man, chess scenes are NEVER cliches! Put up as many as you like, I love'm!! Well done! ps I like the glass board leaning against the wall The whole pic reminds me of actors and actresses practicing on the stage before the actual play is started. I like it a lot!
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04/01/08 8:30 AM GMT
great picture , it makes me think of the destruction after a battle,and the end of a king, check mate ,intersting view, well done
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~~Catherine & David~~
04/01/08 10:20 PM GMT
I got asked to comment on this, I think it is a very good first attempt. I don`t have a lot of experience in this field so I can`t really offer any advice so would be reluctant to offer any critique. You have done well and keep posting more.

Ian :)
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Save the Cheerleader......Save the World! Ians gallery
08/06/08 4:23 PM GMT
i like it so sososososo0sosososososos
so in my favs
0∈ [?]

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