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04/27/07 6:21 PM GMT11/24/12 1:24 AM GMT 

Recent Works by marcaribe: (full gallery)

punta cancun by marcaribe, photography->shorelines gallery Princess Cay by marcaribe, photography->shorelines gallery A Beautiful Beach Day by marcaribe, photography->shorelines gallery
punta cancun Princess Cay A Beautiful Beach Day


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04/21/11 2:40 PM GMT
Hello Diane...Thankyou so much for your comments on (HAPPY EASTER)they are as you know very much appreciated...Cornwall is renowned for growing early daffodils to be sold around the world....Thankyou again,have a happy Easter and all the very best to you Diane.........................Mick.
1∈ [?]
04/26/11 5:22 PM GMT
Hi Diane thanks for calling round at my gallery, & commenting on "Young free, & single" that duck is devilishly handsome hey ! (o:

Have a good week ... Phil
0∈ [?]
04/26/11 8:32 PM GMT
Hi Diane, thanks for the congrats :) have a great day! Patti
0∈ [?]
..thanking you in advance for your comments. Please know that all your comments are appreciated....." Live well, love much, laugh often!" .... mygallery
05/07/11 1:11 AM GMT
Thanks Diane for commenting on "Garden View". Much appreciated and have a grand day. ~Wendell
0∈ [?]
Painting is an illusion, a piece of magic, so what you see is not what you see. - Philip Guston
05/07/11 12:50 AM GMT
Hi Diane thanks for all your recent visits to my gallery, I especially appreciated the informative comment you left on Prairie meat.
Have a nice day Phil
2∈ [?]
05/07/11 11:05 PM GMT
Hello Diane....Thankyou for your kind comments on (HIGHLAND BULL ENCOUNTER)they are as you know very much appreciated..Having been brought up on a farm I felt quite at ease being up close to the bull...I love to take photos after it has been raining. The light is so much better and the colours of the landscape are richer....Thankyou again....All the very best to you Diane............Mick.
2∈ [?]
05/09/11 5:55 PM GMT
Thanks Diane for your comments on "Between the Lines". Glad you liked the shot. Have a wonderful day. ~Wendell
0∈ [?]
Painting is an illusion, a piece of magic, so what you see is not what you see. - Philip Guston
05/09/11 6:58 PM GMT
Hello Diane,
thanks for viewing my USA shots.
I hope you like the series I will post as much as I liked it on the road!
1∈ [?]
If you can't find the words, you may as well shoot it...
05/15/11 7:21 AM GMT
Hello Diane....Thankyou so much for taking the time to view (WHITEWATER)and for your comments,as you know it is very much appreciated......The noise of the sea crashing against the pier was something else to experience....Myself and many others spent a good hour watching the sea pound the old pier.....Thankyou again...All the very best to you Diane..............Mick.
1∈ [?]
05/15/11 7:30 PM GMT
Thanks, Diane, for your kind words on "Saffron Sky." I appreciate it. Have a great week!

- Steve
0∈ [?]
05/15/11 11:08 PM GMT
Thanks Diane for your comments on "A Little on the Side". Glad you enjoyed the view. Have a wonderful day. ~Wendell
0∈ [?]
There is nothing in the world of art like the songs mother used to sing. - Camille Pissarro
05/20/11 1:24 PM GMT
Diane - Thank you for faving 'Mertensia'. It is one of the new additions to our shade garden and adds a splash of color for May and June. Glad you liked it. Thad
1∈ [?]
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
05/20/11 7:50 PM GMT
Hello Diane,i hope you are fine,thank you very much for the comment and fave on "Turkey trip #2",have a peaceful weekend.
0∈ [?]
06/06/11 3:42 PM GMT
Ref: Matt Dillion
You asked, "Lovely tribute and memory to your long ago childhood larger then life hero Pat. Did you know Peter Graves was his brother?"

Yes, I did. I have read anything and everything that is in print about him.
0∈ [?]
06/06/11 5:16 PM GMT
Thankyou very much for your positive comments on 'Less is More'. Im really glad you liked it :)
0∈ [?]
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom i trust". Psalm 91: 1 and 2
06/07/11 2:37 AM GMT
Thanks Diane for your comments on "Scene from the Road: Curtmar Farms". Much appreciated and have a fine day. ~Wendell
0∈ [?]
There is nothing in the world of art like the songs mother used to sing. - Camille Pissarro
06/07/11 3:41 PM GMT
Hi Diane, thankyou for your comments on 'The Stillness of the Broads' I saw your Sedona Submarines picture in the VB and thought it was utterly stunning :)
1∈ [?]
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom i trust". Psalm 91: 1 and 2
06/09/11 1:59 AM GMT
Diane - Thanks for faving 'Simply Cape Cod 2'. While it is a crazy place in the summer, filled with people, it is peaceful and relaxing on Memorial Day weekend. Enjoy your day! Thad
1∈ [?]
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
06/10/11 5:44 AM GMT
Hello Diane....Many thanks for viewing (RURAL TRANQUILITY) and for your comments,it is so much appreciated....Early morning walking is the best time of day to experience Mother Nature waking up and to see what she has to offer to photograph....Thankyou again...All the very best to you Diane................Mick.
1∈ [?]
06/10/11 11:58 AM GMT
Diane - Your kind words and faving 'View from Marconi Station' are greatly appreciated. Facing the Atlantic Ocean, there is always a breeze atop the bluffs in Wellfleet, and the view rarely disappoints, regardless of weather. On this day, the fog was burning off and the sun shone brightly. May the sun shine brightly for you today. Thad
1∈ [?]
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
06/11/11 7:58 PM GMT
Hi Diane a belated thank you for commenting on Young Nene they have been reintroduced into Hawaii although their numbers still remain low. The WWT has a captive breeding programme in the UK at all their wildlife centres, I personally would like to see them introduced into the UK since they like our climate but that would be unlawful. Have a good weekend Phil
1∈ [?]
06/18/11 6:27 PM GMT
Thank You for the nice comment on 'Eiffel Tower' and for favouriting it too :)
1∈ [?]
07/02/11 1:34 AM GMT
Thank you for faving Grand River Bottom and the nice comments, Dianne.


(Viewed Full Screen)
0∈ [?]
Cameras are like people--sometimes they lose focus.
07/02/11 4:04 PM GMT
Thanks for faving Scottish Tick, Dianne. It will make a good dartboard.
0∈ [?]
Cameras are like people--sometimes they lose focus.
07/03/11 12:38 AM GMT
ty for the fave on the waikiki photo! much appreciated! glad u enjoy it :)
1∈ [?]
Beyond a shadow of a doubt, there will always be someone better. Challenge not another person, but yourself. Ensure your victory lies within, so others may one day follow YOUR achievements.
07/03/11 10:42 AM GMT
Hi Diane, thankyou for your comment on Dead Calm. I really appreciate you stopping by to comment :)
1∈ [?]
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom i trust". Psalm 91: 1 and 2
07/03/11 4:41 PM GMT
thanks for the fave and the comments glad you liked it.
1∈ [?]
07/03/11 7:18 PM GMT
Thank you very much Diane, for your nice comment and fave on my 'Izmir nightligts' photo. Glad you like it. Much appreciated as always. I have to accept, I'm very surprised by the high score of this photo. :)

2∈ [?]
Be free - use Linux
07/05/11 9:25 PM GMT
Thank you for the kind words on my post, "Spring Garden".
They are greatly appreciated.

1∈ [?]
07/07/11 2:00 AM GMT
Thanks Diane for your comments on "Duck Pond". Glad you enjoyed the view. Have a very nice day. ~Wendell
0∈ [?]
There is nothing in the world of art like the songs mother used to sing. - Camille Pissarro
07/10/11 12:40 AM GMT
Thank you for taking the time to comment on my photo's.

0∈ [?]
07/10/11 3:32 PM GMT
Now my little friend are you happy! The record has been broken lol:)
10∈ [?]
The most precious jewel you'll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children♥
07/10/11 7:11 PM GMT
Thanks for your comments on Croi Na Foraoise. They are appreciated.
I enjoy photography and manipluation. Take a look at my other pics if you have a chance. Any comments or advice are appreciated! Have an awesome day!!
3∈ [?]
To take a photograph is to make a presentation of God's work. Do so Wisely. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~Christian Of Caedes~~ Check Out My Blog!
07/10/11 9:37 PM GMT
Thanks, Diane, for your kind words on "The Season’s Early Bloomers." I appreciate it.

- Steve
1∈ [?]
07/13/11 7:26 PM GMT
Ridgedale? Wow... I think my parents had a free stay there in the winter time cause they listened to some sales pitch about something. We all went. Not much was opened besides the rooms cause it was winter...
0∈ [?]
To take a photograph is to make a presentation of God's work. Do so Wisely. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~Christian Of Caedes~~ Check Out My Blog!
07/16/11 7:28 AM GMT
Hi Diane, thankyou for your comment on Wasdale Pike. I very much appreciate your support as the previous comment i had was a bit emotive and quite negative. Nice to get a positive one too :)
1∈ [?]
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom i trust". Psalm 91: 1 and 2
07/17/11 5:23 PM GMT
Hello Diane...Many thanks for taking the time to view (THUNDEROUS HOOVES)and for your lovely comments,it is as you know very much appreciated…The noise of their hooves on the dry hard track was something else to experience...Looking through the camera it was quite scarey to see the horses coming towards me....Thankyou again.....All the very best to you Diane..................Mick.
1∈ [?]
07/19/11 8:56 PM GMT
Well my little friend everything is going just fine here in NE Tennessee. You know I have mouth watering recipes! My friends ask me all the time when will I open a restaurant. I picked my first tomato this week and also had new potatoes from our big patch we raise. Fresh green beans, roasted new potatoes, home grown tomatoes, green onions and a pan of corn bread is my favorite meal. Hope everything is okay with you:) ya to.
4∈ [?]
The most precious jewel you'll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children♥
08/08/11 4:17 PM GMT
Hi Diane, thankyou for stopping by and commenting on Malham Dale. I am glad you liked it :D Good to see you back!
3∈ [?]
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom i trust". Psalm 91: 1 and 2
08/19/11 1:26 PM GMT
Hi Diane, many thanks for your lovely comment on 'The Circus'. Much appreciated :D
2∈ [?]
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom i trust". Psalm 91: 1 and 2
08/23/11 12:53 AM GMT
Hi Diane, thank you very much for your nice comment and fave on my 'Cement plant sunset lights' photo. Much appreciated as always.

2∈ [?]
Be free - use Linux
08/23/11 4:39 PM GMT
Hi Diane, thankyou for stopping by and commenting on Lothlorien. Im so shocked to have come in the top 5. I like to enter the contests but i never expect to rank! :) Thanks also for your lovely comment on Garden 2 - A Lady Bug. Much appreciated.
2∈ [?]
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom i trust". Psalm 91: 1 and 2
08/25/11 7:45 PM GMT
Hi Diane.Many thanks for your comments on my photo Solitude. Apologies for taking so long to acknowledge these, but we have been away from home a lot, often in remote areas with no internet access. Glad you enjoyed it.
2∈ [?]
Bary Observe the masses, & then do the opposite.
08/27/11 11:06 PM GMT
Happy Birthday and all the best for the coming year Diane. Hope you have a nice "Birthday Trip".

4∈ [?]
If practice makes perfect and nobody is perfect, then why practice?
08/27/11 11:47 PM GMT
Here's wishing you a A Very Happy Birthday tomorrow Aug. 28th, Sunday Hope you have a chance to enjoy your very special day with your family and really great friends. Don't eat too much but safe us some cake, everyone coming over for cake, lol.

Again Happy Birthday my dear friend. ♥ Pat ♥
5∈ [?]
08/29/11 7:54 PM GMT
Wish you a Happy Birthday my dear friend..Erja
4∈ [?]
08/31/11 8:43 PM GMT
A belated Happy Birthday my dear friend! I hope your day was a wonderful one.
4∈ [?]
09/17/11 2:35 PM GMT
Thanks Diane for your comments on "Lighthouse". Glad you enjoyed the view. That would be the famous red clay soil of Prince Edward Island. Have a grand day. ~Wendell
4∈ [?]
The difference between a bad artist and a good one is: the bad artist seems to copy a great deal; the good one really does. ~William Blake
09/17/11 7:27 PM GMT
Hello Diane....Many thanks for taking the time to view (DON'T FENCE ME IN)and for your comments,it is as you know very much appreciated....It was a great experience to watch and photograph these beautiful horses as they ran towards me....Thankyou again....All the vey best to you Diane.......Mick.
2∈ [?]
09/18/11 10:24 PM GMT
Hi Diane , I appreciate your comments on my photos , Thank You , Tom
2∈ [?]
09/19/11 9:07 PM GMT
Diane - Thanks so much for faving 'Braided River'. The river was an interesting phenomenon that I had not seen before. Set among the Alaskan Range mountains, it was quite an amazing sight. Thad
2∈ [?]
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
09/20/11 12:21 AM GMT
Hi Diane, thanks for faving The Black Dog; he will have an inflated opinion of himself... but, come to think of the way he looks, it's already too late. :-) Much appreciated.

2∈ [?]
09/25/11 7:37 AM GMT
Hi Diane, I'm glad you enjoyed 'A little resident on El Pinon' image. Thank you for adding it to your favs.

2∈ [?]
09/26/11 1:53 AM GMT
Thanks Diane for your comments on "Feeding Time Original". Glad you enjoyed the scene and photo. Have a wonderful day. ~Wendell
1∈ [?]
The difference between a bad artist and a good one is: the bad artist seems to copy a great deal; the good one really does. ~William Blake
09/26/11 4:08 PM GMT
Hi Diane, Thanks a lot for viewing and commenting the 'Antigua beach' image. Thanks again for adding it to your favs.

1∈ [?]
09/28/11 12:26 AM GMT
Thanks so much for your kind comments on 'Chopper view of the Grand Canyon'. I share your sentiments about this beautiful country and our neighbor to the North. So much to see and explore. I am blessed to be able to visit the gems that have been scattered throughout our USA. Grazie Diane!
2∈ [?]
10/01/11 3:44 PM GMT
Hello Diane,
thank you so much for the congrats to my win of the surreal contest. I didnīt think I would stand a chanse becouse of the many very good posts. I am very happy about it and greatful.

2∈ [?]
10/02/11 3:47 PM GMT
Hi Diane, thank you for adding my "Mountain Lake" to your favorites - I'm happy you liked it so much!
2∈ [?]
For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, plausible, and wrong. - H. L. Mencken
10/08/11 1:30 AM GMT
Hi Diane , Thank You for your comments on Truro Surf..The tourists are still there but I managed to get a shot off without anyone in it.
2∈ [?]
10/10/11 1:11 AM GMT
Thanks Diane for your comments on "I Want To Hold Your Hand". Glad you liked the photo. Mosquitoes are the least of your worries, there are also coyotes and tourist wandering through the park. One you can chase off by making a lot of noise and the tourist just keep hounding you, lol. Have a great day. ~Wendell
2∈ [?]
The difference between a bad artist and a good one is: the bad artist seems to copy a great deal; the good one really does. ~William Blake
10/10/11 10:51 PM GMT
Thanks for faving The Left Bank. Read my opening sentence in the narrative again. :)
2∈ [?]
Cameras are like people--sometimes they lose focus.
10/13/11 1:54 AM GMT
Diane - Thank you for faving 'College Fjord View 3'. I very much appreciate it. Thad
2∈ [?]
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine The Earth without art is just 'eh'.
10/23/11 2:40 AM GMT
Thanks Diane for the comments on "Why I Don't Do Sunsets". Laugh all you like. Town is a little to the left of the direction the photo was shot, I'm afraid that is just some nameless bedroom community being put to the torch. This was one of the rare colourful sunset skies we had last summer. We usually don't see it this deeply red. Glad you enjoyed the scene. Have a wonderful weekend. ~Wendell
2∈ [?]
The difference between a bad artist and a good one is: the bad artist seems to copy a great deal; the good one really does. ~William Blake
10/23/11 9:23 AM GMT
Big thanks for the comment on 'Shanklin Waves'.
1∈ [?]
Arty to IT's Gallery Prints now available at Deviantart under artytoit
10/28/11 1:58 AM GMT
Hi Diane, thanks for your comments on "Round the Bend" and for adding it to your faves. Much appreciated and glad you found the scene enjoyable. Have a great day. ~Wendell
1∈ [?]
The difference between a bad artist and a good one is: the bad artist seems to copy a great deal; the good one really does. ~William Blake
10/28/11 6:48 AM GMT
Hi Diane, thankyou for your comment on Columns Light the Way. Am glad you liked it. Its my first attempt at night photography so im not sure about the results. Its so nice that it has been so well recieved.
1∈ [?]
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom i trust". Psalm 91: 1 and 2
12/16/11 3:23 AM GMT
Thanks Diane for your comments on "Whole Lot of Green". Glad you enjoyed the scene. Have a great day. ~Wendell
2∈ [?]
The difference between a bad artist and a good one is: the bad artist seems to copy a great deal; the good one really does. ~William Blake
12/17/11 6:24 PM GMT
Hello Diane - thanks for the nice comment on "Sunset 1". As the title says it is the sun and not the moon :). The reddish colour comes either from pollution in the air or mist.
- Raj
2∈ [?]
Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors.
12/18/11 3:02 AM GMT
Hi there Diane,

Thanks for leaving you comment on Bad Moon Rising. It is very much appreciated! :)
2∈ [?]
It's the little things in life that make me smile. :0)
12/18/11 4:48 AM GMT
Hello Diane...Many,many thanks for your lovely comments on (LOW TIDE)it is as you know very much appreciated...After some heavy rain a beautiful light descended upon St.Ives and I was in the right place at the right time to capture it...Low tides happen twice a day....Thankyou again......PS Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year...All the very best to you Diane......Mick.
2∈ [?]
12/18/11 7:08 PM GMT
Thank you Diane for adding me to your friends list,it is appreciated,Happy Holidays to you and your family.
2∈ [?]
12/19/11 12:30 AM GMT
thanx for your comments on 'grimsby hike'
2∈ [?]
12/23/11 4:57 AM GMT
Thanks Diane for the comment, glad you liked my kitten!
2∈ [?]
12/24/11 3:24 AM GMT
Hi Diane, thanks for your comments on "A Child is Born". Glad you enjoyed the photo. Have a very Merry Christmas and take care. ~Wendell
3∈ [?]
The difference between a bad artist and a good one is: the bad artist seems to copy a great deal; the good one really does. ~William Blake
12/30/11 3:35 AM GMT
Diane - Thank you for faving "Denali Landscape'. The beauty of Alaska is difficult to describe, and photos don't show the vastness of the mountain landscape. I am pleased that you liked this view. Thad
2∈ [?]
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine The Earth without art is just 'eh'.
01/04/12 12:51 AM GMT
Hey Diane!

Thanks for the great comment on "What the World Needs Now". Hope your family had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year as well!

2∈ [?]
It's the little things in life that make me smile. :0)
01/14/12 7:01 AM GMT
Thanks Diane for your comments on "Gradient". Glad you enjoyed the image. Have a great day and a lovely weekend. ~Wendell
2∈ [?]
Life’s disappointments are harder to take when you don’t know any swear words. — Bill Watterson
01/15/12 7:41 AM GMT
Hello Diane...Thankyou ever so much for viewing (HORSES AT SUNRISE)and for your lovely comments, it is very much appreciated.....Early morning walks gives me the opportunity to capture shots like this....Thankyou again...All the very best to you Diane...Mick.
2∈ [?]
01/17/12 2:32 AM GMT
Hi Diane, thanks for your comments on "Uphill Struggle". Glad you enjoyed the scene. Have a great day. ~Wendell
2∈ [?]
Life’s disappointments are harder to take when you don’t know any swear words. — Bill Watterson
01/18/12 2:10 PM GMT
Diane, I looked at all your photos and tried to pick one that really reached out to me so that I could write you a nice comment. Well I couldnt find one that was a favorite, They were ALL my favorites! I love your style, the vivid color and majesty of your landscapes.
5∈ [?]
01/18/12 10:19 PM GMT
Hi Diane , Thank You for all of your comments and in answer to your question on Summer Lake , I have been to Gull pond in Wellfleet , must be the same right ?.My parents had a summer place in Eastham so I was on the cape during the summer months since I can remember.
4∈ [?]
01/23/12 2:27 AM GMT
Congrats on your winning Diane!!! So cool with your perfect capture!!
4∈ [?]
01/23/12 12:03 AM GMT
Congrats on your 5th place, Diane. Nice going!
4∈ [?]
01/24/12 6:38 AM GMT
Congrats on your placing in the contest. Thanks Diane for your comments on "Boxed In". Glad you enjoyed the image. Have a great day. ~Wendell
4∈ [?]
Life’s disappointments are harder to take when you don’t know any swear words. — Bill Watterson
01/24/12 7:37 PM GMT
Hey there Diane! Thanks for you wonderful comment on "Frosted Berry Morning" It means a lot! :)
4∈ [?]
It's the little things in life that make me smile. :0)
01/26/12 2:58 AM GMT
Thanks for the comment on my Days End photo . I appreciate it.
3∈ [?]
01/29/12 6:50 AM GMT
Thanks Diane for your comments on "Watered Down". Glad you enjoyed the image. Have a nice day and a great week. ~Wendell
3∈ [?]
Life’s disappointments are harder to take when you don’t know any swear words. — Bill Watterson
02/16/12 3:19 AM GMT
Hello Diane....Many thanks for viewing (FOR YOU SUSANNE)and for your comments,it is as you know very much appreciated...To get to this location I had to walk through fields of cows on a blistering hot day....Thankyou again....All the very best to you Diane.....Mick
3∈ [?]
02/16/12 7:27 AM GMT
Thanks Diane for your comments on "Khyber Pass". Sorry to disappoint you. I guess I better not post "Crossing the Rubicon" any time soon. Glad you enjoyed the photo. This was named for the Khyber Center for the Arts and the fact that I pass by the building when visiting Halifax. Have a great day. ~Wendell
3∈ [?]
Life’s disappointments are harder to take when you don’t know any swear words. — Bill Watterson
02/16/12 2:43 PM GMT
Thanks Diane for the comment and the favorite on " Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore" . I appreciate it.
3∈ [?]
I would travel only by horse, if I had the choice. ~ Linda McCartney ~
06/13/12 11:51 AM GMT
Hi Diane, Thanks for the comments on " Leggs ". I appreciate it and am gald you like her. She is a beauty . You're right that spring grass is green .... green. Thanks again !
3∈ [?]
I would travel only by horse, if I had the choice. ~ Linda McCartney ~
08/16/12 1:41 AM GMT
Hi Diane, Thanks for the comments on " Masaka ". I appreciate it. Thanks again,
3∈ [?]
I would travel only by horse, if I had the choice. ~ Linda McCartney ~
08/16/12 2:19 AM GMT
Thanks Diane for your comments on "Badlands". Glad you enjoyed the photo. Have a great day. ~Wendell
3∈ [?]
Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man's growth without destroying his roots. — Frank A. Clark
08/20/12 1:13 AM GMT
Hello Diane...Many thanks for taking the time to view (UNFETTERED) it is so very much appreciated..My friends say that I am taking huge risk photographing horses as they come running towards me...I have no fear,but I do respect them....I always make sure I have an escape route for my safety....I have never played polo...Thankyou again...All the very best to you Diane......Mick.
0∈ [?]
08/30/12 6:34 PM GMT
Sorry for being late my sweet friend, I've been away. As my poppa use to say: it's better late then never

Anyway, stopping by to send you my Happy Belated Birthday, on Aug 28, 2012. I surely hope you have a fabulous birthday with your family and dear friends, surrounded by love and laughter. I'm raising my glass to you Diane CHEERS
3∈ [?]
Have a Sunny Day
11/07/12 5:08 PM GMT
Hi Diane,
I am so glad you like "Late afternoon sunlight". Thanks for faving it and for the very kind comment.
3∈ [?]
11/16/12 2:47 AM GMT
Thanks Diane for your comments on "What Now" and "Some Sort of Flower". Glad you enjoyed the photos. Have a great day. ~Wendell
3∈ [?]
Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man's growth without destroying his roots. — Frank A. Clark
11/25/12 7:57 AM GMT
Congratulations, Diane, you really deserved the reward. I am happy for you.
0∈ [?]
11/26/12 12:31 AM GMT
Thanks Diane for your comments on "Shaggy Dog". Glad you enjoyed the photo. Have a lovely day. ~Wendell
0∈ [?]
Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man's growth without destroying his roots. — Frank A. Clark
07/21/13 8:16 AM GMT
Hi Diane, I wonder what's happening with you. I hope you are well. I miss your wonderful shots. Take care.
0∈ [?]

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