
  Baby, It's Cold Outside  

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Uploaded: 01/04/18 5:24 PM GMT
Baby, It's Cold Outside
Views: 1158
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Status: active

Parts of North America are buried in record snowfall. And many more of us are gritting our teeth against record cold. Baby, it's c-c-cold outside!


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01/04/18 5:41 PM GMT
It is cold south of your border as well Lisa. Let's hope all the kids are dressed this well. Good illustration.


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5∈ [?]
People are like cameras--sometimes they lose focus.
01/04/18 6:02 PM GMT
I remember Dean Martin singing that. I have seen on TV and also heard on news how awful the cold wave has been in many parts of the U.S. As I am typing this we have 7 deg C 45 F. (and that is since couple of weeks - also a record here I think.) You have managed to convey that feeling of bitter cold with this image Lisa. Well done!
5∈ [?]
Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors.
01/04/18 8:38 PM GMT
What a wonderful illustration this one is, and it sure fits the weather we are having. I'll raise my cup of coffee to you as toast to job well done. :) tigs=^..^=
5∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
01/04/18 10:27 PM GMT
The cold and the snowfall some are in for, yikes!...your illustration aptly portrays both and so well done...thanks for the's needed!
5∈ [?]
I thought yesterday was supposed to be the first day of the rest of my life but it turns out today is. (Steve Martin)
01/05/18 12:09 AM GMT
The cold has got us all in it's grip I believe. Your cute image here gives me a happy face. Thanks!!
5∈ [?]
01/05/18 1:04 AM GMT
Very nice details in this illustration. Wonderful job on the folds of the clothes and the textures. Superb shading creating really nice depth. Like the snowdrift and the illustrated wind that seems to be blowing his scarf. A-1 job Lisa. I tip my hat and in this case my toboggan.
5∈ [?]
When fear comes to me I will stubbornly choose Faith Instead!!!!
01/05/18 1:36 AM GMT
lol Frank :)
0∈ [?]
01/05/18 10:30 AM GMT
the image looks warmer than current waether we are having at the moment. 'cool' work here. :)
5∈ [?]
01/06/18 2:49 AM GMT
Another very cool picture Lisa (see what I did there). Charming, skillful, creative and sly all come to mind. And standing deep in all that snow isn't just shrinking his eyeballs. Perhaps you might want to throw your old surfboard and a picnic basket into the family wagon and come on out to southern California. The fires are (mostly) out and the surf's up. Today was a beautiful blue sky spring day. The downside is, we barely have any winter at all and it hardly rains anymore either. Too soon it'll be back to 90-100F days. Anyway, everyone is welcome to visit, just wipe your feet on the way in.
5∈ [?]
There are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. W.S.
01/06/18 10:41 AM GMT
This would be ideal for a Christmas Card. your work is so talented you should take it up full time. My thought's do go out to those in those places affected by the storms.
5∈ [?]
01/07/18 5:21 PM GMT
I keep telling you, Lisa, you should be illustrating children's books, really diggin' the whimsey and (seemingly) freestyle effect of your work. My wife, a children's author herself (somewhat... maybe more after she retires) and children's library program coordinator, feels the same. Her immediate response to this was, Oooohh, that's cool (without intending the pun). For us it is pure North Dakota. Currently your 4 snowmen image has been my constant Mac laptop screen since you submitted it (I rarely do that with any image) and, when I replace it, it will likely be with this one. There's not many artists works I look forward to... your work is in that very small category. S&F.

7∈ [?]
If you've ever wanted to make a difference but found it hard to believe that one person could... check out the Kiva Team Caedes discussion thread and discover that anything is possible.
01/07/18 6:25 PM GMT
That means more to me than I can say, Nik. Thank you!
7∈ [?]
01/10/18 7:44 AM GMT
Great work.
5∈ [?]
02/04/18 5:42 PM GMT
This is fabulous workmanship Lisa.Is that you in this image??:):) I love the snow!! I grew up in snow country in Utah but no snow here but I can get to the snow in 3 hours time:)
We are having a mild winter here compared to last year. We don't get snow here in Walnut Creek being the temperate Mediterranean type climate here on the coast but I have seen it snow here once in the 40 years I have lived in this area. Great creation:):)
5∈ [?]
02/06/18 12:49 AM GMT
Haven't seen your works in a while...Cool...Faved...
6∈ [?]
"Put up...or SHUT UP!" Visit Jhihmoac's Gallery
02/11/18 6:39 PM GMT
In my previous home town, Columbus, it would have struck me to take note of your color selection. Scarf and coat - maize and blue; hat - scarlet and grey. That team up north versus our beloved Buckeyes. But, even if your illustration is just of a misguided Hawkeye, I must say that the poor guy looks very cold and you did a very good job of artistically reporting it in an aesthetically pleasing way. :)
5∈ [?]

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