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Uploaded: 11/26/10 12:19 AM GMT
Views: 2527
Dlds: 449
Status: active

Water cascading over the weir on the South Saskatchewan River in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.


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11/26/10 2:16 AM GMT
Wow love that!
0∈ [?]
11/26/10 4:40 PM GMT
Very artistic photo! Great composition and lighting.

0∈ [?]
Be free - use Linux
11/27/10 4:48 AM GMT
Awesome mate. Perfect dof, clever use of the water shapes for comp and the different colour lines in the water to add structure and angles. Love it.
1∈ [?]
It is not "The powerful attack the weak." it is "The fearful attack what they fear."
11/28/10 2:10 PM GMT
This one is really COOL......
0∈ [?]
11/28/10 5:43 PM GMT
Cool water effect
0∈ [?]
Sous le soleil, toutes choses doivent finir un jour / Under the sun, all things must finish one day ( Legolas Lord of the rings )
11/28/10 11:12 PM GMT
Nice job with capturing the smooth movement of the water flow.
0∈ [?]
"Hurry to meet Death before your place is taken."
11/29/10 5:02 PM GMT
terrific shot. the smoothness and the shape are so intriguing.
0∈ [?]
AVATAR BY PJ............... i've been so bad about commenting on your photos. believe me when i say i look at them all. feel free to NOT comment on mine. Please Visit My Gallery
12/04/10 9:19 AM GMT
0∈ [?]
let me keep my eyes open, let me see the beauty
12/14/10 2:40 AM GMT
WOW!! Wonderful picture!!!
0∈ [?]
03/21/11 12:57 AM GMT
You can feel the motion - very cool!
0∈ [?]
08/15/11 1:00 AM GMT
Mmmmmmm. Very smooth and a unique view of water in motion. I like the fact that you included the pounding and broken wave of water at the top; it puts all the rest into the proper perspective. I'm going to sneak a copy (so that you're not aware of it ;) to include in the "water" screen saver I've created for my Mac screens, containing the best of the water photos I've seen here on Caedes in the past couple years.

0∈ [?]
If you've ever wanted to make a difference but found it hard to believe that one person could... check out the Kiva Team Caedes discussion thread and discover that anything is possible.

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