
  Bottom Road  

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Uploaded: 11/18/17 12:04 AM GMT
Bottom Road
Views: 319
Dlds: 127
Status: active

There is nothing fancy about this photo. This river bottom road is in the Heartland for farming and hunting. Wildlife flourishes in this out of the way spot, where corn meets beans, meets wheat, meets hay ground. It is deer season and this is the type of place a deer might step out into the open at any time. Oh, the anticipation that flows through the veins. I noticed the Eagle soaring over while I was there, likes this hunting ground as well. Enjoy, but you must have permission from the owner to be there. Tell him I sent you.


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11/18/17 12:30 AM GMT
From age 15 to about 21, I hunted on family land that had a similar feel, albeit with hills and ravines to hide the deer. For anyone who has been out for deer season, there is an unmistakable anticipation and overall sensation involved, from the smell of fall foliage, the crispness of the air, the sound of geese overhead (who seem to know exactly what season it is... and isn't waterfowl or upland game!), the warmth of your thermos coffee while waiting and warming up in the truck, the thrill of spotting your quarry, and whether you fill or not doesn't make the day. It's the entire process. Yep, it's a simple photo but it reminds me of my youth (I sold all my weapons when I returned from the military, and that's when my hunting days came to an end).

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If you've ever wanted to make a difference but found it hard to believe that one person could... check out the Kiva Team Caedes discussion thread and discover that anything is possible.
11/18/17 1:56 AM GMT
It looks like many rural scenes I've experienced here in Illinois - feels close to home.
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Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. Albert Camus
11/18/17 7:53 AM GMT
I would get halfway down that track and some kind of nasty would jump out and eat me..Just my luck....R.
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I wish I was a Glow Worm, a Glow Worm's never glum, 'cause how can you be grumpy, when the sun shines out your bum?
11/18/17 1:11 PM GMT
Grew up in a farming district could be a shot from my hometown thanks for the memory like it.

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The reason why the sun sets in the evening is because it wants to see the sunrise in the morning. I rise in the morning because I want to see them both. RvdB
11/18/17 1:54 PM GMT
Looks like spots I have seen around here. tigz=^..^=
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Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
11/18/17 3:00 PM GMT
Tick, I agree with Rob, that this could be Dutch flat land as well.
Think however that the 'density' of deer is somewhat higher there when compared to our area.
Very fine rural shot, Owd Fella!
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Try to change what you can't accept, but accept what you can't change. Please CLICK HERE to see my journal! Feel free to save my images or to add them to your favorites.
11/18/17 8:14 PM GMT
Gorgeous work. I love it.
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11/19/17 9:46 AM GMT
o wonder that deer will be found in such a place. The only disturbing factor in this lovely view are the tyre tracks but that cannot be helped.
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Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors.
11/19/17 11:35 AM GMT
Nice textures and a feeling of 'being there' is evoked.
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My thanks to all who leave comments for my work and to those of you who like one enough to make it a favourite. To touch just one person that way makes each image worthwhile. . . . . . . . . .. . . . "The question is not what you look at, but what you see" ~ Marcel Proust
11/30/17 12:52 AM GMT
Outstanding lead through to the field and woods beyond - gorgeous shot Tick
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