
  Tunnel Vision  

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Uploaded: 12/11/17 7:55 AM GMT
Tunnel Vision
Views: 1247
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Status: active

I like this topic better :) I'm placing this one under Manipulation because...well if i don't I feel some will have a fit, not that I care either way!

However, I do care that the general public that might see it? think this can be done with a camera. then again, to some degree it actually can be while moving. I'll spare you the techno jargon

Actually in the sense of a Manipulation ( Pixels added, or pixels subtracted) it really isnt...just merely smeared.


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12/11/17 11:48 AM GMT
Oh I like the effect here my friend, and I love that drive with that stone wall. That garden is one my favorite places when I visit. The motion effect is superb, and the color pops in this one. Kudos!
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Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
12/11/17 1:55 PM GMT
Good example of how to move down a road with a still image.
3∈ [?]
Jeff Hamilton
12/11/17 7:58 PM GMT
Wow, almost warp speed here...hope the driver has a steady hand...clever manip just by smearing.
3∈ [?]
A camera didn't make a great picture anymore than a typewriter wrote a great novel. (Peter Adams)
12/12/17 6:57 PM GMT
Marvelous effect/work with the camera my friend, so this is what tunnel vision looks like. Excellent motion in this scene
3∈ [?]
12/13/17 3:28 AM GMT
No, Chris, no "merely" about it. This extrapolation of pixels, reproducing the sensation of quick acceleration, is very cool. And yes, I know it can be done manually with a camera, I did it years ago with a film Minolta. It's a matter of pairing the right iso and f-stop exposure, in low light, exposing the image long enough to imprint part of it, then extending the barrel to create the motion. The result isn't exactly what you've created here but it's similar. Nice job... I like it.

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12/13/17 4:31 PM GMT
....I'll spare you the techno jargon....

Well that said Huuummm...or not said a great effect don't see much motion blur on Caedes good one.

3∈ [?]
The reason why the sun sets in the evening is because it wants to see the sunrise in the morning. I rise in the morning because I want to see them both. RvdB
12/13/17 6:58 PM GMT
I'm not sure actually what your talking about,Nik...but you have never steered me wrong in technique before. Mocho good advice given i have appreciated in the past.

My way was a little more simple, yet hard to explain but I'll give it a try.) and i did it by accident one day while the wife was driving down the freeway, with me playing with the camera out the side window(still inside the car though, to those who know me that must be clarified, sad to admit.) the shutter speeds have to be a little on the slow side but still in somewhat the range of hand held, this all happens very fast! now with the hand moving rather fast and then a sudden stop and hold at the end...timing is is a steady hand.

hold the camera at the side window in a moving vehicle, point behind you out the window of what your passing( when traveling at 70 mph, which I was at the don't take but holding it straight in front, at lower speeds. 90 degrees parallel with the road, so to speak. close down apertures, lowest ISO, metering, all the things you need to do to slow done shutter speed, yet get a good exposure shot.(depending on the time of day? settings will depend on daylight) pan the camera from one side of the open window to the next. and when the shutter closes you will be fixed on what target you choose ahead.

think of it as if you see something ahead and you keep your eyes on it even to the point your about to pass it. its in plain sight until you pass it with no blur to your vision, is it not? now reverse that same process with a little panning of the camera/just before...and come from the other direction(back to front) Poof! you get a little blur of what you were passing and then the subject your pointing at in front of you. took me about ten tries to figure it out before i got it right to a point i can repeat. which luck in a shot is great but im one that has to understand it so i can repeat and understand... why? how? that's all that matters to me. the effect will not be as great, as in this Manipulation...but the same effect. get an understanding of the technique and possibilities are endless.

so in closing: its just a quick pan/or slide up ahead and sudden stop and hold on your subject(once the shutter is open). in terms of easy? depends how steady your hand is?
If you have ever shot a rifle looking into a scope at a moving target? you now get a bigger picture of what i mean. your open eye is that shutter open until you blink or pull that trigger...then its all over with at that point! end of frame.

I'm sorry if I am not to clear on my explanation. I always find it easier to show someone then to explain how. then they understand why, how!

Merry Christmas! everyone.
0∈ [?]
Do not correct a Fool, or he will hate you. Correct a Wise man and he will appreciate you.
12/14/17 2:30 AM GMT
Goodness!!! When I opened this up I thought it would suck me in. Whoosh!!! Got some zooooom going Sty.
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