
  Lady and the tramp - reptilian version  

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Uploaded: 10/28/12 1:10 PM GMT
Lady and the tramp - reptilian version
Views: 1413
Dlds: 18
Status: active

..from my zoo at home.. My 2 bearded dragons (Røskva and Tjalfe - female and male), sharing a pretty big grasshopper - or perhaps fighting over it, im not sure.. It kinda made me think for the old disney movie (hence the title)


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10/29/12 2:07 AM GMT
Pretty nice tango!
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I Love Cloudy Days
10/29/12 6:14 AM GMT
I have to show this one to my son and his wife--they have two bearded dragons as well. Whether or not they're fighting would depend on their gender. The males usually dominate.

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If you've ever wanted to make a difference but found it hard to believe that one person could... check out the Kiva Team Caedes discussion thread and discover that anything is possible.
10/30/12 12:37 AM GMT
This is a cool shot. I am not a reptile fan however I do like these guys or gals .... lol
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I would travel only by horse, if I had the choice. ~ Linda McCartney ~
11/01/12 1:54 PM GMT
An interesting photo. Slightly out of focus; but still very nice. It is difficult to get animals in good focus when they are moving and you are close.
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