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Uploaded: 08/15/17 1:26 AM GMT
Views: 321
Dlds: 169
Status: active

Cromwell, Connecticut, USA. Disappointed that we had not seen any Monarch butterflies in our yard for several years, we bought four varieties of milkweed seeds to plant. We never expected any results this year. However, several Monarchs have been fluttering around this summer. Last week, we saw several caterpillars chewing on the milkweed leaves, doubling in size seemingly overnight. Today, we saw a chrysalis hanging on one of the basil plants nearby. Beneath the somewhat translucent shell, the developing butterfly is visible. We are excited to have monarchs back, and now growing in numbers. (100mm macro, 1/250 sec, f/9, ISO 500, AP)


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08/15/17 2:49 AM GMT
Outstanding ... photograph, mission, and result! I applaud you on all three.

Ever since I was a small child, I have held chrysalises in a sort of sacred reverence. To me, they are a universal magic that is right up there with a plant sprouting from a seed. It fills me with a deep awe.

Wonderful shot. Faved!
4∈ [?]
08/15/17 7:07 AM GMT
What an outstanding macro, Thad, tack-sharp with perfect lighting. I can't honestly say I can see the shape of the monarch inside but I defer to your experience. I do hope that experience of yours will capture a few more as the chrysalis matures and the monarch appears. That would be freakin' awesome (to quote my daughter-in-law... which I never do). I also wasn't aware that one could produce monarchs by planting milkweed! Fascinating info for future reference, thanks.

4∈ [?]
If you've ever wanted to make a difference but found it hard to believe that one person could... check out the Kiva Team Caedes discussion thread and discover that anything is possible.
08/15/17 7:26 AM GMT
Very good capture of the chrysalis Thad. You are doing something really good if you have brought the monarchs back.
2∈ [?]
Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors.
08/15/17 9:44 AM GMT
A Monarch still in disguise, Thad.
If you haven't provided us with your well documented narrative, it would have been a perfect entry for the current 'What is it' contest.
A very fine, and pretty rare, macro, my friend!
2∈ [?]
Try to change what you can't accept, but accept what you can't change. Please CLICK HERE to see my journal! Feel free to save my images or to add them to your favorites.
08/15/17 11:04 AM GMT
Eonderful - in all respects.
It will be emerged very soon
2∈ [?]
My thanks to all who leave comments for my work and to those of you who like one enough to make it a favourite. To touch just one person that way makes each image worthwhile. . . . . . . . . .. . . . "The question is not what you look at, but what you see" ~ Marcel Proust
08/15/17 11:34 AM GMT
Good for you for planting the milkweed, it is a must for their survival. I do see a faint sign of it inside, and that will get darker as it gets closer to releasing. Beautifully done, and right into my faves.
4∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
08/15/17 3:06 PM GMT
It's an excellent close-up. What a great find.
2∈ [?]
08/15/17 3:27 PM GMT
Great closeup of the chrysalis Thad - very excited to hear that the monarchs are returning to your area - you have provided the main source of plants essential to their survival - Thanks for your support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2∈ [?]
08/15/17 5:23 PM GMT
This sure beats an ultra sound Thad. Looks like you will be a proud papa soon. Such excellent macro work.


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2∈ [?]
People are like cameras--sometimes they lose focus.
08/15/17 6:35 PM GMT
Spectacular detail and close up - wow you are so lucky to have this in your garden and the comeback of the Monarch. Thanks for sharing this posting, my granddaughter talked about Chrysalis in school last spring. Downloaded
3∈ [?]

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