
  Prince on flower  

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Uploaded: 08/21/07 8:43 AM GMT
Prince on flower
Views: 862
Dlds: 118
Status: active

Prince on a flower?, or is it just a frog? Ladies, give it a kiss, and you will see!


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08/21/07 9:54 AM GMT
Good capture. How did you sneak up on him without him jumping in the water? Nice sharp image.
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Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual. Edward Weston
08/21/07 10:52 AM GMT
An excellent capture, and great in full screen. Lots of clarity
and detail. Think I'll pass on the kiss, and keep the Prince I've already got. Thanks for sharing...Jacquie
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Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again.
08/21/07 11:29 AM GMT
I must disagree with Russ and Jacquie, because there is virtually no detail at all in the petals of the water lily -- they've been "blown out" by the overexposure. This is one of those photos where one should simply say, "Perhaps I'll have better luck next time, and THEN I'll post it to Caedes."
0∈ [?]
08/21/07 12:09 AM GMT
WELL. I love it, but I can't tell if this guy is a huge prince/frog or it's a small lilly... It's a great desk top image! ~Mary~
0∈ [?]
08/21/07 12:37 AM GMT
Wow, what a classic fairy tale shot. I must confess though, I tried kissing the little frog, all i got was a wart :(

Nice job man.
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There are 00000010 kinds of people in the world. Those who speak binary and those who don't. -mw
08/21/07 1:00 PM GMT
@ Greg
Hoi, Greg!. Thanks for your honest opinion, and comment on
'Prince on flower'!
I fully agree with you,there are no detail at all in the petals of the water lily, except a few petals on the bottum of the flower!
But mabey you know, also, it is very hard because of the
reflectting of sunlight on a white surface !
.......This is one of those photos where one should simply say, "Perhaps I'll have better luck next time, and THEN I'll post it to Caedes.".......

Well I think this is not very nice of you to say, to me, as well
to all the other caedes members!
If we all do so, I think that a score of 99,9% of all the uploads to caedes, can be canceled!
If everybody upload perfect images,a permanent gallery is not neccecary!
I like to learn, and I like to learn from you, and other members
how to improve my uploads!
No hard feelings!

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MY PHOTOGRAFIC VISION... I am not an artist, I only let you see with my eyes...!
08/21/07 1:12 PM GMT
An interesting photo but to make the photo even better I would reduce the saturation and exposure on part of the photo or if you don't have the software, the whole photo. This will bring out the main subject of the frog and lily. If this reduces the brightness of the surrounding area, then crop out most of it and you will have a very nice photo.
0∈ [?]
08/21/07 1:35 PM GMT
John, it appears that you already knew that the photo was overexposed, without needing me (or anyone else) to tell you that. I'm wondering if you took more than one shot of this frog, perhaps at different exposure settings? In bright light, it's always worthwhile to try a few extra shots at reduced exposure levels. They will require some after-the-fact image editing, but the details will be preserved.
0∈ [?]
08/21/07 5:24 PM GMT
Hallo John, ik heb zojuist je foto bewonderd en je bovenstaande verhaal gelezen en ben het voor 100% met je eens. De ene keer is een opname gewoon beter geslaagd dan de andere keer. Maar door eerlijk en constructief aan elkaar te zeggen wat er mogelijkerwijs aan een foto verbeterd kan worden, kunnen we daar alleen maar van leren. Het moet echter niet ontaarden in muggenzifterij. Caedes is een foto-site voor amateurs die plezier aan hun hobby beleven en geen site voor 'C-index killers' en dat moet volgens mij ook zo blijven. In dat licht bezien is je foto voor mij gewoon een schitterend exemplaar. Ik heb wel eens eerder tegen je gezegd dat het niet alleen lijkt dat je je camera 24 uur per dag bij je hebt maar daarnaast ook nog eens altijd daar schijnt te zijn waar mooie foto's gemaakt kunnen worden. Je bent al te lang met fotograferen bezig om dat als 'beginnersgeluk' te kwalificeren. Mijn welgemeende complimenten met deze 'fantastische' (let op de dubbele betekenis) opname. Groet, Cornelius
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Please tell it to another when you like my work. If you don't like my work, please tell it me
08/21/07 6:55 PM GMT
Hi John, I'm still sticking to my comment on clarity and detail.
I think the water droplets and reflections, the pondweed and the frog have come out really well. Only the finer details seem to have been lost on the white petals due to the light, but to me that seemed irrelevant against the rest of the image. I know I am only an amateur, but I am here to enjoy my time on Caedes looking at the photography and learning, giving and receiving support along the regards...Jacquie
0∈ [?]
Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again.
08/21/07 7:04 PM GMT
John, it's true that this is a bit overexposed and so the detail of the flower is not seen, but it doesn't really stop me from liking this. True, it would be a tad better with a shorter exposure time, but there's still good clarity and the composition and colors are good. And if we could have everything to be perfect at each upload we wouldn't learn anything and it wouldn't be so much fun. I personally have learned quite a bit on this site, and I still have a lot to learn, but that's the whole fun of it!
Well done on this, it's very nice!

PS: As desperate as I am to find a Prince I don't think I'll kiss my monitor's screen lol ;)
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"To The World You Might Be One Person; But To One Person You Might Be the World." My Gallery
08/22/07 4:20 AM GMT
Salut(with French accent), John! I really like this photo: beautifully coloured and lovely composed!..nice job!!!
0∈ [?]
08/24/07 12:44 AM GMT
this is a perfect shot!
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