
Homepage for .graffitigirl21


Real Name:
1988 (37 years) 
07/29/04 3:31 PM GMT02/28/11 9:30 PM GMT 

Recent Works by graffitigirl21: (full gallery)

love and peace by graffitigirl21, Photography->General gallery cafe by graffitigirl21, Photography->Food/Drink gallery irondome by graffitigirl21, Photography->Architecture gallery
love and peace cafe irondome


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11/10/04 3:41 PM GMT
Your comment on "Electric mirror" makes me very glad, Cassitha! Thanks! It's a simple picture with simple mirror-technique and simple changes in coulor added with glow - but the result creates an amazing feeling, I think.
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11/11/04 11:39 AM GMT
Thanks Cassitha for your comment on Break...most appreciated.
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...rob... Tiger
11/15/04 11:33 PM GMT
Thanks for commenting on "Unzipped" Cassie. I'm real glad you liked this crazy image!

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Art washes away from the soul the dust of life....Picasso
11/17/04 8:21 AM GMT
hi Cassie, wellcome to my Gallery and thank you for your kindly words on «Center».
Very much apreciate.
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Look around and catch it ; the Art is there !
11/18/04 6:42 PM GMT
Hi Cassie, thanks for your comments on «Passion».
Very much appreciate, as allways.
0∈ [?]
Look around and catch it ; the Art is there !
11/19/04 6:14 PM GMT
Thanks for commenting on my contest entry. My picture is a little dull but the cake was good.
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" A penny for your thoughts..."
11/22/04 9:57 PM GMT
Me and "Bugerman" thank you Cassie for your inspiring "that ROX" Appreciate you lookin'.

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Art washes away from the soul the dust of life....Picasso
11/23/04 10:01 AM GMT
thanks for your words on my image . (into the light )

much appreciated .
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11/23/04 9:24 PM GMT
Thanks for your thoughts. Sadly, it is almost that time of year again...maybe I can take more. :-)
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-those who hit rock bottom are too concerned with self pity to realize that they are lying on an anvil- Psalm 66:10, Job 10:8
11/24/04 10:27 PM GMT
Hey Cassie, thanks for your comments on my squirrel photo. I have a great zoom on my camera, but this little guy let me get within five feet of him to take the shot! Glad you liked it.
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we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking up at the stars
11/29/04 11:18 PM GMT
HI Cassie. Re:"Natures Death" Thanks for the comment Cheers Al.
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It was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed, "God Bless Us, Every One! --Charles Dickens
12/07/04 4:47 PM GMT
Thank you Cassie for viewing my Mystery image and posting a comment. The secret is that it is India ink dropped into a fish tank filled with water with the lighting on the background paper. The image was in B&W and was scanned into Photoshop, rotated 180 degrees, given a sandstone texture and added some color.
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"The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work." - Emile Zola (1840-1902)
12/07/04 4:50 PM GMT
Thank you, Cassie, for commenting on "By the river". I do like the monochrome more than the color one. With color, the image becomes too crowded, and the movement drowns in the mass of shapes. Your understanding is truly appreciated.
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12/07/04 5:17 PM GMT
Hi Cassie from Minnesota,
Thanks for the great feedback on "Island Roots" If you liked this one you should check out the other shots I have from Granny's Island...........John
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01/08/05 7:40 PM GMT
Very nice collection.
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Lotus leaves in the pond Ride on water. Rain in June. -Shiki Masaoka
02/13/05 12:46 AM GMT
Yeah...the blue ice and water on this pic (No 19) makes me think a bit forwards....ithree or four mounths from this day people are swiming around in this lake throwing balls to each other or lying on the beach trying to get a tan....better days are coming, Cassie !
Glad you liked the icicles ! ---- Arne ---
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02/15/05 12:46 AM GMT
Cassie, good to hear from you and thanks for your comments on Fashion Statements. Glad you appreciated this shot!
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02/15/05 5:04 PM GMT
Hello. Glad you like 'Cursed spectra'. I was afraid to post it... ;-)
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02/16/05 3:15 AM GMT
Hi Cassie! Thanks for stopping by "Who threw a snowball at my fractal?".
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"Why does mineral water that has 'trickled through mountains for centuries' go out of date next year?"
03/02/05 8:07 AM GMT
Thanks for the comments on Rhinoceros Floracefus. I liked the rhinos there because they were so untouchable. They seemed too sturdy to be flesh and bone.
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-- input translation, output rotation
03/04/05 12:38 AM GMT
Cassie, I'm glad you enjoyed my posting Soon 2 B 60. All in good fun.
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You're invited to tour my gallery ••• º¹º¹ºº¹¹º¹¹º¹ºººº¹¹º¹ºººº¹¹º¹ººº
03/07/05 7:12 PM GMT
Thx you for your comment on Under teh sea :0))!!
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03/13/05 11:08 PM GMT
a long scroll to the bottom! but i've got the time and thanks for your comment and thoughts on "Stand Tall - Ice Stallion". Glad you liked it! :D
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03/15/05 2:12 PM GMT
Hey Cassie ;) Thank you so much for your nice feedback on Jump :) I'm glad you liked it :)

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04/05/05 6:31 PM GMT
Thank you for your comments about my Pawnee Buttes, the western end of the, Great Plains. You seem to understand why I created the image the way that I did better than most of those that visited it.
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Annie and I invite you to visit our website. Photography is not a trade - it is an art. It is more that an art. It is a solar phenomenon, where the artist collaborates with the sun. deLamartine 1855
05/03/05 4:32 AM GMT
Thanks for checking out my image. Trust me i meant every meaning of it while i wrote it on my notebook paper. He misses me too lol :-p however, im the hopeless romantic ehh what can i do
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05/30/05 12:39 AM GMT
Thanks Cassie. I’m glad you like my “Splendid Mushroom”. I will certainly photograph any more out of this world type mushrooms that I find.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
07/01/05 7:26 PM GMT
Hello Cassie..I do appreciate your comment on Bood for Oil, Muchas gracias!!
I love your dog!!!!!!!
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08/14/05 3:04 AM GMT
Cassie, thank you for your comment on "Sunset in Bansko"! I am so glad I can share my impressions from beautiful things I saw with the others.
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08/15/05 2:46 AM GMT
Thanks for the comment on Fine without you.
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Short stories with tragic endings
08/21/05 9:36 PM GMT
Hi Cassie, I am most pleased with your extremely kind comment on my baby snail. It is greatly appreciated.
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08/21/05 10:04 PM GMT
Hi Cassie, wellcome to my gallery and thanks for your comments on «Up were we belong» and «Mustapha».
Very much apreciate.
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Look around and catch it ; the Art is there !
08/23/05 9:21 PM GMT
Hey, thanks a bunch for the comment on "Crystal Clone" - it's very much appreciated.
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-userone- check out my Gallery
12/02/05 3:33 PM GMT
Hello Cassie,
sorry for my late reply. The answer to your question "what camera do you have" is a Canon 350D. Thanks for dropping some lines!
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If you can't find the words, you may as well shoot it...
12/06/05 8:56 PM GMT
Cold last night, no?
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An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less - Nicholas Murray Butler.
12/09/05 11:30 AM GMT
Hey there! How ya goin? THanks for stopping by and commenting on my work 'Nucleus of Life' - YOu know - I think I will do a new one - just for you! SO keep your eyes peeled. (Thanks for the encouragement!!) Cheers!!
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The Universe conspires to help those who help themselves. This weeks gallery image.
12/13/05 12:15 AM GMT
Thanks for stopping by to check out "Deck the Hall"!!! I'm still on that 'learning curve'. LOL
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Picture Purrrfect
12/15/05 8:40 PM GMT
Thank you for checking out "Primordial Ooze". I am glad you liked it.
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01/07/06 12:38 AM GMT
Hi! Thank you for your comment on my bridge picture. I know someone who worked for CalTrans who offered to take a group of us up. We parked in a construction area and then walked up, using clips like mountain climbers. It was a lot of fun, and I was surprised how calm I was with the height.
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Patience, Simplicity, Compassion
01/19/06 7:52 PM GMT
Hello Cassie...Thankyou for your comments on (SHADOWS) they are very much appreciated....All the best...Mick
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02/01/06 6:20 PM GMT
Hello cassie.. I love the Frogz you made. It is really amazing.
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02/17/06 2:41 AM GMT
thankyou Cassie for you comments on "Volcano." Im glad that you really like it
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Ephesians 2: 8 & 9, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Why did Jesus have to die on the cross if all it took was good works to get to heaven? And if you had to earn salvation it wouldn't be a gift, it would be a wage. And if you had to be good enough to get saved then how do you know when your there?
03/22/06 7:08 PM GMT
Hello Cassie.........I would like to thank you ever so much for your kind comments on (CHURCH) The photo was taken in a very small village called Tarland, Aberdeenshire Scotland. I was brought up in this village and every year I go back for a visit ...All the best...Mick
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03/23/06 12:26 AM GMT
thanx for ure comment on PURITY
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"Nothing is more exhilirating than pointing out the shortcomings of others".
03/31/06 11:18 PM GMT
Muchas gracias for checkin' out Fandango II . So glad you gozado!!
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03/31/06 11:55 PM GMT
thanks for the kind words, cassie. i just looked at your gallery and i love the variety of things you photograph. what about that tiger!!!!!! awesome. jen
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04/01/06 9:35 AM GMT
Hey Cassie , thx for the commet on detail , the rest of the pic was to blurry ; hence the frame ; but i do appreciat your input.
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"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." my images
04/01/06 11:45 AM GMT
Hi Cassie, and thank you for your kind comments on "Sasha" and "Nature's Christmas lights" - I appreciate them :-)
0∈ [?]
04/01/06 1:43 PM GMT
Hi Cassie! Thanks bunches for the really kind comment you left for 'LunaVision', I truly appreciate the nice words and I'm most happy you like it!
Thanks again!
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In this is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:10
04/03/06 3:42 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment at "Going Up"
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I still belive in God, but God no longer belives in me
04/05/06 11:14 PM GMT
Thanks for your comments on "the girl at the door", glad you like it. I'll work on getting the image scaled up to some larger sizes. My apologies.
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04/07/06 5:23 PM GMT
hi Cassie, thanks for taking time and commenting my spot light! as the title lets suggest it reminds me of a singer too.
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~ eNon ~
04/07/06 6:27 PM GMT
You got me. The shells were placed there to show some of the variety of shells on the beach. I do not normally set up pictures as I shoot what is there but I made an exception this time. I agree with you, I want natural pictures even if they are not perfect. Ted
0∈ [?]
04/12/06 6:22 AM GMT
Thanks Cassie for the nice comment on -Skybirds-Much appreciated..
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Carpe diem....
04/12/06 3:33 PM GMT
It's a little late, but I wanted to thank you for the comment you left on my image "Preserved Petal," your suggestions were greatly appreciated, I was only sorry I wasn't home (where my dried flowers are) to try them out!
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04/21/06 6:25 PM GMT
Thanks for viewing and commenting on "Viking Art". I do appreciate it. I have never been to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts but now I will make it a point to do so. Thanks.
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04/27/06 1:24 AM GMT
Hi Cassie
Thanks for commenting on Watercolors and Markers! It was really appreciated, and I'm glad you liked it! More will be coming soon over the summer.
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Tomorrow might never be | When you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything - Doc Brown | My Gallery |
04/27/06 1:28 AM GMT
Me again! Thanks for the comment on Turquoise and Lime! I might add some effects later to that one.. Glad you liked it!
0∈ [?]
Tomorrow might never be | When you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything - Doc Brown | My Gallery |
04/29/06 12:53 AM GMT
Hi Cassie, many thanks for viewing "Peacock Tomatoes"! It was a pleasure indeed! It was a fun shot, always thinking up new ideas! I appreciate your thoughts and comments and certainly look forward to your next visit! Hope it is soon! Thanks again Cassie, and I hope you are enjoying this glorious spring season, full of everything that is color and fun! Sincerely, Marilyn
0∈ [?]
05/02/06 6:56 PM GMT
Hello Cassie....Thankyou for taking the time to have a look at (CARN) and for your comments...its very much appreciated....I snapped this scene 15 times and this was the only decent one to upload....All the best...Mick.
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05/08/06 3:29 PM GMT
Hi Cassie, I am really glad you liked my photo "Cutie Pie" of Casey! She is so sweet and very photogenic too! Thanks for the comment!
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05/09/06 2:14 PM GMT
Cassie, Thanks for you comment on "Nap Time". Let me just say looks can be deceiving!
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05/09/06 5:13 PM GMT
hi cassie! thanks alot for the nice comment on soft. glad to hear you like it =D
greets enon
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05/11/06 3:31 PM GMT
Hi Cassie, I just stumbled upon your gallery, and I'm quite impressed.
Keep up tha good work, and thanks for sharing!
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-- Martin --
07/04/06 6:21 PM GMT
Hi Cassie
Glad you liked Flower Children.
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A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words. Let us capture your next Timeless Expression. Timeless Expressions Photography..... Photography for All Occasions
07/04/06 7:50 PM GMT
Wesrport - Space View .... Thanks for visiting and commenting on this.I have to come clean. Most of you have seen it before. Just some judicious cropping, when I enlarged it, and noticed the central image, by accident.
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07/04/06 8:53 PM GMT
Hi Cassie! Thanks for visiting and commenting on my alligator Scutes...:)
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TODAY's SPECIAL: Please visit this newbie's gallery and say hello! Wim
07/05/06 5:19 PM GMT
Thanks Cassie for your thoughts on icu. I'm glad it caught your eye! ;)
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"The promise of tomorrow is not a guarantee, so I shall live for today and live for me." -- Smoosh. Please feel free to visit my Gallery. Your feedback and critiques are always greatly appreciated.
07/05/06 5:21 PM GMT
Back again ;)... thanks too for your feedback on Pixel Princess. Much appreciated!
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"The promise of tomorrow is not a guarantee, so I shall live for today and live for me." -- Smoosh. Please feel free to visit my Gallery. Your feedback and critiques are always greatly appreciated.
08/09/06 9:55 AM GMT
Thanks for your comments on my pic sunrise...Thanks Dean.
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~If you can keep your head while those about you are losing theirs, perhaps you do not understand the situation.~
09/25/06 2:32 AM GMT
Black Max........
Hi Cassie.
I sure know how hard it is to lose them.
Max was my second Black Lab, and he's been gone, five years, this month.. I had his son, Zulu, till two years ago, October.
Now, I have Blue,(Boo Boo)--- because I kept calling him Zulu.
I love all dogs, but there's something uniquely special about Labs, and Black, in particular.
Hope you get another, one day. They're the most wonderful company.
Thanks for stopping by, and commenting.
P.S. I took him and all the others, everywhere with me.
Max and Zulu travelled over 50,000 miles with me, during their lifetime, swam in both the Atlantic and Pacific, as well as crossing the Rio Grande, without passports.
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10/27/06 10:22 PM GMT
Hi Cassie yes that building is there I don't even see it any more I may take it out with photoshop but Thanks for looking.
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10/28/06 4:53 AM GMT
hi , thanks for yours comments on : Nature

My Gallery.
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do it
12/11/06 11:17 PM GMT
Hi Cassie, thanks for stopping by and commenting on my weather report pic. I just had a look through your gallery and you have such a wonderful range of unique and beautiful images in there. You're a very talented artist, keep up the good work, Kelcey.
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03/31/07 11:21 PM GMT
cassie, thanks so much for commenting on back to the balloon. i'm so glad you like it.
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sorry if i don't comment on each of your pictures. to those of you who comment so often, i can't imagine how you get it done! Please Visit My Gallery
04/25/07 6:12 AM GMT
hi again. thanks for the nice words for"crinkly". just love those flowers.
0∈ [?]
sorry if i don't comment on each of your pictures. to those of you who comment so often, i can't imagine how you get it done! Please Visit My Gallery
05/19/07 8:05 AM GMT
hey there Cassie...

appreciate you joining for a 'We go this Way' walk!...

0∈ [?]
*You will have noticed that I haven't been commenting as much on your fine images!..This is because of the pains in my hands!..the constant use of the keyboard, makes this, my dear friends..I can only apologise to you all in advance!* Dunstickin's Gallery
06/11/07 7:44 PM GMT
Thanks for commenting on "See You Tomorrow". I'm glad you enjoyed it!
0∈ [?]
10/22/07 2:07 AM GMT
thanx for commenting on 'colosseum''ve got a pretty creative gallery yourself
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11/27/07 2:21 AM GMT
Hi Cassie
Thanks for the nice comment on "Flowers". Always love hearing from you.
0∈ [?]
11/27/07 5:25 PM GMT
Hello Cassie....Many thanks for taking the time to have a look at (SCOTTISH SHEEP)and for your comments,they are very much appreciated....I waited a very long time in very damp weather to capture this one....Thanks again....All the best....Mick.
0∈ [?]
11/27/07 8:24 PM GMT
Hey Cassie,
Thanks lots for your lovely words on "Apple, Oh Apple", and "In a Darky Mood", they are greatly appreciated,
So glad you liked them,

Thanks for stopping by
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"Everything fails, what matters is how strictly you define a success" (~8 8~)
11/28/07 12:35 AM GMT
hi cassie, thanks so much for commenting on coal mine canyon, the big picture. it's a unique spot. jen
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sorry if i don't comment on each of your pictures. to those of you who comment so often, i can't imagine how you get it done! Please Visit My Gallery
12/04/07 8:52 PM GMT
Hi Cassie,
Thanks for your comment on "!!Ohhhh Nooooo!!", your input is much appreciated,
You're not wrong at all, it is after all a posed image, not meant to look natural, which you might dislike, (~8

Thanks for stopping by
Warm regards
0∈ [?]
"Everything fails, what matters is how strictly you define a success" (~8 8~)
02/03/08 4:27 AM GMT
Thank you so much Cassie for all of your lovely comments on my pictures!! I really appreciate them all so much, and its so good to hear you are enjoying my work! ~abby
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i apologize for my delay in replying to all of your wonderful comments...i am busy adjusting to my freshman year of college
02/05/08 2:57 AM GMT
Hi Cassie, Thank you so much for your nice comments on "Beach". Much appreciated! -- Jenny
0∈ [?]
06/16/09 12:24 AM GMT
i like pinhole images! alot! i have a few myself, i havent put up. good work =]
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09/10/09 6:40 PM GMT
thanx for the comment on Aint I pretty? glad u like him
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Marietha ****Live every day as if it's your last... and take "pictures" of it ;) ****
12/01/09 3:39 AM GMT
Thanks Cassie for the fave on Missouri Golden Elixir.


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Hopefully my photos and stories will let you know what makes me Tick
12/01/09 1:22 PM GMT
Thanks Cassie for the fave On the Rocks.
0∈ [?]
12/01/09 7:36 PM GMT
Thanks for the fave on "Glowing Softly". I really appreicate you taking a look at my gallery.

0∈ [?]
12/15/09 11:32 PM GMT
Thanks for going through my gallery Cassie and for faving so many of my photos. Some you chose, even though the scores weren't very high, were my favorites as well. I appreciate it very much.

† Merry Christmas †

0∈ [?]
Hopefully my photos and stories will let you know what makes me Tick
12/17/09 2:14 PM GMT
Hey Cassie, thanks for stopping by and making "Pier" one of your favorites. It's actually one of my personal favorites too. Stop by again soon!
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"Hurry to meet Death before your place is taken."
05/13/10 2:20 PM GMT
Hey Cassie, thanks a lot. I'm glad you enjoy the Catalina beach II image.

0∈ [?]
12/07/10 12:30 AM GMT
thanx for adding 'short hills revisited' to your favs
0∈ [?]
12/13/10 5:14 AM GMT
Thanks for the fave on Gentle Persuasion, Cassie. It was about this time last year that I thanked you for faving some of mine.

† Merry Christmas †

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Cameras are like people--sometimes they lose focus.
12/23/10 4:22 AM GMT
Cassie - Thank you for faving 'Desktop Rocks'. I appreciate it. Enjoy your day! Thad
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If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
12/25/10 10:11 PM GMT
Hello Cassie,
many thanks for taking "Midwinter thaw" to your faves, I really appreciate it a lot!
0∈ [?]

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