
  Jack O'Lantern  

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Uploaded: 12/24/05 1:16 PM GMT
Jack O'Lantern
Views: 22528
Dlds: 11165
Status: active

As a lot of you know I've been having a rough time with my back. I've had surgery now to get me back up and running, Just before it got to the point that I couldn't set anthing up I was working on this Halloween image. It isn't quite what I wanted to come up with but it's pretty close. ....... So here it is and I hope you enjoy. MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL AND THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT DURING THESE TRYING TIMES. I HOPE ALL OF YOU FIND PEACE AND LOVE THIS SEASON.


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12/24/05 3:59 PM GMT
Merry Christmas to you.. Heal well and fast..
0∈ [?]
One bead at a time
12/24/05 6:00 PM GMT
This is a sweet picture. And its definitely unique for a posting from you. I like it Michael..because its happy, and that's something we all need in these times we live in. I am glad you are on the mind, but remember it takes a long time to recuperate, so don't rush it. Take it as a healing time and do the things you didn't get to do much of before this. I wish you the best...and thank you for all the wonderful photos you've given to us here...
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Let us keep courage and try to be patient and gentle.And not mind being eccentric, and make distinction between good and evil...VincentVanGogh
12/30/05 7:21 AM GMT
0∈ [?]
01/06/06 8:04 PM GMT
I love it when you set things up! With it's painted face it's definitely halloween and light. If you'd used just a pumpkin or gourds this would have had the feel of a classical stil life. Beautiful lighting on those leaves.
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08/08/06 10:43 PM GMT
eeewww u suck lol jk i just dont like feddicini
0∈ [?]
life moves pretty fast if u dont stop to look at it once and awhile u might miss it
09/26/06 12:39 AM GMT
Very Nice. Definately puts me in the fall Halloween mood.
My grandchildren love the picture. Good Job.
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Because Nice Matters
10/01/06 9:01 PM GMT
Very cute. My grandkids will love seeing this on my desktop. :)
0∈ [?]
10/03/06 2:01 AM GMT
Great photo!! Glad you are doing better..
0∈ [?]
10/26/06 9:08 PM GMT
Just found this in the holiday gallery - very nice fall image! Hope your back is much better by now.
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All of earth is crammed with heaven And every bush aflame with God But only those who see take off their shoes. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning<p> mygallery
02/20/07 9:19 PM GMT
cute picture
0∈ [?]
10/10/07 1:59 PM GMT
Thank you for this it looks good on my laptop and I will tell others it work very nice. THANKS AGAIN
0∈ [?]
12/18/08 4:02 PM GMT
I am really enjoying all of these beautiful pictures.

I love the photography.

Thank you very much,

0∈ [?]
09/25/11 9:59 AM GMT
Heh, this is great! :-)
I love it!
0∈ [?]
10/22/12 2:32 AM GMT
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