
  Arc de Triomphe...  

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Uploaded: 09/06/17 4:04 PM GMT
Arc de Triomphe...
Views: 907
Dlds: 378
Status: active

...sits in the middle of the largest roundabout in the world. It was commissioned by Napoleon to honor his military victories, although he never lived to see its completion. You can also notice all the prevalence of Haussman architecture in the vicinity, which Napoleon III commissioned to replace the deteriorating hovels that use to be there. Taken from the first level of Le Tour Eiffel, Paris, France; September, 2013.


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09/07/17 12:52 AM GMT
The Arc de Triomphe remains a major landmark in Paris. Even that devil hitler recognised it's importance and paraded through it in his armour plated powerful limousine.

Great informative birds eye view of Pair-ee as the French pronounce it, well done. (o:
2∈ [?]
Progress equals a trashed planet since mankind is too busy altering it. BTW find the classic definition of Caedes here. Enjoy yourself today (o: because you don't know what tomorrow may bring.
09/07/17 12:56 AM GMT
The view of this is very impressive! tigs=^..^=
2∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
09/12/17 8:21 PM GMT
Absolutely into my favorites and on my desktop. I have a fondness for architecture, Ted, and here you've given us loads of it, historic and romantic. My only adjustment before it hits my screen as wallpaper would be to level it a little. Do you have Photoshop, Ted? If so, the drop down menu behind the Eyedropper tool has a Ruler tool. Selecting it and drawing a line allows one to easily and perfectly rotate an image,particularly one of architecture. I pulled a copy of this one and used that tool on the right sunlit edge of the center column (in our view) of the Arc, then selected Image: Image Rotation: and Arbitrary. That indicated the object needed to rotate .82 degree counter-clockwise. I click OK and it's done. Voila. Easy, Peasy, Japaneasy, as my father used to say.

2∈ [?]
If you've ever wanted to make a difference but found it hard to believe that one person could... check out the Kiva Team Caedes discussion thread and discover that anything is possible.
12/29/17 8:41 PM GMT
Outstanding Ted.


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3∈ [?]
People are like cameras--sometimes they lose focus.

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