If you have a talent, use it in every which way possible. Don't hoard it. Don't dole it out like a miser. Spend it lavishly, like a millionaire intent on going broke
Always remember - Follow the Yellow Brick Road, it will lead you to OZ and the Emerald City. A very nice place to live. Trust me on this one, I live there. The Lion **** MY CAEDES GALLERY****Another Site I'm AT - MY DA HOME PAGE
Hello 'Jazzi',
Thank you very much for your congratulations on the occasion that I've become 'Featured Artist' in November 2009.
Your nice words are higly appreciated by me.
Took the opportunity to peek through your gallery. Was on the one hand amazed about the high quality of your work, and wondered myself on the other hand why I didn't noticed this before. Think it's because you've decided to bring your posts not in the Voting Booth, with the result that your posts don't appear as 'featured image' on the Caedes 'Front Page'.
In order to prevent that I'll miss your future work, I will add you to my friends-list.
Best regards, Cornelius.
-:¦:-·*THANK YOU!*·-:¦:- for checking out Wild Turkeys...it is much appreciated:) I keep saying I won't leave home without the camera but I do sometimes. I did stop and get out but the turkeys bolted for the hills. There was something in the field they were feeding on but I don't know what it was.
Many thanks for your comment on 'Winter Sun 1' - yes it was VERY cold and I found a great vantage point completely by accident to get this! Take care :o)
I appreciate your comment very much on Owd Barn. I had deleted the post so you can imagine my surprise that it is still up and I have all these comments!! Again many thanks to all you great people here on Caedes!!
thanks for your comments on "classic love." The color of the was okay and i agree that it is nice to see the color; however my favorite part of the rose is it's construction and curves and often color can take away from that...in my opinion
Thank you for your kind and supportive comments. It's always nice to have a friend in a tough crowd. Your own Bryce work is inventive and gloriously colorful. I can remember driving 10-15 miles to physically buy a copy of Bryce 5.0, so thanks for the heads-up about the free download. I'd all but given up on that branch of renderers. Right now I'm making progress with Terragen 2 and learning how to populate scenes with objects, mostly plants so far. I'll take another look at the new Bryce though. There's just so little time and so much to render.