
Homepage for .mrpun46


Real Name:
bob richardson
Creds [?]:
salt lake city, utah 
1949 (76 years) 
11/21/04 7:18 AM GMT12/20/18 1:01 PM GMT 

Recent Works by mrpun46: (full gallery)

Reflection On Nature by mrpun46, photography->landscape gallery Fire by mrpun46, photography->sunset/rise gallery Selfie by mrpun46, photography->people gallery
Reflection On Nature Fire Selfie


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11/24/04 1:50 PM GMT
Mr Pun, I appreciate your compliments on Christmas Rush and welcome to Caedes.
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Smile and the world smiles with you! AcrossTheWorld
11/24/04 8:01 PM GMT
Welcome to Caedes, Señor Pun. I feel flattered that you noticed Wash Away My Sins. Caedes is an amazing resource if you ask me. It's even more so considering that our sysop charges nothing for this service, yet we all get such an amazing benefit. If you get a chance drop him a few bucks in a month or so. It'll help keep this great resource around.
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ж Regmar ж
12/02/04 2:02 AM GMT
Hello and welcome to Caedes. Thank you for the great comment on (Evening Glow). I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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~My select image - Wading Patiently
12/04/04 3:48 AM GMT
Hi and welcome to Caedes. Thanks very much for your comments on Waterfall Leaves 4, I appreciate what you had to say about the shot. When I took it I was standing barefoot up to my knees in fairly cold water. So if the shot shows some dynamic feeling, that reflects what I was experiencing.
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12/04/04 3:36 PM GMT
Thanks for comment "Hiver 2004"
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René Laplante de Rouyn-noranda,Quebec.
12/06/04 2:21 AM GMT
Thank you very much for your comment on Evening Sun. I thought about cropping the picture, but then decided against that. I think the dramatic highlights add drama to the image. In my opinion, it will be less sunny. Having said that, I totally respect yur point of view. Thanks!
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12/06/04 2:22 AM GMT
Hi Welcome to Caedes.... thanks for your comment on Snow Storm... im very glad you liked it.. i had fun making it.. :D
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The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand. --Robert Vallett
12/06/04 2:24 AM GMT
Think for nice comments and the site "Hiver 2004"
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René Laplante de Rouyn-noranda,Quebec.
12/06/04 7:48 AM GMT
Thank you for your comments about "Scarlet" especialy the biological information about dragonflies. I'm very pleased you like that shot.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
12/08/04 5:26 PM GMT
Hi Mr Pun,
Thanks for taking the time to leave feedback on "Island Roots". Granny's Island is a photographers dream and there are more shots to come.
Oh, and fill in more of your prifile so we know where and who to thank,.........John
0∈ [?]
12/10/04 2:08 AM GMT
Howdy...thanks for taking time to view Almost Winter and to leave a comment. I'm pleased you like the shot...the real tree in the fog looked even more dramatic than the photo.
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12/10/04 6:51 AM GMT
Hello mrpun46! Thanks for the comment on "Cloud Burst". I appreciate the kind words:-)
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12/13/04 1:58 AM GMT
Hey MrPun,
Thanks again for the indepth feedback on "Dragonfly Reflection" I took quite a few good shots of this guy, he was a real ham, it was hard to pick which one to post........John
0∈ [?]
12/13/04 10:17 AM GMT
Those are nice comments you left at "Stained Falls", thank you.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
12/13/04 10:38 PM GMT
Thanks for the comments on "Old Pier".Glad you liked it.
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12/14/04 7:05 AM GMT
I apriciate your remarks on my >>>>Life Book<<< Thank you so much!

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12/19/04 11:14 PM GMT
Thanks so much for your comments on "Pyrotechnical Chaos". What you said was fantastic and made me quite happy, I'm glad it captured your imagination.
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There's an emptiness inside her and she'd do anything to fill it in. Though it's red blood bleeding from her now, it's more like cold blue ice in her heart. She feels like kicking out all the windows and setting fire to this life. She could change everything about her using colors bold and bright, but all the colors mix grey. ~*DaveMatthewsBand*~
12/21/04 12:26 AM GMT
Thank you Bob for viewing and taking the time to comment on my image. I'm glad that you enjoyed my Snake Eye image. The snake is from a closeup photo I did at the Rattlesnake Roundup in Wigham, Ga. many years ago. The eye is my own and the stars are from New Found Gap in the Smoky Mountains at 4:00 AM.
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"Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter." Ansel Adams
12/21/04 9:13 PM GMT
Hello Bob, thanks for your comment on QUIET, i'm glad you like it.
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01/03/05 2:21 PM GMT
Thanks Bob, for that very touching comment on (Butterfly Heaven) so glad it brought back that wonderful moment for you. Good luck and God speed. Dwight.
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"Once you have heard the lark, known the swish of feet through hill-top grass and smelt the earth made ready for the seed, you are never again going to be fully happy about the cities and towns that man carries like a crippling weight upon his back." - Gwyn Thomas
01/04/05 1:42 AM GMT
Thanks Bob for you comment on Im Watching You.... glad you liked it... you never know where im watching.. lol
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The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand. --Robert Vallett
01/04/05 4:28 AM GMT
ty for liking my cat Chloe, you should see the baby pictures.
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Strong Bad is the Shizznit
01/07/05 6:32 AM GMT
Thank you Bob for your high points on A Red Sky. I really appreciate it :)
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01/13/05 12:42 AM GMT
Thanks Bob for the comments on my Paddle to the Sun 2 image and for the encouragement. I'm pleased that you enjoyed this photo manipulation.
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01/13/05 2:15 PM GMT
Hey bob...thanks for your great comment on "indifferent".... a lot of these images on here makes people imagine different things...gabriels horn is a good one...thanks again..
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---- He who goes to bed hungry dreams of pancakes. Strength ----
01/20/05 5:59 PM GMT
Thanks so much for looking at my work Bob, if someone enjoys my work thats makes my day. I agree with you about the simples things, i love Utah, i have been their three times. Hope i can get back out there at least one more time. I thank you are so lucky to live there. Have a good day. Dwight.
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"Once you have heard the lark, known the swish of feet through hill-top grass and smelt the earth made ready for the seed, you are never again going to be fully happy about the cities and towns that man carries like a crippling weight upon his back." - Gwyn Thomas
01/22/05 1:45 AM GMT
Thanks Bob! I'm glad that you found my Playground Climber interesting. Thanks for your nice comments. I was just trying out my new camera and its features.
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"You don't take a photograph, you make it." Ansel Adams
01/22/05 4:20 AM GMT
Hello Bob, tks so much for commenting on Desktop Joey!
He's a cute pooch. He'll be 7 wks old on Sunday.
0∈ [?]
Smile and the world smiles with you! AcrossTheWorld
01/22/05 4:22 AM GMT
Hello Bob, tks once again for your visit to one of my pics (Chilled).
Can't wait to see your winter willow.
0∈ [?]
Smile and the world smiles with you! AcrossTheWorld
01/22/05 12:08 AM GMT
thanks bob for your posts on my Pelican shots - glad you liked them

cheers - Phil
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"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps"
01/22/05 6:03 PM GMT
Thank you for the comment and suggestion on my image "Hollow Years" I appreicate it greatly!
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Gather ye Rosebuds While ye May, Old time is still A-Flyin' This same Flower that Smiles today, Tomorrow will be Dyin' My lonely image: The Eye of the Beholder's Cousin
01/27/05 10:48 AM GMT
Thank you Bob for your kind input on Lake Shore Rentals
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Art is the perception of the creator. Meaning is the perception of the viewer. acceptance is the perception of society.
01/27/05 2:12 PM GMT
Dang! Thanks Bob for the nice comment on Waters' End! I didn't realize people would actually like it.
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ж Regmar ж
02/01/05 9:09 PM GMT
Thanks for the comments on "Hulls Seat".Glad that you liked it.
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02/21/05 5:31 AM GMT
Hi Bob, Thanks for commenting on my spider shot. according to my c-index, people around here don't like spiders :) im glad you liked the shot.
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09/20/05 3:35 AM GMT
Hi Bob...thank you for the positive feedback on Bridge Over Colored is much appreciated.:Pat.
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09/27/05 6:19 PM GMT
Hi Bob, Thanks for stopping at "hoverfly." :-)
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Please feel welcome to view my Gallery Here
09/30/05 11:37 PM GMT
Hi Bob, thanks for commenting on "In The Distance"
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Anything worth doing, is worth doing well. Check this out!
10/01/05 9:41 AM GMT
Hi Bob, and thanks for your very kind comment on "Stroudwater canal" - I'm glad you liked it :-)
0∈ [?]
10/04/05 9:02 PM GMT
Hello Bob, thank you for liking "Dollar Glen2." :D
0∈ [?]
Please feel welcome to view my Gallery Here
10/05/05 3:35 PM GMT
Hey Mr Pun - or Bob :D
Thanks for the enchanting comment on *Kiss*...I'm very pleased you enjoyed my faeries ^^
Have a great day!
0∈ [?]
PrettyFae x ...join me in the world of Vampire Freaks for all your goth and rock needs! >:[...
10/18/05 8:12 PM GMT
Hi Punny - can i call you that?
Lol, thanks for your comment on "Sly(Rework)"
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AGHHHH!!! MY IMAGES KEEP GETTING DELETED!!! Doesn't this bother anyone else?!?! GRR
12/08/05 11:40 AM GMT
Hey Bob...Bob here!....grateful thanks for your kind words to 'Babblin Brook'......Much appreciated

0∈ [?]
12/11/05 5:17 AM GMT
Hello Bob, glad you had fun with my gallery and especially some of the titles. Thank you for your feedback:-)
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01/08/06 2:42 PM GMT
Hi Bob, hey thanks for the comments on Ice Ice Baby, and if you wanta put it on a book cover, feel free to do
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01/21/06 10:50 PM GMT
Many thanks, Bob -- glad you enjopyed "Teeth".
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If Moses were a vegan, he would have given us the Ten Suggestions.
04/13/06 8:13 PM GMT
Many thanks for your comments on 'wanna climb a tree?' they're much appreciated!!

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Smile often, it makes people wonder what you're up to! *wicked grin*
04/24/06 10:48 AM GMT
Thanks Bob for your comment on Old Bonhomme Winter.Much appreciated.
Peace&Respect Jojo
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Laying Easy Somewhere Shade Across My Mind
08/07/06 4:27 AM GMT
thanks Bob for the nice comment you made about my gallery. I appreciate you visiting and look forward to seeing your images as well. - Patty
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It's all about perspective and perception.
08/11/06 12:09 AM GMT
Bob - thanks for the nice notes at Fly Away and the Archway reworked. I enjoyed your puns! :)) You cracked me up at USS Batfish 4 - LOL - thanks!:) And you flattered me at Grateful; I'm honored! - Patty
0∈ [?]
It's all about perspective and perception.
08/11/06 3:26 PM GMT
Hello Bob. Thank you for your amusing comments about “Turbulent Beauty”, I enjoy that kind of word play :-)
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
08/11/06 3:33 PM GMT
It’s me again Bob. I was still smiling from your last comment when I received your comments about “Compelling Attraction”. You definitely have a talent with words that I appreciate.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
08/13/06 1:53 PM GMT
Thanks for your recent comments on images in my Gallery. I appreciate your support.
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Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual. Edward Weston
08/15/06 10:31 AM GMT
Thanks for the comment on "negativemask"
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08/20/06 5:47 PM GMT
Interesting you should say that, Bob ... my first thought was to present Route 66 only in collage form. I have both PSP and PS -- it would be a snap to put it together ... hmmm! I'm really glad you're enjoying the ride down the MotherRoad! - Patty
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It's all about perspective and perception.
03/11/07 2:30 PM GMT
Hi Bob. Thanks for the kind comments on Adobe Canyon Creek 2. I'm so glad you liked it.
0∈ [?]
03/24/07 3:13 PM GMT
Thanks Mr. Bob for your wonderful comments regarding my post of "Casino".
Much Appreciated !

0∈ [?]
03/24/07 6:06 PM GMT
Thanks Mr. Bob for your supportive comment on my post of "Bird of Prey". No, I no longer sell them, Sorry. I use to sell some of my paintings on EBAY. But after figuring the cost of supplies, my time, and what the art was worth to me sentimentally I was losing Big Time. I guess that's where the term "Starving Artist" originates from. Your comments and support are Very Much Appreciated.
If I decide to sell any I'll keep you in Mind.

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03/25/07 12:34 AM GMT
hi bob. i really appreciate your kind words on a storm approaching. we have a navajo friend who is a photographer and sometimes he takes us to great places like this to photograph. thanks, jen
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i'm so far behind that i know i'll never catch up. sorry if i don't comment on each of your pictures. . be patient! Please Visit My Gallery
03/25/07 6:06 PM GMT
Thanks Bob for your nice comment on "His Masters Voice"! Sorry, but I have no copy of "Dry Bones" for you.... :)
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04/05/07 11:24 PM GMT
I appreciate your brief comment about “Swoop” Bob. Thank you :-)
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
07/16/07 7:00 PM GMT
Hi Bob!
Thanks a lot for your verynice comment on 'Myra Falls 6' :o)
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If you have some minutes why don't you come visiting my gallery ?
10/07/07 10:29 PM GMT
Many thanks for your comments on The fisherman.
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10/12/07 12:41 AM GMT
Hi Bob, thanks for your comments on my spider photograph - glad you liked it! ...the markings on it's back really intrigued me!
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"Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile" .... mygallery
11/23/07 3:24 AM GMT
Hey Bob,

Thanks for the comments on 'Just Rosey' very much appreciated.
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I am always laughing, I am always crying, I am always happy, I am always sad, I am all of these things... Digi ........ My Gallery
11/28/07 6:26 AM GMT
I want to say thank you for your comment on Morning Fog. I am grateful for your words.
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You will be led to the knowledge of the internal things which are invisible to you, by the external things which you see before you. . . . Even so then, we can represent to ourselves in thought the Author of all that is, by contemplating and admiring the (visible) things which He has made, and ever brings into being. - Hermes
11/29/07 12:55 AM GMT
Thanks Bob for commenting on my picture “On Top”. This one was taken using a 100-400mm zoom lens.

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11/29/07 12:58 AM GMT
Thanks again Bob for commenting on my picture “White Water Lily”. I used the same 100-400mm zoom lens for this shot.

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12/29/07 10:47 PM GMT
appreciate you commenting on Wrapping Paper.. Thanks Bob...=D
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Live simply. Speak kindly. Care deeply. Love generously.
12/31/07 4:34 PM GMT
Thanks for commenting Bob,It's appreciated..Richie.
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Cheap thrills are always expensive.
12/31/07 4:40 PM GMT
Bob Hello, thank you for the comments to The reflection of water with the rock, outside composition is not I am artist, just like to shoot things that I find funny as was the case and my machine is very weak. Thanks and good year, Pride
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01/10/08 3:37 PM GMT
Thank you Bob,very nice comment and useful advice
on "Park view" Appraciate it.
0∈ [?]
01/18/08 12:03 AM GMT
Hello Bob, Thanks for the wonderful comment on "Home is Where the Heart Is" Many years ago my aunt and uncle lived in salt lake and got to see some your neck of the woods.
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Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life.
01/18/08 12:10 AM GMT
Thanks, Bob, for commenting on "Metamorphose" !
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MY PHOTOGRAFIC VISION... I am not an artist, I only let you see with my eyes...!
01/20/08 10:35 PM GMT
Hi Bob! Thank you so much for such a great compliment on Soft 2!! I really appreciate it so much! ~abby
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i apologize for my delay in replying to all of your wonderful comments...i am busy adjusting to my freshman year of college
01/31/08 7:19 PM GMT
Hi Bob, thanks for the comments on 'sitting on top of the World' - now where did they dig that one up from! - it must be over a year old! lol! very funny comments! :)
0∈ [?]
"Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile" .... mygallery
02/13/08 6:40 PM GMT
Thank you very much for your kind words on 'Wai Opae 122007' I am so glad that you like it.
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02/22/08 7:02 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment and fave on Burrr...Cold, Bob. I really appreciate it!
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Life is the pits sometimes, but God and your friends are always there to help you through it.
02/22/08 10:52 PM GMT
Thanks for commenting on "The big wave",really appreciated.
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03/06/08 8:44 PM GMT
Thanks Bob for your taking time to comment on Storm Damage, high Praise indeed and I am very grateful. regards. Tommy
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as honest as it gets
12/28/08 7:31 PM GMT
Thank you for your comment on "Swamp King." I really do appreciate it!
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12/31/08 11:23 PM GMT
Hello Bob and thank you kindly for your warm remarks about my Lemurs. Happy New Year, anne :-)
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Tell me if you like it or don't but be sure to tell me why! I promise to always give honest and sincere (albeit gentle when necessary) critiques. MY NEW YEARS TIP for all, go have some fun with your new gear you got for Christmas. Do some things you rarely or never do. If you always shoot scenics, go shoot macros (or as close up as you can get.) Practice on different subjects, try new lighting techniques, bracket your shots (shoot the same image at different exposures and different apertures), get down low and shoot from your back, your belly, and your knees. Bend, twist, lean and climb up on things. Shoot toward the sky (carefully - blown out sunlight is NOT attractive :-) Just do something different and amaze yourself then share with us :-) Love you Caedians.
01/23/10 3:18 PM GMT
Thank you Bob, wonderful comment on "Conolly's plot-5"
greatly appreciated,very nice of you Bob.
0∈ [?]
01/23/10 6:55 PM GMT
Good day, thanks for your comments on "Ice Falls". Glad you liked it. Too bad other subjects couldn't be caught with the same slow motion technique.
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In order to discover who you are, first learn who everybody else is; you're what's left.
07/23/16 1:21 AM GMT
Thanks Bob , I appreciated your commenting on Lily Pads. They are tough indeed...Tom
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