It was curiosity, they say, that killed the cat. But maybe it was something more ghoulish than that? All Hallows' Eve summons dark ghostly fright. Beware of things that go *BURP* in the night!
Cat footprints leading up to our gourdy friend but not running past it is not a good sign for the cat. And the poor feline had a bell on its collar warning the pumpkin of his/her approach. The unfortunate name of Boo dangling from the remains of the collar was probably not well chosen by this cat's human master as it foretold the danger ahead for Boo would be his boo boo.
When we chose our border collie, Susie, about 25 years ago from a farm here in North Dakota, I was immediately drawn to her because the first time I saw her she was sitting on a cat. I don't mind cats as long as they're someone else's; I'm a hard core dog person, now on my 35th and 36th dogs. So I really like this illustration of yours, Lisa. Boo-Boo... oy!
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My most beloved dog that I grew up with was a border collie, Nik. Tippy. God, I miss her! I love all animals. If I could, I'd have a sanctuary of a wild menagerie of beasties around me.
I should also add that I, in no way, condone kitty appetizers or animal cruelty!!
I will, however, admit that I was partially inspired in the images's creation by my own cat, Hooligan, whom I love dearly, but who also insists that he MUST park himself in front of me on the computer desk, when I'm trying to do my artwork. :)