
  Photoshop Tutorial-Using Pen Tool Paths to Create Designs  

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Uploaded: 08/02/06 3:44 AM GMT
Photoshop Tutorial-Using Pen Tool Paths to Create Designs
Views: 6017
Dlds: 1973
Status: active

A lot of you have been asking that I do this tutorial. It answers how I create those designs using the pen tool. I hope it's clear and enjoyable. Good luck.


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08/02/06 5:10 AM GMT
Excellent tutorial on a powerful PS tool I have never really understood. Many thanks!
0∈ [?]
Veni. Vidi. Volo in domum meum recedo!
08/02/06 5:35 AM GMT
Thats awesome. I was looking for something like this the other day...well actually I just gave up without looking. =P Thanks, i may try this some day.
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Hey, lookie here
08/02/06 10:09 AM GMT
Excellent tutorial, Nathan! It's very well worded and I'm sure it will encourage many people to have a go with the pen tool, too!
But seeing the first shape you created, there's one thing that's been bugging me for ages now...creating smooth bendy lines I can do, but how did you manage to make the pen go from a curve to a sharp point? (because I always have to start a new path if I want a zig-zag type thing otherwise the pen tries to loop round instead of being sharp...hehe, sorry, I'm not very good at explaining things but I'm sure you understand what I mean :P)
Anywho...Well done!

Fae x
0∈ [?]
08/02/06 10:30 AM GMT
Nathan, I've never tried this but will give it a go in PSP. Hopefully, my program is similar enough to follow along. Thanks for sharing this info - Patty
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It's all about perspective and perception.
08/02/06 10:32 AM GMT
Thank Nathan,

This will I also try out, and look what I can do.
Your a good teatcher.
0∈ [?]
If you love something, set it free. It it comes back to you, it is yours. If it does not, it was never meant to be. Wil
08/02/06 11:38 AM GMT
Thanks Teach!!
Peace&Respect Jojo
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Laying Easy Somewhere Shade Across My Mind
08/02/06 5:16 PM GMT
Thanks so much for this Nathan :)
0∈ [?]
08/02/06 6:30 PM GMT
Thank you so much!!!
I will definently use it!!!!
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I am the knight in the shadows.....
08/03/06 12:30 AM GMT
Thanks very much for doing it Nathan. I'll look into it. Think it would work with my old version Photoshop 6 ?
0∈ [?]
Life's moments are sweet. I just want to capture all that I can of them.
08/03/06 10:57 AM GMT
I work with Photoshop since 3 days and its still very difficult for me, but thank you, Natan, so much! Of course i will try :-)
0∈ [?]
08/03/06 1:35 PM GMT
I'm not sure about PS 6 - it's been a while since I used that one. Give it a try and see.
0∈ [?]
08/03/06 10:52 PM GMT
This is an excellent tutorial Nathan and I myself have had some much frustration and this is easy to follow and I may finally get somewhere . Thanks for the Excellent work you have done with this
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Suicide is man's way of tell God "YOU CAN'T FIRE ME I QUIT."
08/04/06 3:26 PM GMT
Thanks. I've been trying to figure out how to do that for quite a while ^_^
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-=Pride is not a sin=-
08/10/06 1:32 PM GMT
LOL too much thinking involved!
Nathan, this is great, good job sharing with others!
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"A picture is worth a thousand words"
08/15/06 1:58 AM GMT
Have fun! Thanks for stopping by.
0∈ [?]
09/06/06 11:41 AM GMT
sweet, ill try it out when i get photoshop back to work in a few days
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All is fair in love and war
10/23/06 5:56 PM GMT
Oh, excellent! I'm going to have lots of fun with this! THANKS!
0∈ [?]
I used to have a handle on life, but it broke...
10/23/06 6:09 PM GMT
You're welcome! :)
0∈ [?]
06/08/07 2:44 PM GMT
0∈ [?]
11/27/09 12:31 AM GMT
Very instructive. That's so cool of you to share. Thank you very much. I'm looking forward to trying this out.
0∈ [?]
04/21/12 4:35 AM GMT
What an awesome thing to do. You have gone 'above and beyond'...thanks....
0∈ [?]

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