
  One Lonely Caedesian night...  

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Uploaded: 03/18/07 9:28 PM GMT
One Lonely Caedesian night...
Views: 4738
Dlds: 1045
Status: active

as I stood at the edge of the stair...

the darkness was dulling the light,

so I stopped for awhile, just to stare

the cobwebs of mind cleared away

and the red moon came into clear sight

and the spider it covered the day

and emcompassed me into the night.

all stock photos and the poem, my own, except the spider, which is credited { thank you} to Piner.

{ remake: I am new at this...and as I looked, it bugged I changed a few things....}


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03/18/07 9:56 PM GMT
So very clever, the shadow and all. You did a great job!
0∈ [?]
You will be led to the knowledge of the internal things which are invisible to you, by the external things which you see before you. . . . Even so then, we can represent to ourselves in thought the Author of all that is, by contemplating and admiring the (visible) things which He has made, and ever brings into being. - Hermes
03/18/07 10:06 PM GMT
Great remake, and poem .... I dnd't get a chance to comment on thw other one, and you already have a remake! This one is darker, and fits the poem.
Well done!
0∈ [?]
To get a friend you have to be a friend!
03/18/07 10:38 PM GMT
Your an Artist indeed ! Great work all around .

0∈ [?]
03/18/07 10:44 PM GMT
~where we started~


~isn't this~
0∈ [?]
03/19/07 12:02 AM GMT
arrgghhh! oops! it is only a Caedesian! I am scared no longer! lol! great work Terri!
0∈ [?]
"Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity." well much ...laugh often ..... mygallery
03/19/07 12:44 AM GMT
I'm gonna stay here and guard the house you go out and see what it is Terri. :-)
0∈ [?]
Always remember - Follow the Yellow Brick Road, it will lead you to the Emerald City and OZ A very nice place to repose. Trust me on this one, I live there ............The Lion...................... MY GALLERY - The Magical Mystery Tour
03/19/07 1:35 AM GMT
Can always count on the lion to "guard the house"...probably from the closet!!! Kewl job...I'm spooked, but it's really good, Terri.


0∈ [?]
"You owe it to us all to get on with what you're good at." W.H. AUDEN (1907-1973)
03/19/07 6:39 AM GMT
Nice moody composition, Teri The image in the window reminds me of the Mad Magazine "Spy vs Spy" series. Nice it me or does the vertical tilt a bit to the right? -R
0∈ [?]
Stultum est timere quod vitare non potes.
03/19/07 8:06 AM GMT
A good mood work.tells the story well.
0∈ [?]
03/19/07 10:32 AM GMT
A very clever creation Terri, and sets the mood for your peom to perfection.
0∈ [?]
The question is not what you look at, but what you see ~ Marcel Proust
03/19/07 11:08 AM GMT
Fantastic and Artistic work,Terri..
0∈ [?]
03/19/07 2:13 PM GMT
Hi Terri
This is a new departure for u. The lighting is strange what with the red light falling on the floor from the window, while the room is lite in white.

Well engineered clever image.
Bye now Phil.
0∈ [?]
Lifes around.
03/19/07 2:41 PM GMT
Well done, and the erie compostion is perfect. Mysterious, quiet and a little spooky too. Good job!!
0∈ [?]
"Form follows function"-Frank Lloyd Wright
03/19/07 3:30 PM GMT
Hi there Terri......Did I not comment on this one before, or was that De Ja Vu??? (Yes I know I can't spell for s*^t However i seem to remember the last one with less shadow. This one appears with much more shadow and for me has a good creepy effect. Great picture as always.

0∈ [?]
AKAJON: Most people lye asleep and notice nothing around them. Just wake up and see the natural beauty around you. It will blow you away.
03/20/07 10:08 AM GMT
Thanks all who have commented! I appreciate it....
I see flaws every time I look, but it's fun trying....:)
0∈ [?]
Hey there Mister Madman, wat'cha know that I don't know Tell me some crazy stories, let me know who runs this show Glassy-eyed and laughing, he turns and walks away Tell me what made you that way
03/20/07 11:06 AM GMT
"Terri does spookstuff too! Terri does spookstuff too!" (LOL) Nice manip!
0∈ [?]
"Let us forever cherish and hold sacred these moments...for it is our undoing ...should we forget..." -William Shakespeare ... Visit Jhihmoac's Gallery
03/05/08 2:47 AM GMT
I am touched by this Terri, the poem and photo are beautiful. Faved, thank you.
0∈ [?]
Please visit my website to view my online photo gallery, also look at my "watch list" for other Caedes members.
08/06/08 5:39 PM GMT
0∈ [?]
11/21/08 3:26 AM GMT
i love this so mysterious and exciting :) *thumbs-up!*
0∈ [?]
10/02/11 12:00 AM GMT
Thumbs up here too!
0∈ [?]
States i've lived in Maryland, New York, Iowa and Arkansas. Hello to ya'll and you betcha i'll be back in a NY minute, lol!

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