
Homepage for .cctruckee


Real Name:
Carol Culver De Leo
Creds [?]:
Chiang Mai, Thailand 
1954 (71 years) 
10/31/04 6:12 PM GMT07/15/20 3:48 AM GMT 

Recent Works by cctruckee: (full gallery)

Mother and Child by cctruckee, Photography->Animals gallery Love Birds by cctruckee, Photography->Birds gallery Thai friends by cctruckee, Photography->Animals gallery
Mother and Child Love Birds Thai friends


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08/14/08 7:51 PM GMT
Thank you Carol for stopping by and leaving a nice comment on "Petunias and little yellow flowers",it is very appreciated.Thank you also for the good luck wishes,it is nice of you.
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08/19/08 8:14 PM GMT
Thank you Carol for the nice comment on "Swan near a little pond",it is really nice of you.
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08/19/08 8:16 PM GMT
Thank you very much Carol for the kind comment on "Yellow flower".
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08/19/08 8:19 PM GMT
Thank you Carol for the nice words on "White and yellow flower",it is much appreciated.
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08/19/08 8:31 PM GMT
Thank you very much Carol for leaving a kind comment on "Yellow flowers and green leaves".Thank you again for the good luck wish,it is nice of you.
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08/19/08 10:08 PM GMT
Thanks so much Carol for the really nice comments on Buck. I am pleased you thought it was OK. Have a good evening.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
08/19/08 10:12 PM GMT
Thanks also for taking a look at Mrs. Frog. Yes, old Filbert couldn't leave well enough alone. Glad you liked the story and photo.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
08/20/08 1:56 AM GMT
Thanx for commenting on Bad Moon Rising. Intersting how much difference there is in monitors. You were the only one who said it was to dark. On my computer here at home itlooks fine - but at my work computer I was shocked at how dark it appeared!

0∈ [?]
Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want...
08/20/08 6:23 AM GMT
Hello Carol....Many thanks for your comments on (RAINBOW)they are very much appreciated...Just before this picture was taken it had been raining very hard....The sun came out and I was given this opportunity to capture this scene on camera....Thankyou again Carol....All the best to you....Mick.
0∈ [?]
08/22/08 6:52 PM GMT
Thank you Carol for leaving a nice comment on "Bumble bee on thistle",it is much appreciated.
0∈ [?]
08/22/08 7:35 PM GMT
Thanks Carol for comments on Let The Sun Shine In. I think it wasn't a very good attempt at what I was trying. Next time I will do better. Thanks for the honesty. As for the squirrel hunting. Both. lol Have a good weekend.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
08/22/08 7:38 PM GMT
Thanks also Carol for nice words on Last Ride. I am glad you found it a good shot despite it being a hearse. I was worried about that.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
08/22/08 8:39 PM GMT
Thank you very much Carol for stopping by and leaving a kind comment on "Hoverfly on a yellow flower".
0∈ [?]
08/23/08 2:52 AM GMT
Hi Carol thanks for your nice words about my red flower photo I'm glad you liked it.
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08/23/08 2:30 PM GMT
Thanks Slugger for the nice comments on Lillie Langtry. A little bribe never hurts. lol Second would be fine.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
08/23/08 3:35 PM GMT
Thank you Carol for leaving a nice comment on "Castle of Kerguehennec",it is very appreciated.
0∈ [?]
08/24/08 9:06 AM GMT
thax for your comment!
0∈ [?]
exceed gravity and the bounderies of this world in and for CHRIST - Fro
08/24/08 10:51 AM GMT
Hello Carol.....Thankyou for your comments on (TROPICAL CORNWALL)they are very much appreciated....I know the picture invites one to jump into the water,but not for me,the water is quite cold....Thankyou again Carol....All the best to you...Mick.
0∈ [?]
08/24/08 3:00 PM GMT
Thank you very much Carol for the kind comment on "Hoverfly on a purple flower".
0∈ [?]
08/26/08 3:32 AM GMT
Thanks so much Slugger for the comments on Barn In Waiting. Maybe we can get a S.A.B. site going.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
08/26/08 5:41 PM GMT
Thank you Carol for the comment on "Yellow flower (3)",it is really appreciated.
0∈ [?]
08/26/08 7:23 PM GMT
Belated thanks for commenting on 'Marsh Mallow' and 'Skylark' Carol. I've been away and am very behind. I thought the silhouette in 'Skylark' was a bird too, thanks for confirming my suspicion ;-)
0∈ [?]
"The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others merely a green thing which stands in the way." William Blake
08/27/08 11:38 AM GMT
Kia Ora Carol, thanks so much for your kind words on The Church of The Good Shepherd. Glad you like it and appreciate (as always) your comments :)
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The question is not what you look at, but what you see ~ Marcel Proust
08/29/08 7:21 PM GMT
Thanks Slugger for the nice words on Little Boy and the Old Girl. Yes, it is one of my grandson's. As Gomer Pyle would say: "Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!"

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
08/29/08 7:23 PM GMT
Thanks also Slugger for the nice comments on Heat of the Moment. I think PJ did a great job of blending the photos. Have a good Friday.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
08/29/08 7:50 PM GMT
Thank you Carol for the nice words on "Curious",it is much appreciated.
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08/29/08 7:52 PM GMT
Thank you very much Carol for leaving a kind comment on "Black and yellow spider".
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08/29/08 8:08 PM GMT
Thank you Carol for looking in at and commenting on Busy Bee 2. It is much appreciated indeed!
0∈ [?]
08/29/08 8:19 PM GMT
Also thank you Carol for looking in at Entwined Confusion and for your kind comments. I did take quite a few shots of these tendrils, but this was the best one by far that I could make something of. Glad you like it!
0∈ [?]
08/30/08 3:04 AM GMT
Thanks Slugger for the kind words on Buck's Choice. I'm glad you liked it. I don't spend all that long writing the story or looking for a song. I already know the song when I go looking. They all get in my head and want to come out. Maybe I am crazy.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
08/30/08 4:36 PM GMT
Thank you for your comment on Sundial
0∈ [?]
08/31/08 6:56 AM GMT
Hi Carol ... Many thanks for your kind words on "Nature In The City ~ Part 2". If you ever get the chance to visit NYC, you will love Central Park. Glad you enjoyed this. Much appreciation ... Sherree
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Best wide-angle lens? Two steps backward. Look for the 'ah-ha'. Ernest Haas
09/01/08 2:18 AM GMT
Thanks Slugger for the really nice comments on Hopeful. I am glad you liked the post. I appreciate your becoming part of the team.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
09/02/08 9:08 PM GMT
Thank you Carol for your kind thoughts on Waterside View, which are very much appreciated indeed!
0∈ [?]
09/03/08 3:27 AM GMT
My feet are stained beyond recognition Slugger. Thanks for the really nice comments on Red Wine.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
09/03/08 4:34 PM GMT
Hello Carol....Many thanks for taking the time to view (PARTNERS)and for your comments,they are very much appreciated....Thankyou again Carol....All the best to you....Mick.
0∈ [?]
09/03/08 4:54 PM GMT
Thank you Carol for your kind comments on Rock Dreams which are very much appreciated. I used sepia and a little grain effect in this capture which I think helped set the mood. Glad you liked it.
0∈ [?]
09/03/08 9:20 PM GMT
Hi Carol
First I will thank you for your lovely comments on "Late Evening in July 1" much appreciated. Im so glad you like it.
Also thanks for put me on your friend list.
Have a great evening :)
0∈ [?]
09/04/08 2:42 AM GMT
thank you for the nice comment on "gazing through the bars"!

0∈ [?]
09/04/08 5:08 PM GMT
Thank you Carol for looking in and commenting on The Face. It is always appreciated the time and thoughts you have on my work!
0∈ [?]
09/04/08 9:20 PM GMT
Hi Carol,
thanks for the lovely comments on "Late Evening in July 5" much appreciated.
Have a great evening :)
0∈ [?]
09/05/08 5:13 PM GMT
Thanks Carol for commenting on Dum De Dum. I might be a little crazy but it sure is fun. Have a good day.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
09/05/08 5:58 PM GMT
Thank you Carol for your kind comments and observations of The Gatehouse. This was truly a remarkable building to be stood infront of, let alone photograph. Thankyou again for your time and comments which I value and appreciate!
0∈ [?]
09/06/08 5:04 PM GMT
Hi Carol,
thanks for the lovely comments on "Late Evening in July 6" much appreciated.
I think you have right about the little tree :)
Have a great evening :)
0∈ [?]
09/06/08 11:43 PM GMT
Thank you very much Carol for the nice words on "For Sandi".
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09/07/08 8:26 AM GMT
Hello Carol...Many thanks for taking the time to view (CORNISH MINES)and for your comments,they are very much appreciated...Thankyou again Carol....All the best to you...Mick
0∈ [?]
09/08/08 2:20 PM GMT
Thank you Carol for your kind comments on Lacecap which is much appreciated indeed!
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09/10/08 1:25 AM GMT
Thanks so much Slugger for the truly nice comments on Missouri Meadow. Glad you liked it so. Have a good evening.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
09/10/08 7:49 AM GMT
Hi Carol,
thanks for the lovely comments on "Golden Evening" much appreciated.
Have a great day :)
0∈ [?]
09/10/08 8:22 AM GMT
Thanks for your comments on 'The way in' and 'Mr Percival' Carol. It's great to get such a vote of confidence!
0∈ [?]
"A camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." Dorothea Lange
09/10/08 11:08 PM GMT
Thanks Slugger for the nice comments on Black Magic. We will have to wait and see about the foal. lol Have a good evening.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
09/11/08 5:07 PM GMT
Thank you Carol for leaving a kind comment on "Castle of Tredion",it is much appreciated.
0∈ [?]
09/11/08 8:53 PM GMT
Hi Carol,
thanks for the lovely comments on Crystal Light much appreciated.
Have a great evening :)
0∈ [?]
09/12/08 6:15 PM GMT
Thanks Slugger for the words on Ike & 9 11. It doesn't look good as I watch it on TWC. Could be devestating and some people aren't leaving. Wow.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
09/12/08 11:16 PM GMT
Hi Carol, thanks for the lovely comments on Follow The Sun much appreciated.
Here is a link about HDR
Have a great evening :)
0∈ [?]
09/13/08 7:05 AM GMT
Thanks for the lovely comment you left me on 'Pop' Carol. If those things lived in Thailand I don't think I'd go there either!
0∈ [?]
"A camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." Dorothea Lange
09/13/08 9:28 PM GMT
Thank you for your kind comments on Sun-tipped Peacock which are very much appreciated!
0∈ [?]
09/13/08 9:52 PM GMT
Also thank you for your kind comments on Landing Pad. I like to try different things and glad you liked this one!
0∈ [?]
09/17/08 8:41 PM GMT
I'm glad you liked my "spider" !! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great trip!

0∈ [?]
We don’t make art to show someone what something looks like. All this requires is eyes (or a lens). Art is supposed to have meaning, emotion, power, or magic. Alan & Mario "FourThirds"
09/17/08 8:51 PM GMT
Thank you Carol for looking in at Blue Shadows. Your thoughts and time on my work are very much appreciated!
0∈ [?]
09/17/08 8:55 PM GMT
Also thank you for your kind comments on The Birdcage Walk. Glad you like this one!
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09/17/08 9:06 PM GMT
Thank you for your kind comments on Reaching For The Sky. I like to take unusual angles on things sometimes. Glad you like this one!
0∈ [?]
09/17/08 9:15 PM GMT
Thank you for your kind comments on Calke Butterfly too. It is called a Comma due to it having a mark on its under wing in the shape of a comma! Glad you liked this one!
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09/17/08 10:33 PM GMT
Thanks so much Slugger for nice comments on Baseball Curve and Butterfly Dreams. I am pleased you enjoyed the narratives as well. Have a safe trip.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
09/18/08 6:52 AM GMT
Thanks for the great comments on 'Pat and Percival' and 'Fountains Abbey' Carol, what can I say, I'm blushing!
0∈ [?]
"A camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." Dorothea Lange
09/19/08 4:27 AM GMT
Thanks a lot Slugger for commenting on How Yellow Was My Green Valley. I hope your travels are going well. Stay careful.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
09/25/08 5:23 PM GMT
Hello Carol...Thankyou for your comments on (CORNISH CASTLE)they are very much appreciated....The views from the castle are fantastic....Thankyou again Carol...All the best....Mick.
0∈ [?]
09/25/08 6:54 PM GMT
Thank you Carol for the kind comment on "The look",it is very nice of you.Thank you also for the thought about cropping the blur on the right.
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09/25/08 7:13 PM GMT
Thanks Slugger for the really nice comments on Almost a Frog. I will look forward to your Iowa Frogs.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
09/25/08 7:15 PM GMT
Thanks also Slugger for commenting on C'mon Junior. I am glad you liked the photo. Have a good day.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
09/25/08 9:06 PM GMT
Thank you very much Carol for the nice comment on "Mallard".
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09/25/08 11:08 PM GMT
Thanks so much Carol for the kind words on my photo.... I am pleased you liked it.
0∈ [?]
09/26/08 12:16 AM GMT
Thanks Slugger for comments on Horse Weeds. They are really appreciated. I have learned a lot on this site by checking out the discussion board. There are a lot of Knowledgeable and Knice people on this site.. I realize nice doesn't have a K but it looks so good with on. Have a good evening.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
09/26/08 1:56 PM GMT
Hi Carol
It was a fun day and I was proud of everyone’s resolve not to join Hilda’s husband at the bar and get out of the heat.

0∈ [?]
09/28/08 4:26 PM GMT
Thanks Carol for the nice comments on More Horse Weeds. I think you are correct in your appraisal.

I also appreciate your very kind words on R.I.P.

Have a good week.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
09/30/08 1:38 PM GMT
Thanks Slugger for the comments on Don Bull Frog. The next installment will have to wait for spring. They have left for winter headquarters. lol

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
09/30/08 1:40 PM GMT
Thanks also Slugger for comments on Helloooooooooooo. I appreciate the kind words for Stixx as well. Have a good day.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
09/30/08 8:44 PM GMT
Thank you Carol for the nice message on "Mallard (2)",it is really nice of you.
0∈ [?]
10/02/08 5:43 PM GMT
Thank you for the kind words left on 'Grey Crowned Crane'.
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For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, His eternal power and Godhead;... Rom 1:20
10/03/08 1:27 PM GMT
Thanks Carol for taking the time to comment on my frog picture “Portrait Of A Prince”. Unfortunately frog season is coming to an end. I don't think you want to come back when its zero out and a foot of snow to find Kermit.

0∈ [?]
10/08/08 1:34 PM GMT
Thanks Slugger for the really nice comments on I Smell Horses. I agree it is the opinion of the friends that count.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. Anyone who does not like clouds, does not like to dream. The Ghost
10/08/08 1:36 PM GMT
Thanks also Slugger for your comments on No Junior Here and Just One Hump. It is nice to see you back.

I'm also glad you liked Outta Here. I guess you have figured out the secret inGREEDient. lol

Appreciate the words on Elk-POV. I think you are caught up with your comments on my posts. It was very nice of you to take the time.

Have a good week.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. Anyone who does not like clouds, does not like to dream. The Ghost
10/08/08 3:59 PM GMT
Hello Carol....Many thanks for taking the time to view (NATURE'S SILHOUETTES)and for your comments,they are very much appreciated...Thankyou again Carol....All the best to you....Mick.
0∈ [?]
10/09/08 6:16 AM GMT
Hi Carol and thanks for the lovely comment on 'The way down'. I like the idea of a dreamscape. This was taken on a nine-hour hike and there were some fantastic views.
0∈ [?]
"A camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." Dorothea Lange
10/09/08 2:35 PM GMT
Thanks Slugger for comments on Golden Years. Much appreciated. My grandson's team won. It was a perfect day.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. Anyone who does not like clouds, does not like to dream. The Ghost
10/10/08 3:11 PM GMT
Thanks Carol for the comments on my picture “Beauty In Blue” I stopped by the gardens yesterday and shot a few.

0∈ [?]
10/14/08 2:36 AM GMT
Thanks so much Slugger for commenting on The Sentry. It is really appreciated.

Have a good week.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. Anyone who does not like clouds, does not like to dream. The Ghost
10/14/08 4:29 AM GMT
I appreciate your comments on Hummingbird Corridor as well Slugger. Have a good night.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. Anyone who does not like clouds, does not like to dream. The Ghost
10/21/08 1:44 PM GMT
Thanks Carol so much for the nice comments on Lake Show Me. I am glad you liked it. Thanks for the tip from your digital photography class. Much appreciated.

Glad you liked Black Cow Down as well Slugger. If it had been a moose I would have been shocked. lol Have a great day.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. Anyone who does not like clouds, does not like to dream. The Ghost
10/21/08 2:13 PM GMT
Sorry I keep coming back to your house for Tick or Treats Slugger, but you keep saying such nice things. Thanks for fave and glowing remarks on The Usual Suspects.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. Anyone who does not like clouds, does not like to dream. The Ghost
10/21/08 2:22 PM GMT
Thought maybe if I changed costumes, no one would notice. I am glad you liked Ted & Dell as well Slugger.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. Anyone who does not like clouds, does not like to dream. The Ghost
10/21/08 2:37 PM GMT
Thanks Slugger for nice words on The Dressing Room. I think you are caught up. lol I am running out of avies. Have a good day.

I see you have made it to Thailand. Good luck to you.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. Anyone who does not like clouds, does not like to dream. The Ghost
10/21/08 3:41 PM GMT
Hello Carol....Many thanks for taking the time to view (COLOURS OF SUMMER)and for your comments,they are indeed very much appreciated...It is nice to know that you have faved this one....The picture was taken in Scotland...Thankyou again Carol....All the best to you...Mick.
0∈ [?]
10/22/08 6:05 AM GMT
Thanks a lot for your comments on my last two Carol. Hope you're having fun on your travels - what I wouldn't give for your lifestyle!!
0∈ [?]
"A camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." Dorothea Lange
10/23/08 2:21 PM GMT
Thanks Slugger for comments on Last Fishing Hole. It is appreciated.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. Anyone who does not like clouds, does not like to dream. The Ghost
10/23/08 2:29 PM GMT
Thanks too for nice words on Samantha Spayed Slugger. She is about the same color as your cow.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. Anyone who does not like clouds, does not like to dream. The Ghost
10/23/08 3:46 PM GMT
Hello Carol....Many thanks for your kind comments on (WOODLAND)they are indeed very much appreciated...It is a beautiful place to visit and at this time of the year it is even more inviting with nature providing her Autumn colours....Thankyou again Carol....All the best....Mick.
0∈ [?]
10/24/08 11:58 AM GMT
Thanks so much for the wonderful comment on "The Beauty Of The Season" =^..^= sandi ♪
0∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. ♪ ♫ ♪sandi ♪ ♫ ♪
10/25/08 4:03 AM GMT
Thanks Slugger for the nice comments on Good News, Bad News.

I am pleased your son liked it as well.

0∈ [?]
I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. Anyone who does not like clouds, does not like to dream. The Ghost
11/04/08 2:58 AM GMT
Thanks for leaving a comment on my old cabin "Prospects" To answer your question on whether it is Sepia, or black and white, its not really either. I used saturation, contrast and tone curves in Adobe Lightroom to achieve the effect I was looking for.
0∈ [?]

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