
Homepage for .Gabbels


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The Netherlands 
23 Dec 1974 (50 years) 
09/10/06 3:01 PM GMT11/04/15 1:04 PM GMT 

Recent Works by Gabbels: (full gallery)

loyal subject by Gabbels, photography->pets gallery Helleborus by Gabbels, photography->flowers gallery Not the first by Gabbels, photography->nature gallery
loyal subject Helleborus Not the first


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03/03/09 10:00 PM GMT
Hi Gabi and Thanks for commenting on my squirrel picture “Rocky The Too Fat To Fly Squirrel” It was my first time in the park since last Fall.
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03/03/09 10:02 PM GMT
Thanks again Gabi for taking the time to comment on my squirrel picture “Happy” I was trying out some new gear when I encountered this happy little squirrel.
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03/03/09 11:34 PM GMT
Hi my friend! Bigtime thanx go to you for enjoying my Bannack series like you do. It means a lot when someone truly enjoys my photos and tells me so. I'm loving posting the ghost town images. I have many, but they photos aren't too sharp, but thank you again...verena
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"Every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes, and dance." Oprah
03/04/09 12:47 AM GMT
Hi Gabrielle
Thank you for your nice comment you left at "Ghost Castle". They are very much appreciated
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03/04/09 4:36 PM GMT
Thank you very much Gabrielle for the comment on "Blazing (rework)".
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03/05/09 2:25 PM GMT
Thanks Gabrielle for commenting on my picture “Tree Rage” I make my best squirrel sound and it Usually gets their attention.

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03/05/09 2:49 PM GMT
Thanks Gabrielle for the comments on my picture “Tail Top” The squirrels are still sporting their winter coats.

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03/09/09 5:19 PM GMT
*** I love these flower images more then your motorcycle images... sorry think its a female thing. LOL*** hehehe ;-) nou of het een vrouwelijk... op die eerste twee motor postings zaten toch twee dames ! hehe, maar ik weet wat je bedoeld hebt. Speciaal voor jou vandaag weer twee natuur/bloemen postings. Eens kijken of ik er nog meer kan vinden in in m'n oudere files en daarmee m'n aantal holland postings wat kan opkrikken. Bedankt voor alle replies van de laatste tijd !
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03/09/09 7:51 PM GMT
Hello Gabrielle,
thanks for writing a comment on the eyes behind the mask.
I directed the whole shoot and had a team of 5 girls to help me.
I did not apply the paint myself, since we have a girl for each specific job on makeup, hair, paint, etc.
But the paint goes much furhter than just the face. The whole shoot took about 5 hours.
The reactions of people is very different (naturally), but I like the change of photography and to put it on Caedes.
Personally I like this very much, also because it takes the challenge a few steps further. I have to work with a team and as we practice we help each other with school projects and portfolios. So it is kind of a win win situations.
And from one shoot comes another and another...
And so I get into contact with more and more people and challenges.
0∈ [?]
If you can't find the words, you may as well shoot it...
03/10/09 6:06 PM GMT
Thank you very much Gabrielle for leaving nice words on "Young Seagull resting on a rock".It could be a little too bright,i used some contrast though.
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03/11/09 5:24 PM GMT
Thank you Gabrielle for the nice comment on "Bright Daffodils",it is really nice of you.
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03/12/09 11:28 PM GMT
Thank you very much Gabrielle for leaving a nice comment on "Wild sea".
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03/13/09 9:01 PM GMT
Many thanks,Gabrielle,for your nice words on "Magnolia petals"!..I'm so glad you enjoyed it!..Have a nice weekend!
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03/14/09 3:22 AM GMT
Thanks Gabrielle for commenting on my picture “Fan Tail” This picture was extremely back lit and under exposed and I was going to delete but decided to give it a shot in Photo Shop and liked the results.
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03/14/09 3:55 AM GMT
Thanks again for the comments on my squirrel picture “It’s My Nutt” This shot this picture in the Fall of 2007.
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03/14/09 10:55 AM GMT
Thank you so much for leaving your nice words on "Blue flower". I'm happy you liked it. :)
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03/14/09 10:56 PM GMT
The comment on "Bordeaux and yellow Pansy" is very appreciated,thank you very much Gabrielle.
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03/16/09 10:15 AM GMT
Gabrielle, ik had de verkeerde crocus ge-upload, en die heb ik vervangen voor een andere !
Maar heel erg bedankt voor je leuke 'comment' !
0∈ [?]
-*A Wallpaper is worth a million words - And I leave them Speechless!*- ...
03/16/09 7:27 PM GMT
Thank you Gabrielle for the nice words on "Yellow Pansy",very nice of you.
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03/16/09 10:52 PM GMT
Thanks Gabrielle
For taking time to visit and commenting on "Scattered"I appreciate it:)
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03/17/09 12:18 AM GMT
Thanks Gabrielle for taking the time to comment on my picture “Free Flyer” These birds are quite abundant down at the Des Moines River but fast and a bit of a challenge to photograph.
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03/17/09 2:14 PM GMT
Thanks Gabi for the nice words on Opie and friends. Hope you are doing better.

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May you never forget what is worth remembering, Or remember what is best forgotten.
03/17/09 3:12 PM GMT
Thanks Gabi for your nice comment on "Art Glass For Mimi" I hope she likes it if she sees it that is
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Please visit my gallery..and vote on what picture I should delete
03/17/09 11:35 PM GMT
Your comments on Sea Garden are appreciated, Thank you. Tom
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03/18/09 5:35 PM GMT
Hi Gabi the Villa Gardens are the Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota Florida the grounds and gardens are also treated and cherished as works of art and they are.
Thank you for stopping by,
0∈ [?]
Please visit my gallery..and vote on what picture I should delete
03/19/09 4:57 PM GMT
Hi Gabi,Thanks for commenting,on Rocky Coastline,We had,one hell of a Day,on our Club Day out,to Whitley Bay.
Thanks Again Brian..
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03/20/09 3:47 AM GMT
Thanks Gabi for the comments on my Gull picture “Glider” It was nice to get the camera out and shoot a few after a long cold winter.
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03/21/09 4:14 PM GMT
Thank you for commenting on "Scattered" I appreciated it:)
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03/21/09 5:22 PM GMT
Hi Gabrielle
Thank you for checking out "Lightwave" and giving it a great comment:)
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03/22/09 7:49 PM GMT
Thank you Gabrielle for the nice words on "Red Camellia (2)",really nice of you.
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03/22/09 9:20 PM GMT
Hi Gabrielle
Thanks for your very nice comment recently on"Spirit".
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03/24/09 6:19 PM GMT
Thanks Gabi for the comments on my picture “Jaws” I didn’t notice how wide a squirrel can open its mouth until I saw this picture.
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03/24/09 8:20 PM GMT
Thank you Gabrielle for the nice words on "Pink Camellia (3)",it is very appreciated.
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03/25/09 2:01 AM GMT
Thank you for your comment on my self picture. i was extremly iffy on posting it!!

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Don't worry be happy now :)
03/27/09 1:07 PM GMT
Thanks Gabi for the comments on my squirrel picture “Got a Grip” This squirrel seemed to be quit fascinated with this twig.

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03/27/09 10:37 PM GMT
pleased you liked it gabbi re 'havachillax'
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03/28/09 5:16 PM GMT
Thanks Gabi for the comments on my Gull picture “Pass It To Me” All my Gull pictures were shot at the Saylorville Dam on the Des Moines river.
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04/04/09 6:39 PM GMT
Thanks Gabi,for your comments ,On The Rocks,are really appreciated.
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04/08/09 1:19 PM GMT
Thanks so much for your comments on Joey!
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Anxiously waiting for spring!
04/09/09 10:03 AM GMT
Dank je Gabrielle voor je reply op de molens.. fijne dag, Mich.
0∈ [?]
04/15/09 6:33 PM GMT
Thanks Gabi for the nice comments on Notso Wiley Coyote. Much appeciated.


0∈ [?]
Insure what you touch during your lifetime, is not coated with the fingerprints of apathy....Tick
04/21/09 6:09 AM GMT
Hi Gabi!!! I want to thank you for taking time to stop by the front page article and leaving congratulatory words. I am very humbled and still a bit stunned but so blessed to be such a small part of a huge world wide website like
I know that you too, are a lover of nature. Thank you for being a teacher for me Gabi :~)
0∈ [?]
08/10/09 9:31 AM GMT
you mind if i put your profil in my friendlist, like your work very much
kindest regards
0∈ [?]
08/21/09 3:09 PM GMT
Héééé....., Gabbels !
Uit het oog, maar nog niet uit het hart !
Leuk weer eens van je te horen !, en ik hoop dat alles
goed is met jullie !
Bedankt dat je even langs kwam bij m'n molen "De Kaai" !
Zeer gewaardeerd !
Groetjes !
0∈ [?]
-*A Wallpaper is worth a million words - And I leave them Speechless!*- ...
08/27/09 1:09 PM GMT
Zeker weer fijn om van jou te horen Gabrielle! Mich
0∈ [?]
08/27/09 1:50 PM GMT
Thanks for the nice comments on End Of The Line Gabi. Nice to see you back.


0∈ [?]
Insure what you touch during your lifetime, is not coated with the fingerprints of apathy....Tick
08/27/09 3:50 PM GMT
Thank you very much Gabrielle for the friendly comment on "Red and white Begonias".It is nice to see you again.Have a nice week.
0∈ [?]
08/27/09 5:12 PM GMT
Hoi, Gabbels !
Thanks for stopping by on "Poffertjes time" !
If you like to make some of yourself, here the recipe !


Eet smakelijk !
0∈ [?]
-*A Wallpaper is worth a million words - And I leave them Speechless!*- ...
09/03/09 9:04 AM GMT
When there is not even a breeze en het paard.. dank je voor je fijne woorden! Mich
0∈ [?]
09/03/09 10:30 AM GMT
Hi Gabrielle,
thank you for your comment on my pic "Cat Shadow".
0∈ [?]
And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."
09/03/09 1:58 PM GMT
Thanks Gabi for dropping by and commenting on the Just That Way series. Much appreciated.


0∈ [?]
Insure what you touch during your lifetime, is not coated with the fingerprints of apathy....Tick
09/03/09 4:30 PM GMT
Thank you Gabrielle for the friendly words on "Yellow Osteospermum for Sandi (Tigger3)",it is really appreciated.Have a nice week.
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09/03/09 4:50 PM GMT
Thank you very much Gabrielle for the kind comment on "Pink and white Dahlia".Thank you for using it as your desktop as well.
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09/04/09 5:25 PM GMT
Thanks, Gabbels, for your nice comments !
Wish you a nice week-end !
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-*A Wallpaper is worth a million words - And I leave them Speechless!*- ...
09/05/09 12:27 AM GMT
Thank you for your kind comments on "Waiting"
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09/09/09 12:30 AM GMT
Thank you. I'm glad you liked my Wood Stork!
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09/09/09 2:03 PM GMT
Thanks for all your comments Gabrielle..That Nikon lens is one of the best I've had..R.
0∈ [?]
Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
09/09/09 2:53 PM GMT
Thank you very much Gabrielle for the friendly comment on "Country landscape".Thank you for the good luck wishes as well.
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09/09/09 7:48 PM GMT
Blij met je aardige woorden Gabrielle! Mich
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09/11/09 2:53 PM GMT
Thank you very much Gabrielle for the nice words on "View on the lake".Have a nice weekend.
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09/11/09 2:58 PM GMT
Thank you Gabrielle for leaving a kind message on "Lake landscape and vegetation",it is really appreciated.
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11/18/09 2:31 PM GMT
Thank you Gabrielle for the message on "Forest mushroom",it is really appreciated.Have a good week.
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11/18/09 3:22 PM GMT
Bedankt gabrielle voor de mooie comment..Silence*
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Carpe Diem.....Joost..
11/20/09 3:30 AM GMT
Thanks a lot Gabi for your kind comment on "Flags"!
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12/05/09 9:53 AM GMT
Hallo Gabrielle,

Hartelijk dank voor je gelukwensen ter gelegenheid van het feit dat ik in november in de Caedes schijnwerpers mocht staan.

Heb je mooie woorden, zoals gewoonlijk, hooglijk gewaardeerd, vriend.

Knuffel & hartelijke groet van Cornelius.
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Cornelius was here either to enjoy your image or say 'thank you' for your interest in my gallery. In the first case, please CLICK HERE to see my work!
12/09/09 3:14 PM GMT
Thank you Gabrielle for the message on "Golden sky,sea and silhouetted rocks",it is very nice of you.Have a good week.
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12/10/09 3:15 AM GMT
Thanks Gabrielle for commenting on my picture “Wood Duck” I’m surprised this picture turned out as well as it did seeing it was shot through a chain link fence.
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12/10/09 3:20 AM GMT
Thanks again Gabrielle for commenting on my picture “The Hunt” This wild Heron does not like people so getting close enough for a photograph is very hard.
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12/16/09 2:34 PM GMT
The Robin a Harbinger of snow and it's forecast for Friday..R.
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Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
12/18/09 1:17 AM GMT
Thanks Gabrielle for commenting on my picture “Natures Nectar” I took a little different angle for this hunger butterfly.

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12/18/09 1:21 AM GMT
Thanks Gabrielle for commenting on another of my Gull pictures “Tight Turn” I used a Canon 7D with a Canon 400mm lens for this capture.

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12/18/09 1:42 PM GMT
Thanks Gabrielle for commenting on my butterfly picture “Natures Nectar” It was shot with a 100mm macro at Reiman Gardens on the campus of Iowa State University.

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08/30/10 8:36 PM GMT
It is good to hear from you again,thank you Gabrielle for the comment on "Moss in woods",it is very nice of you.Have a pleasant week.
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08/31/10 2:42 PM GMT
Gabrielle,thank you for leaving a comment on "Mushroom in moss",it is very appreciated.
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09/06/10 2:22 PM GMT
Thanks Gabrielle..She was only preening herself..R.
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“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”
09/06/10 11:06 PM GMT
Thanks Gabrielle, for the nice comment on Cats Outta The Bag.

0∈ [?]
You are only given one life make the most of it for God and others around you.
09/08/10 5:44 PM GMT
Thank you.West Burton falls is near the village..Just a short walk to the pub for lunch..R.
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“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”
09/08/10 8:57 PM GMT
Thank you Gabrielle for the comment on "September sunset (2)",it is very appreciated.Have a pleasant week.
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09/09/10 7:04 PM GMT
Thanks, Gabrielle, for your kind comments on "Spring Snowfall." I appreciate it.

— Steve
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09/11/10 7:11 PM GMT
Many thanks for having left your comments.
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11/23/10 11:13 PM GMT
Thanks Gabrielle...They are pretty..R.
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A pretty face is fine but what a farmer needs is a woman that can carry a pig under each arm
11/24/10 5:11 PM GMT
Ref: "Cool, Clear, Water"You wrote: "Great shot of this scenery with that clear clear water.
Lucky for me I was just in time to see the clearness of the water before Owd Bob jumped in... LOL

Oooooooooooooooooooh, that's good about Bob. I hope he sees it!
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11/24/10 5:26 PM GMT
Thanks Gabrielle for your kind words on"Light on White"!...I'm glad you liked it!
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11/25/10 3:18 PM GMT
Thank you Gabrielle for the information about your lenses,have a good week.
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11/26/10 3:37 AM GMT
Thank you Gabrielle for the warm welcome......Hugo
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11/26/10 10:43 PM GMT
Gabrielle,thank you,have a good weekend too.
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12/01/10 2:12 AM GMT
Thank you Gabrielle,you are right,snow is a great opportunity to take photos.Have a pleasant week.
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12/01/10 8:35 PM GMT
I make it that way and put it on a bed of Pilau rice..The correct way is to add the rice..But to me ,It makes it a little dry....R.
0∈ [?]
A pretty face is fine but what a farmer needs is a woman that can carry a pig under each arm
12/04/10 8:09 PM GMT
Thanks so much, Gabrielle, for the nice comment on After Midnight...the original was taken during the day of cloudy skies and had an eagle in the sky.
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12/06/10 6:40 PM GMT
Thanks Gabrielle..It doesn't replace my 7D..But I feel i may have saved a little money on a long lens...R.
0∈ [?]
A pretty face is fine but what a farmer needs is a woman that can carry a pig under each arm
12/06/10 9:07 PM GMT
Thank you so much for dropping by & commenting on "In Dreams Reality!"
0∈ [?]
I've got amnesia & deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before ! ... That was Zen, but this is Tao !!! ...CLICK TO SAVE LIVES !
12/10/10 6:11 AM GMT
Hi Gabrielle, thanks very much for popping by Glory on High and leaving your nice comment...I'm pleased you liked the addition I made to the skies and I appreciate your time and feedback.
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12/14/10 6:04 AM GMT
Hi Gabrielle, thanks for the visit and comment on A Bizarre Perspective?...not sure yet if I'll leave it in the contest...depends if I have time to do something else...but I appreciate your time and feedback.
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10/08/11 4:01 AM GMT
Missing your photograph for a long long time ....Bijan
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11/23/11 3:57 PM GMT
Jouw woorden worden zeer gewaardeerd door mij Gabrielle! Groetjes Mich
0∈ [?]
11/30/11 7:21 AM GMT
I'm happy you've enjoyed my latest macro pictures Gabrielle. Although it's a tiny niche of photography, it has its own unique beauty and surprises. Small life at this level has a whole level of detail we just can't see and revealing some of it this way has me thrilled with photography again. Glad you're along for the ride.
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There are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. W.S.
12/01/11 7:02 PM GMT
Hallo Gabrielle,

Hoop dat alles wel is.
Ik zie dat je alweer geruime tijd commentaar levert op mijn foto's. Van mijn kant wordt jouw support zeer gewaardeerd.
Ik vond het tijd om dat maar weer eens aan je kenbaar te maken.

Hartelijke groet, Cornelius.
0∈ [?]
Try to change what you can't accept, but accept what you can't change. Please CLICK HERE to see my journal!
12/18/11 5:21 PM GMT
waiting for your photo..........merry christmas and happy new year ........bijan 18.12.2011
0∈ [?]
12/22/11 6:15 PM GMT
Wishing you a Very Happy Happy Birthday my dear friend. Needless to say it's tomorrow, Dec. 23rd . Hope you can take a chance to relax and have lots of great food, laughs and fun with your dear family & friends.
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01/14/12 11:50 PM GMT
Thanks for your comments on Lily Pads..Tom
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