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Uploaded: 06/03/06 3:39 AM GMT
Views: 11030
Dlds: 6145
Status: active

Fun with radiation


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06/03/06 4:53 AM GMT
Beautiful work here. I really love the tropical look of it and the aurora is really gorgeous! The glow beyond the horizon is really neat and the palm tree silhouettes look great against the blue. Great job! and into my favs!
5∈ [?]
Tomorrow might never be | When you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything - Doc Brown | My Gallery
06/03/06 9:14 AM GMT
You did quite an excelent job with this. Normally I pass over such simple renders with Bryce, but what struck me was the elements in it that suggest both an Earthly and Unearthly feel to it. Even though there are palm trees there, it really looks like an alien planet.

The shades of purple are rather perfect, and the lens flare pretty much tops it off very well to make it crisp. The rendering clarity itself is done very well. Nice job.

Kind of a shame that it is too small for my desktop however, but regardless it is a good piece of art work.
5∈ [?]
"The person who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt the person doing it." -Chinese Proverb
06/03/06 11:01 AM GMT
Very Cool Russ!
The sky is magnificant! Looks like those palm trees got hit by one of our Florida Hurricanes!!!
5∈ [?]
06/03/06 12:08 AM GMT
Automatically goes into my fav's! A beautiful piece of work here Russ, with beautiful colours. The palm trees were a nice addition, and I love the setting sun in the distant. All in all, this is wonderful. ~ Jen
5∈ [?]
06/03/06 12:30 AM GMT
This is nice. I like the speculative feel and the purple hue. The stars are a nice touch.
5∈ [?]
06/03/06 4:57 PM GMT
stunning 3d! very beautiful, nice choice of blues & violets too.
5∈ [?]
"If the world didn't suck... we would all fall off" --unknown
06/03/06 8:02 PM GMT
Another excellent work, Russ.
5∈ [?]
06/04/06 1:56 AM GMT
Unreal. Spectacular! anne :-)
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auntie anne
06/07/06 12:23 AM GMT
Reminds me of a dream I had once....stark, yet peaceful...two thumbs up.
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Once I thought I was wrong, I was mistaken....
06/07/06 3:29 AM GMT
Woosaaa! I love it, just simply love it. I'd make it into a cell phone background and put it on my phone, just fits. Great composition, nice colors, it has an unreal sense, an epic sense, to it. Kudos!
5∈ [?]
06/14/06 2:12 AM GMT
I love all of the effects you have going here - this is a wonderful picture for a desktop!
5∈ [?]
08/21/06 10:12 PM GMT
This rendering has a flow about though moving through the water in effort to get to this mysterious isle...the sky work is beautifully done and the stars add just the right touch to make it all seem so real....Beautiful

Scary Gurl
5∈ [?]
Dont get up on my account, just relax take it easy live care free....ohhh come now dont be scared....not just yet, I'm on a mission....
11/25/06 8:35 AM GMT
What an eery and yet beautiful creation! The water is dark and frightening, yet not
stormy, yet it gives that feeling. The palms being tilted like that look like they are in
a storm, and yet that they might be growing that direction normally. I really like the
whole effect of this creation of yours. The purple streaks in the sky are magic! All in
all this is perfectly done Russ...Verena
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"Simplicity is Elegance" Henry David Thoreau
06/19/07 2:36 AM GMT
i cant believe this image has been here so long and i have never noticed it ! great job , amazing
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- Dylan (none of my pictures have ever been edited , they are straight from the camera)
10/08/07 8:43 PM GMT
Wonderful image! Great colours :)
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"Everyone has a photographic memory...some just don't have film."
10/08/07 8:53 PM GMT
Wow, that's beautiful. A definite FAV :) Sarah
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Hi I'm Sarah. My motto is if you like cats, you can't be ALL bad. :)
02/01/08 11:32 PM GMT
i took a closer look and faved it. it was like some image from a dream that i was looking at. thanks for sharing.
5∈ [?]
"more men fail for lack of purpose than lack of talent." billy sunday

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