
  urban cowboy...............  

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Uploaded: 11/18/07 8:53 PM GMT
urban cowboy...............
Views: 687
Dlds: 92
Status: active

....and he is down and out and no match for our local cowboy 'Sheriff Kidder'! lol! ....a human living statue in the Piazza Navona in Rome. I did think about posting this in the urban contest, but I decided to enter the graffiti art photograph I posted earlier instead, which is more realistic in interpretation!


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11/18/07 10:20 PM GMT
Excellent photo and very well composed.
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If you have some extra time, please visit my gallery
11/18/07 10:51 PM GMT
I wanna be an Indian!! He'd be easy scalpin' for sure he would!! 8~O

This would be great for the Urban Contest thang!!
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Why do the pictures come out square when the lens is round?? Picture Purrrfect .
11/18/07 11:40 PM GMT
Excellent image and you sure have captured it perfectly.
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Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life.
11/19/07 12:18 AM GMT
Down and Out in Beverlyroma. Nice photo Patti.

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I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
11/19/07 12:21 AM GMT
A great sculpture, very realistic and revealing of the human conditiion, and I was going to suggest you put it in the contest but I see you already thought about that...sometimes it's hard to decide what to put in the contest as there's so many could always add it later if you change your mind...anyways, great shot and tks for sharing.
0∈ [?]
11/19/07 1:54 AM GMT
Nice one, hard to tell not a real sculpture.
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Why not go out on a limb, that is where the fruit is.... Frank Scully
11/19/07 2:27 AM GMT
This is an excellent statement on the human condition Patti! The poor fella looks so weary and tired. He still knows he's a cowboy though, Rome or not.
0∈ [?]
11/19/07 3:02 AM GMT
This is really a statue?? I don't believe it! Your photography seems to make it alive Patti! Excellent! :) :)
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Life is the pits sometimes, but God and your friends are always there to help you through it.
11/19/07 5:46 AM GMT
Excellent. I found myself studying this sculpture from head to foot. Real or no, I asked?
0∈ [?]
11/19/07 5:49 AM GMT
Could be a sculpture! Great image Patti. Regards, Cornelius
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Cornelius was here! (lol) Click HERE to see his work!
11/19/07 7:20 AM GMT
This is quite the detail in this statue..great cpature of it Patti...gerry
0∈ [?]
"The more we come in contact with animals, and observe their behaviour, the more we love them, for we see how great is their care for their young." - philosopher Immanuel Kant
11/19/07 8:13 AM GMT
this is actually a person who is painted to look like a statue and posing like one - you will see people doing this in many cities around Europe! :)
0∈ [?]
"Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile" .... mygallery
11/19/07 9:08 AM GMT
This 'IS' Dan...he stayed there that long he stiffened into this!...Nice find my dear!
0∈ [?]
*You will have noticed that I haven't been commenting as much on your fine images!..This is because of the pains in my hands!..the constant use of the keyboard, makes this, my dear friends..I can only apologise to you all in advance!* OwdBob'sGallery
11/19/07 9:28 AM GMT
He looks like he has had a hard night.
0∈ [?]
Why not visit my Gallery.
11/19/07 9:29 AM GMT
Quite amazing how he looks like Heath Ledger! It's fascinating that people are doing this statue thing. Wonderful capture. :)
0∈ [?]
11/19/07 2:41 PM GMT
Another excellent photo! Great comp and wonderfull moody colours.
0∈ [?]
11/19/07 4:09 PM GMT
Excellent photo..Superb image..
0∈ [?]
11/19/07 5:00 PM GMT
Great fun Patti, very well captured I like the way the light has caught his leather clothing.
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....and any other laden fancy, we will take her by surprise!
11/19/07 7:28 PM GMT
I want to know what he's got in that holster!! Amazing way of presenting art and it must get hard on the "bum" after a while!!

♫ 005 PJ ♫

0∈ [?]
"I never looked for it, gave it no name; yet I knew it always, when the gift of peace came. I stood quite still for the moment that it lasted...Then the light shifted slightly and the moment passed, leaving me...with the lasting echo of its presence.." Diana Gabaldon
11/19/07 8:03 PM GMT
I hope he was alive...
great subject, great work!
0∈ [?]
If you have some minutes why don't you come visiting my gallery ?
11/19/07 8:25 PM GMT
he was definitely alive! lol! I saw him walk across the piazza and lie down in position right in front of me, so of course I took the opportunity to photograph him.
0∈ [?]
"Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile" .... mygallery
11/19/07 8:58 PM GMT
Nice capture Patti of this Mime. LOL.

0∈ [?]
11/19/07 11:47 PM GMT
You never see human statues like this where I live. They're all too busy putting on a face for the world. This is such a cool view of the artist with his make-up on but his face off, so to speak.

Have to say I found myself looking at the bottom of the post and wondering just what he was sitting in though. Well, I can't help being practical!!

This is such a human, warm and insightful post. Thanks for this one Patti - I think we should do more of these and force a reappraisal of people posts.
0∈ [?]
"Whatever you're interested in, go for it. You can only find your voice if you're not intimidated by doing stuff that's been done before." Alec Soth
11/20/07 3:36 AM GMT
LOL Patti! Wonder if he'd notice if I switched hats with him?? lol Neat sculpture..I think the ol' boy has been out on the trail too long. He looks a little ashen in color..get him a beer quick!! lol Excellent post my friend! C);-)
0∈ [?]
THE CAMERA'S ONLY JOB is to get out of the way of making photographs. It's entirely an artist's eye, patience, and skill that makes an image. ~Ken Rockwell VISIT MY GALLERY
11/20/07 3:37 AM GMT
That is NOT me owd Bob! This guy is much better looking! LOL
0∈ [?]
THE CAMERA'S ONLY JOB is to get out of the way of making photographs. It's entirely an artist's eye, patience, and skill that makes an image. ~Ken Rockwell VISIT MY GALLERY
11/22/07 7:51 AM GMT
Great composition, beautiful shot.
0∈ [?]
"What doesn't kill us makes us stronger" - Friedrich Nietzsche
11/24/07 12:31 AM GMT
Looks very real, special the head. Your choice for the urban contest was good. The other would make a better entry indeed.
0∈ [?]
My images on the map in Google Earth just click here.
11/25/07 12:35 AM GMT
This looks like out of a computer adventure. It is a fantastic piece of artwork, but your decition was write - the other one just fits better.
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