
  Fire And Water Alien  

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Uploaded: 06/24/06 1:49 AM GMT
Fire And Water Alien
Views: 8278
Dlds: 3830
Status: active

Apophysis, Photofiltre...This is a weird one, it seemed like it needed a weird name. Enjoy!


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06/24/06 3:04 AM GMT
This is gorgeous Larry! Everything about it is great! Cool title as well. It's going right into my favourites!
0∈ [?]
06/24/06 3:12 AM GMT
WOW that's SUPER GROOVY!!!!!!! Fantastic job Larry.
0∈ [?]
06/24/06 3:40 AM GMT
Great flame work... love the colour... beautiful work Larry
0∈ [?]
MY GALLERY ........... "A sense of humour is as important to life as shock absorbers to a car.. It helps us over the bumps im life" / P.K. Shaw
06/24/06 3:47 AM GMT
i really like it
very different from most other fractals ;P
great gradient
i do like the flame
kidna wish it was fully centered
but greatness anyway
this is cooletikcoolness
yes i made that word up ;P
0∈ [?]
06/24/06 4:24 AM GMT
A wonderful flame ... super great colors & I love the title fits perfectly. Excellent work Larry.
0∈ [?]
Friends are like shining stars. You may not always see them, but you know they are always there for you.
06/24/06 7:35 AM GMT
Gorgeous! Love the colors.
0∈ [?]
06/24/06 11:49 AM GMT
All I can say to this piece of work is


Great render.. :o)
0∈ [?]
Like, there is the "Smurf Solidarity" thing going on... and I thought... GAWD I should join... It's like.. totaly fabulous
06/24/06 12:02 AM GMT
Stellar flame Larry!! Luv the tri-color approach and the 'tentacles' really flow just perfect!!
0∈ [?]
06/24/06 2:07 PM GMT
You should get sick & lay off Apophysis more often, you came back like gangbusters ! I've been sitting here looking & looking at this, I really really like it. The great placement of colors & the fantastic design. Terrific flame work Larry, absolutely. Fire & water Alien...well okay, but I'm seeing the Mother Ship, shooting her laser cannons off at her enemies in battle. Beautifully done.
0∈ [?]
To Thine Own Self Be BLUE ........ MY GALLERY
06/24/06 4:34 PM GMT
Looks like a monster straight off of SCOOBY DOOOOOO!
Plasmatic electric phantom! eeeeek! :)
0∈ [?]
The Voting Booth is your friend..........:)
06/24/06 4:52 PM GMT
This is a really cool fractal, brillant choice of colors and desighn. Into my favorites........Thank you
0∈ [?]
Be true to yourself so you can be true to everyone else.
06/24/06 6:37 PM GMT
Good one. Looks sort of "stretched out". Great colors, too.
0∈ [?]
06/24/06 7:18 PM GMT
EXCELLENT WORK. Another for the fav folder. I looks like a spaceship taking off or something. Excellent colour scheme for the design. You have really out done yourself with this one.
0∈ [?]
Suicide is man's way of tell God "YOU CAN'T FIRE ME I QUIT."
06/25/06 2:11 AM GMT
Thanks guys! I had fun making this one..=)
0∈ [?]
"Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the sun -Pablo Picasso My Gallery
06/25/06 1:15 PM GMT
Great work and nice colours.
0∈ [?]
If you love something, set it free. It it comes back to you, it is yours. If it does not, it was never meant to be. Wil
06/26/06 12:06 AM GMT
This is awsome Larry, I like the webbed look near the bottom!
0∈ [?]
Joga Bonito Check this out!
06/26/06 2:23 AM GMT
Thanks Wil and Nigel! I appreciate the support..=)
0∈ [?]
"Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the sun -Pablo Picasso My Gallery
06/26/06 2:34 AM GMT
0∈ [?]
06/27/06 3:13 AM GMT
AAAACK… *runs away*

*hides behind the Smurf Brigade*

Is it friendly? 8•P
0∈ [?]
06/27/06 2:43 PM GMT
wow! perfect name for such a fabulous post.
0∈ [?]
Desire is half of life; indifference is half of death. Kahlil Gibran
06/28/06 10:00 PM GMT
EWWW AHHHHH. Far out & wicked man!!! This is great stuff! Right onto my desktop it goes!! ;)
0∈ [?]
Don't tell me what you're gonna do. Tell me what you've done. - Dale Earnhardt - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My Gallery ~~~~~~~ My Website~~~~~~~~~~~~~
06/29/06 1:09 AM GMT
Thanks everybody! Don't worry Cat! Yes, he's friendly..=)
0∈ [?]
"Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the sun -Pablo Picasso My Gallery
05/20/07 10:06 AM GMT
You could do this stuff in your sleep. Very imaginative and of course it's well done.
0∈ [?]
05/20/07 1:57 PM GMT
Thanks Robert, I appreciate the great comment, but Apophysis takes a lot of practice to really achieve anything. ;)
0∈ [?]
NOW POSTING AT DEVIANT ART~~~Actionjack52 ___________Willie: Some people are so blinded by the thirst for money, that it causes them to lose their values, and do things they shouldn't do. ALF: Well, that explains Ghostbusters II. MY GALLERY
12/09/08 7:35 PM GMT
When I look at it, I see a peacock. Then I saw a peacock splattered all over a wall. But I like my first look better.
Congratulations on a job well done.
0∈ [?]
Quoth the Raven, Nevermore.
06/29/09 6:44 AM GMT
I like this. It's a combination of the four elements visually, and totally cool fractal as well.
Excellent job!
0∈ [?]
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.

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