I find this contest (one color) somewhat confusing. Some are posting photos with one color, and others are doing selective coloring. I will just let the judges decide if I hit on the right type of photo.
I was a bit confused too, Tick, but Bob said, "...A single colour 'Subject/Object' in an otherwise B&W or Mono picture...." so that's how I interpreted it but I guess it could be subject to personal interpretation...these two sweet kittens sure are stealthy hidden in the grasses...except for their beautiful eyes that come through...great work on the selective coloring and best of luck.
You would be a great politician, Owd Fella Tick (OFT), because of this perfect photographic compromise, 😄 ! A wink too, because of the selective coloring with only one eye of these 'stalking' cats. I like to agree with John's comment above, so thanks for the smile as well! Good Luck with it in the 'One Colour' contest!
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I'm sure that in color it was fairly easy to spot both cats, the white one more obvious, but as a black and white the grasses standing in front of these mousers is a good camouflage. Considering Bob's winning entry, yours was definitely in the running.
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