
  Weed In The Weather  

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Uploaded: 07/11/17 1:53 AM GMT
Weed In The Weather
Views: 1016
Dlds: 505
Status: active

Spotlighted a weed. Nice little flower looking like its arms are outstretched. Such a showoff.


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07/11/17 6:57 AM GMT
Kooks very good against the green background Frank.
3∈ [?]
Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors.
07/11/17 8:50 AM GMT
That weather looks like I want to wee'd too!

Brilliant work on this has the look of our Daisies!
3∈ [?]
07/11/17 10:48 AM GMT
Oh I likey! Frank I look forward to each post you bring.
3∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
07/11/17 3:41 PM GMT
Great find and capture plus it does look proud standing there
3∈ [?]
07/11/17 11:44 PM GMT
Sweet little aster with a lovely presentation.
3∈ [?]
07/13/17 6:03 AM GMT
Beautiful and artistic.
3∈ [?]
08/14/17 12:39 AM GMT
I really like the placement of the subject, the bokeh, the fabricated(?) rain, the colors, and the filter you used, but I did crop a little off the top so the ratio would fit my laptop screen a little better. If I was going to have to lose a little of this beauty I was going to decide what part to lose. Thanks, Frank. I see you're just about the same age as me, which goes a log way to explaining the "flower power" styling of some of your work... I grew up during the same time and probably the same way.

3∈ [?]
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