
Discussion Board Search

102 Results

Anyone interested in Sharing Flames? Benroy 08/02/05 9:29 PM GMT Anyone interested in sharing/ swapping flames for the purpose of experimention and possible collaberations? I have 6 available at the moment, of which, only 1 or 2 have been turned into an upload for Caedes. I would find it interesting to see how different artist could play with them more and turn them into possible wallpapers for caedes. If your interested, speak up! Even if you've got nothing to swap you can have these free of charge, except for the small mafia type favour that you would owe
The Flame Trade cgImagery 02/11/06 4:15 AM GMT Hmm...anyone interested in sharing flames? Hmm...well hopefully people are...I'll post one of mine to get this thing rollin :D
Where has the C score gone? phasmid 03/01/09 5:42 AM GMT Did I miss a thread? Did it finally happen? Is it true that the c-index no longer exists on individual pics? I have been away for a while, so please excuse and enlighten me if I'm duplicating a discussion thread that deals with this topic. :)PJ
C-index system again corngrowth 06/20/10 7:26 PM GMT I'm not that mad! On the one hand great comments for an image (thanks, my friends), but on the other hand a C-index of only 32 by now, for the same image, forces me to consider seriously whether I should quit with Caedes or not. To me it's really a, hard to understand, hypocrite situation. It seems to be that this voting system has become more and more a lottery, everything is possible from surprising good scores on the one hand to very disappointing results on the other hand for even good ph
C-index ladybughsf 12/18/06 9:38 PM GMT I know what c-index means, but I am unsure about how it is displayed. If I were to look at a picture and it said, "c-index: 66:100," does that mean that the image is rated at 66 out of 100?
Vote attacking Radjehuty 08/16/05 5:26 AM GMT Ok normally I wouldn't care, but this is just hillariously obvious. My image was a 98 today, and another comment appeared on it giving me another 10/10, and by some STRANGE COSMIC FORCE, it dropped it to a 93. I know I've been in discussion boards and voiced my oppinions and pissed off a few people, but you people have to grow up and not use lame attacks just because you don't like the way I think. I would NEVER do that to you! You people know who you are, and you really should be ashamed th
C:index cynlee 07/02/08 1:28 PM GMT I know we've been here before, but why can't we just get rid of it (C:index) or replace it with something better? It just irritates everyone because very little thought seems to be put into it these days. I'm not speaking only of my posts, but there are some really fine images on here that are being 'tanked' and they really don't deserve to be. Maybe DigiCamMan was right.
Elimination of C-index Petition June 01/11/05 8:04 PM GMT Elimination of C-index yes or no! The images should be scored according to Artistic Merit. Let us start up a petition to make changes to the c-index.! Many of us have been conditioned through schooling that we tend to get a little sensitive with regards to the c-index as a reflection of the quality of our work as viewed by others. I think it would be more effective for us to vote and to perhaps select from a list of artistic values on each image. This will help all of us to improve on our wor
Is it time to retire the c-index? J_E_F 05/16/11 10:17 PM GMT When I first got into Caedes, I was intrigued by the c-index system.It was a numerical quantifier to comments and critiques.So I had this strange notion that as I tried to improve my photographic skills, based upon comments, that images would be more polished and presentable, appealing to the compositional aspirations of a desktop picture resource. Then logically, the c-index ratings would improve too.But the c-index system seems to have a mind of its own.And with the ability to now see exactly
Voting Booth houstonaxl 10/23/06 8:02 PM GMT Is there a way to view your Voting results of your images?
Voting hiker 05/02/06 2:18 PM GMT Can someone clarify this for me?? It seems that selective voting has been disabled, yet the option to vote on specific images of your chosing still appears. When you attempt to vote though, you are redirected to the page showing the (formerly 2) voting options. Is this a permanent change, or will the voting buttons eventually be removed, so that they don't appear on each individual image page? Thanks for any light that you can shed on this!
C-Index Troubles Radjehuty 09/01/04 6:37 PM GMT I don't know about you, but I am starting to think that there is a real problem with the C-Index, and I am not blaming the formula...Math doesn't lie :) I was thinking that maybe there are people just voting 0 just for kicks or something. I have seen a lot of images that are obviously good, but have rediculously low C-Indexes. I've even seen a work of Tracy's work that is a 69, but won 2nd place in a contest. What do you think could be the problem? I have seen a lot of accounts with 0 Karma
Modification to the Voting and Upload system caedes 03/14/09 11:05 PM GMT I made some changes to the Upload and voting booth today. Now, if you wish for your image to appear in the voting booth and get a c-index, you will have to vote on 10 images. This goes for those in the Cadre as well. You do not have to vote on any images in order to upload an image. Your uploaded image will just not be voted on and will not get a c-index. When you view the "step #1" upload page, you will be notified if you have voted enough to allow the image to appear in the voting booth.
C-Index Ramad 01/05/12 11:11 PM GMT I have been a regular (meaning continuous without long breaks in between) user/member of Caedes now for over 5 years. Caedes has provided me with a wonderful hobby for which I am very grateful. The C-Index was always a helpful scale for me (even if it was at times unfair) to judge the quality of my images. Now I am actually at a loss with no-one and no scale to tell me how good or bad my images are. My own well meaning friends - bless them - will always tell me how nice the images are but real c
A certain Sameness crysophilax 02/06/09 6:56 AM GMT I was downloading a picture at work the other day from Caedes and a colleague saw me. He knows I post here and is aware of the site but I still prodded him by saying "you should have a look around for some wallpapers." His reply was interesting. "Well I have looked but its all pretty boring, just snapshots really. Very well taken snapshots, and some pretty scenes, but there's nothing that really hits you." This rather got me thinking and I looked at the perm gallery and it does have a samene
Evaluation concern jennyvladimirova 10/23/05 2:55 AM GMT I really need to know what are caedes true criterions for moving pictures from "New Images" to "Permanent Galleries". Is it possible works with lower C-indexes to be moved there, while works with higher ones to be deleted? If so, what the C-index serves for?
C-indexes are getting unpredictable noobguy 06/09/04 6:09 AM GMT I submitted a picture tonight and after the update it now as a c-index of 25 and it doesnt even have votes yet. I am assuming that is just because it gets points for whatever views and downloads it has and the c-index is unrealistic so far. But my photograph "wild flowers" had a c-index of 88 for its first day on, and now suddenly its a 99! Whats going on. Not to mention I've seen a few hundreds on the new server, never seen that before. Has the algorithm been tweaked a bit, or am I just dumb?
Voting Zero Mythmaker 10/23/10 6:05 AM GMT I was recently surprised to see a comment somewhere on Caedes that the person writing would "never" give a zero in the vb. I was surprised because such a stance had never occurred to me and it got me thinking about the issue.The foundation point for my reasoning on this issue is that every image in the VB is there voluntarily, it's possible to post your photos here without submitting them to the VB so anyone who does submit to the VB has made a choice to get voting feedback.I have seen in the VB
Maintaining Quality caedes 01/08/08 9:53 PM GMT I have to admit that of all the challenges that has faced, maintaining a quality inventory of images is the most difficult. Originally, I would only post an image to the site once it had been on my own desktop for a while. This worked well to keep the quality high (at least from my perspective), but it certainly limited the number of images that would go on the site. You may ask "why do we need a set of 'permanent' images?" The truth is that the majority of the site's visitors c
Why is it? DigiCamMan 07/21/07 7:31 PM GMT Why is it that lately all my pics start out with a bang and sit there for awhile and all of a sudden they drop 10-20 points? Is this happening to anyone else? What's the deal...are the last few voters hammering the pics. Is Zero at work? They rarely ever go up but go down by at least 10 points on the last couple of votes. Let's do away with the c-index and do a critique box and score the pics there. Don't want your name known in the vote? Don't want to be accountable for your vote? Then just lea
Low voting CaptainHero 06/25/05 10:40 AM GMT Like most members I don't take much notice of the Caedes Control option showing the breakdown of statistics for your images. After all, I don't upload images just to see how many votes I can get! However, recently I have looked at a few of my submissions periodically to see how they fare. A number of times I have seen a similar pattern - the first one or two votes I receive are high and then suddenly it plummets. Take one image I uploaded recently for example: I checked it soon after submissi
Caedes for a day... caedes 12/19/07 10:02 PM GMT So if you were caedes for a day (that's me not the website), what changes would you make?
Quality of images Dante11 06/17/06 11:55 PM GMT Overall, i am often impressed by a lot of the imaging here-be it photos, drawings, fractals, etc...BUT today I see an image in Featured Images that is so obviously mediocre and was clearly traced from a photo and it ranks enough to get featured..........this causes me to question assessment of images by whoever selects them for inclusion. Also irks me that I put a good deal into creating an original work...not traced or copied, and it merits not much sometimes. Pretty disappointing. I wonder if
What is wrong? ekowalska 09/24/07 7:06 PM GMT Every now and then it happens we upload some less successful photo to this site. I would like to start a new thread where we present one of our worse uploads (low c-index, works that never advanced to the permanent gallery) asking for crtiques. It is more and more difficult to get some decent comment on the shortcomings of our photos. I feel people are afraid to express what they truly think once they watch our works. Another thing is it is very difficult to justify our critical opinions, referr
Vote counting, Notification Dante11 04/26/06 11:12 AM GMT I am wondering if the number for votes shown in Caedes Control is actual number of votes or the average for all votes..........also: possible to notify artist when work placed in Permamnent Gallery? Merci
Low votes without negative comments DigitalFX 10/20/05 5:45 PM GMT Something strange is going on around here. I've noticed my index scores dropping WAY down on images with nothing but positive comments. What is going on. It seems that there are a number of people going around targeting certain artists with very low scores but without making comments. Some of my best work is dropping rapidly like from over 80:100 to under 40:100 with NO negative comments. That means some VERY low scores. That just is not right. It seems nasty and vengeful. I don't mind ho
Big Drop on the c-index 21citrouilles 04/30/08 2:27 AM GMT Usually, I don't care much about the c-index rating, but I've heard lately that some members had a 20 points drop on the c-index after several hours or a day. I know that mathematically, it takes a lot of very low points to make a good rating take a dive like this...So, what's happening? Thank you for the replies.
Why such different c-indexes - comments? bean811 05/30/07 4:21 AM GMT My first discussion board post... I've been following the discussions about the C-Index and it seems like everyone has a different opinion, which I think is a good thing. I for one am a fan of the index (not that I agree with how they turn out in some cases). However, I am wondering why two of my very very similar shots (Gold Rain and Gold Rain 2) got two very different C-Indexes. I don't much care about the difference in the index, but that would lead me to believe that one is not as good a
Main Gallery Nominations? WENPEDER 03/16/06 12:54 AM GMT As I was perusing "old 'new images," an idea came to me. Currently members rate images in the voting both and also have the opportunity to rate them selectively on the image pages. Yet, from what I've gleaned from discussions to date, neither the c-index or selective votes determine whether images are placed in the main "permanent" galleries. As we've all seen, some images with relatively low c-indexes have made the transition, while some images with relatively high c-indexes have not. We'
New Art Council caedes 06/01/10 12:20 AM GMT I am testing a new feature called the Caedes Art Council. The idea is to take some of the work off the Senate members by allowing more members to decide which images are good enough to include in the "permanent" galleries. The official description of the council is here. Please include any comments, questions, or concerns in this thread.
Fractal Hatred? RUBrite 11/21/05 4:12 PM GMT I haven't said anything for awhile, as I've been waiting to see if the new voting system corrects itself. Sadly, such doesn't appear to be the case. The only fractals that seem to get some degree of acceptance here are Apophysis flames (some that are fairly mediocre.) There is clearly an aversion here for fractals generated from other programs that I can't understand but that is obvious. The numbers on complex, well conceived fractal images are routinely less than 50, with many very good fra
Official: c-index re-normalization caedes 07/13/04 8:08 PM GMT In response to various design flaws in the system and sporatic abuse I've made some changes to the way the c-index is calculated. cindex/100=1+e^(-favorites/10)*((downloads/views+2*rating)/3-1) Where favorites has a maximum value of 10. This has the effect of making the number of favorites less important and weighing the rating (by voting) twice as much as the download to view ratio.
What to put in the FAQs? caedes 11/08/03 10:35 PM GMT I'm making a FAQs for the site and I'd like to use this thread to gather a list of frequently asked questions that have showed up in the discussion board. Please list any questions that you think have come up more than once or which are common among new visitors to the site. I already tried going through all the old discussion board topics, but that was way too difficult. Thanks.
"Membership at Work.. purmusic 01/09/11 12:32 AM GMT .. do not disturb."____________________________________________________________Resurrecting parts of Mikel's ; aka Mythmaker discussion thread. Namely that of; "Voting Zero".Parts, that is ... if 'you' (speaking generally here) wish to read it in it's entirety. Linked above.The parts..Nik; aka Nikoneer towards the end of that discussion (as it now sits) put forth this post:"I generally start each voting with a 5 then add or subtract for the the various visual elements that all images, whether th
The Voting System ladyred 09/05/06 9:51 PM GMT Let me first begin by saying I love coming to this place. I enjoy each and every one of my friends and love viewing and seeing thier works of art.Thank you Guys! I thought about this for a while and debated on whether to say anything about it or not. I am a bit confused and a bit upset about this matter. I have a few questions about the voting system. I had an observation that makes absolutely no sense at all whatsoever. I had an image I posted on the weekend - Juliet, that on Mon mornin
The Old Classics Bromios 03/03/05 9:13 PM GMT I know this sounds ridiculously offensive, and it is not my intention to seem to be personally insulting, but I feel overall that there are now far fewer pictures which immediately catch my eye. It may be that I have had too much of a good thing on Caedes, and that I have been spoiled and lost my early innocence, but I would like to have that feeling more often that comes when one discovers a truly timeless and memorable picture. Anyone agree/disagree?
C-index bcbird 02/14/07 1:14 PM GMT Now that I realize what the c-index is, I feel like i'm either critiqueing to high... or there are some people who just downvote every1. I usually find that I vote fairly, and 9 and 10's don't come out easily... but at the same time i've only given like 2 out of the 100 or so i've voted on less than a 5. Any1's thought?
Archives LynEve 07/06/06 12:01 AM GMT Can someone please explain to this dumbo the effects of having our images archived? I am thinking maybe it means no more votes? No further chance of being selected for the permanent gallery? Is time since upload a factor? Thanks :) Eve
C-index Issues MrXwild 03/06/05 3:20 AM GMT Lately over the past 3 weeks I have experienced problems with the ratings of my images. After I upload an image it will have a C-index rating within 1 to 5 hours. It used to be around a 24 hour period before a C-index rating would appear. I have spoken to several of the Mod's concerning this and Caedes, but I guess the general thinking was it was temporary. Who should I speak to to get this issue resolved. I've had images that have had C-index's as low as 40 within a 1 hour period after upload
The Voting Booth muggsy 06/24/06 12:09 AM GMT I'm new to Caedes and find it to be an extremely intricate and well designed site. The only fly-in-the-ointment I've come across is in the voting booth. Understand I have no objection to voting, in fact I rather enjoy giving some feedback to the many talented members of Caedes. My problem lies in having to vote on submissions in catagories such as "Computer" and "Abstract" to name two, which are totally foreign to me. In those genres my ignorance of what some artist may have gone through to pro
C-Indexes...? groo2k 07/13/04 1:55 AM GMT Hey...I know that the C-Index does some crazy things but why the sudden drop for all of the images? The top image is at 96...have the numbers been adjusted?
The lowest C-index ever rozem061 08/30/07 9:33 AM GMT I wonder, if there is any price on caedes, for the lowest "C-index" ever ? After 15 votes, the C-index of my 'masterpeace' 'Teach your children' is worth a lousy 2 (two) points! That means for example: 14 times a zero(0) And from one person a two (2)...,Very much appreciated, "unknow person"! What I like to know from you, is this really as bad, that it deserve only '2' points? John EDIT 6 hour later! Yippee!!!!!!........C-index=17 !!!!! (lol) Riddle riddle: yet still 15 votes......!
C-Index Issues Radjehuty 08/20/04 1:16 PM GMT I am really confused about these C-Index's One of my images was a 91:100, and today it jumped DOWN to a 82:100 Another went from 89 to 87, and one of them went from a 78 to an 84 which I thought was not a very good pic compared to the others. I just wanted to know how this could happen. They don't seem to be very consistent.
?????? gaeljet2 11/23/08 11:57 PM GMT no offense but what the hell?? i just don t get how some simple animal shots for example or shots like this one for instance ( the highest c index right now!) whereas some others as better not to say better don t (not to say have a much less c index) i just don t get itand honestly i think that if i hadn t posted so much photos(more than 700) and got some pretty high scores these latest months( the best one
Spring Cleaning Samatar 08/19/04 7:51 AM GMT Please note that the mods will be going through the permenant galleries and removing some of the older, lower rated and/or over represented images. If you notice some of your images have disappeared from your personal gallery this is probably why.
Voting Booth LynEve 03/02/11 11:14 AM GMT The 'randomness' of images in the voting booth seems a little haywire just now.Of 18 images I just voted on 8 were by the same artist.Two sets of 3 and one set of two from others.16 images from 4 artists.
great comments/ lousy score third_eye 04/22/07 2:09 AM GMT Ok, I've given up on trying to figure out what images get what scores, and no, a vote (high or low) doesn't determine (in my eyes) the quality of an image. I opened this image's page, and saw a score in the high40's. ok, fine. but the comments left don't match the score received. So, does this stink,and I'm just getting placated, or is someone trashing me(again) in the VB? I know this topic has, by now, the same effect as fingernails on a blackboard. I'm a supporter of the site, and think it ha
Amazing! ppigeon 04/20/06 12:58 AM GMT Actually in the 'Photography' permanent gallery, we find 9808 images with: ..............c-index >= 90:100 -> 229 photos 90:100 > c-index >= 80:100 -> 1280 photos 80:100 > c-index >= 70:100 -> 2397 photos 70:100 > c-index >= 60:100 -> 2508 photos 60:100 > c-index >= 50:100 -> 1804 photos ..............c-index < 50:100 -> 1590 photos Some thoughts: 1) Like me, I hope you are very impressed by the very high quality of the images here. 2) We see a
About hitting the vote button? mmynx34 04/05/06 8:05 AM GMT I am not so sure about this, and think I'm doing this wrong.. so can anyone please enlighten me as to.... If i choose a number to "vote" but do not hit the "vote" button, and then type a comment and then hit the "post" button beneath, will that enter the vote too, or do I have to first vote, by hitting the vote button and the post a comment by hitting the post button? ermmmm does that make sense to you? cos i'm not so sure i understand it myself...... and please.. no funny answers.. LOL be ge
Old v. New C-Index discrepancies reddawg151 10/27/05 4:27 AM GMT This may be being discussed somewhere else, but I can't keep up with the forums and there is no search feature for it. I've noticed tremendous discrepancies between old c-index and new, as in some of my previously top images are now some of the lowest, and have pathetic ratings (like 17, when they used to be 90). And that's for images that have been in the permanent galleries for two years or more. So my questions really are, will the permanent galleries be re-evaluated now because of the mass
Please Explain Distribution RUBrite 09/29/05 8:44 PM GMT Hi everyone. I love this website, but am totally confused by the new c-index distribution and score. I've looked at a number of images today and the numbers shown in the distribution simply do not conform to the distribution average shown - - most index scores being lower than the spread of scores would suggest. Would someone please explain how this number is calculated? Thanks.
c-index error? DixieNormus 04/11/05 12:13 AM GMT I have sent caedes a PM, but I have gotten no reply yet. Here's the problem. I have a new image on here called "Fly To The Angels". It's in new images/computer/3D. When I look in my "Caedes Control" it says the image has a rating of "83", but the c-index says "46"? WTF? Can somebody please explain how the c-index works? Thank you. Randy
Evil index grimbug 02/07/04 2:13 PM GMT Ok im now suffering from mental trauma from losing my 100 c-index to a 46 c-index overnight!!!... so this post is an excuse for me to vent it out of my system..heres how my slightly paranoid mind sees the events unfolding....i'm blaming the top new images list.. originally after posting my Western Plains image, all the nice people voted and got me a 100 index which in turn got me on the top new image list , which made lots of people look at it.. who then voted me down and gave me a bad views to
Is it just me? J_272004 02/23/07 6:07 AM GMT I'm angry... yep.. a bit disappointed... Is it just me or are there less abstract and fractals being submitted.. I go through the new gallery everyday and lately there has hardly been any.. which I think is a shame as we did have really good fractal and abstract artists.. I guess all the petty arguments of "I dont like fractals and abstract or I don't understand this kind of art.. so i'm not going to comment or vote.. or vote low (aka c-index)" has killed that part of the artwork on here.. My s
C-index of 7, why??? EmilyH 06/01/06 6:53 PM GMT WTF? My fractal got a c-index of 7. That's like saying it completely sucks. What the heck? I got such nice comments but such a lousy c-index? I can't believe that people here hate fractals that much that they'd all give me a 0 or a 1! Sheesh. At least give me some feedback and tell me WHY you voted that low. I mean, it really hurts when 11 people essentially say your picture sucks and won't tell you why.
TPBM Little_Art_Gurl 03/15/06 10:07 PM GMT TPBM means "The Person Below Me" You justify the above statement by the person above you by saying True or False, and then supplying a new statement. Example: User 1: tpbm loves chocolate. User 2: True. tpbm eats fish. User 3: False. tpbm likes the color pink. User 4: False. And so on... And here is the first post: TPBM is very very happy this thread is back.
Fortunately/Unfortunately Samatar 01/15/04 3:48 AM GMT Okay, here is another complete waste of time to keep yall busy... I will start with a paragraph that ends "Unfortunately...". The next person has to continue the story and end it with "Fortunately...". Then the next post is ended with "Fortunately" again. If you don't understand how to play just wait until a few posts are up and you will get the idea. Here we go (again...) One fine day I was walking down the street to the shops when out of the corner of my eye I spotted a fifty dollar bill lyi
Is Critique Dead? purmusic 10/25/08 12:10 AM GMT I can't take credit for what is to follow below this preamble: I created this thread in response to some rumblings as of late. Forgive me the use of that word ... 'rumblings' in particular, that is. For some it goes deeper than that. And for some ... there is an unawareness of the current state of affairs. Consider this then, a Caedesian public servic.. ... no, strike that ... this is not an official statement or release from the administrative side. These are my own personal feelings.
B&W an art form of its own crysophilax 04/02/08 6:40 AM GMT A question from someone who does occasionally post BW pictures. Should there be a separate B&W gallery? The reason for asking is that it seems that B&W pictures receive unfairly low C-Indexes for the quality of work. I realise that B&W is not to everyones taste. I apologize if this question has been discussed before, I do not have time to trawl 60 page of posts.
C-index Comparison & Comments G8R 06/02/07 12:05 AM GMT Hello All: I'm very new to Caedes and I'm still learning my way around, but the whole c-index thing is very confusing. I have two posts..."Of Ages Past" (c-index 32) and "Upside Down" (c-index 38) that are different ends of the spectrum, I believe. "Of Ages Past" had some lighting issues, which I believe were fairly indicated in the c-index, but "Upsided Down", in my not so professional or experienced opinion, was much better. Why is the score for "Upside Down" so low? Any and all constr
Disillusioned LynEve 03/14/07 9:35 PM GMT I know I risk beign criticized for saying this but I am so disillusioned. Although I rarely succeed I always strive for excellence with my floral pictures, and have in the past been slightly disappointed when high 70's and 80's have not made the grade. My own self evaluation has over time improved and I have set much higher standards for myself, using the c-index as a helpful guide. With THIS one I thought I had got close, the comments were encouraging, and the c-index of 88 gave me great hop
Variations LynEve 07/10/11 1:07 PM GMT This is not really a request for comment - just something I found interesting and not sure where else to post it.I managed to get a very wide variety of scores in the VB on one image - from zero to 9 which confirms that everyone sees things differently, but it does surprize me that one person considers it trash (zero) and another gave it a 9. I have never had this happen before.Have you?CLICK to see summary.
Low c-index scores Homtail 09/13/09 1:53 PM GMT Ive recently been posting a lot of images i took from my holiday in Rome and have been surprised by the very low c-index scores they have achieved. I know im not by any means a good photographer but the comments i have recieved have been very complimentary and the average c-score i am recieving is averaging at a 4 or less and so do not reflect the comments. I know that i shouldnt put too much emphasis on the c-index but the above situation is confusing and not helping me improve as a photographe
What is the C-Index Vivianne 05/28/09 5:13 AM GMT I came into Caedes because a friend suggested I do so. However, I forgot to ask him lots of questions first. One, what is the C-Index? Two, what is the criteria for a photo to be put in the permanent files? I am beginning to feel like a real failure when most of my best shots have been archived. Three, I don't see many people shots in Caedes and I like people. I have been posting mostly sunsets, bird shots and landscapes because that is mostly what I see on Caedes. Coleen
Lies, damn lies and statistics crysophilax 05/11/08 10:38 AM GMT It's Sunday morning, I am up early and a little bored. So, having read various posts, including Overrated, I copied the top 100 active members table and did some analysis on it. Some interesting facts emerge. VOTING 15% of the top 100 contribute 50% of the votes. This is VERY SKEWED, as they only contribute 15% of the pictures. 30% of voters contribute 75% of the votes. Also VERY SKEWED. 1 person makes up 8% of the voting, 626 votes. How can this be if there is a limit of 40 votes a day?
Something's Not Right legster69 06/09/07 2:32 PM GMT Am I the only one who feels as if the voting system on here is not anywhere near a true voting system? I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how some of the photos I post score so low and others that are similar, or not even as good, score so high. I am really starting to think that it would be a good idea to have people choose categories they would like to vote on and submit votes only for things they can relate to and give a good, honest evaluation. What I mean is, I love to shoot birds,
Archived Photos Ramad 11/17/06 10:19 PM GMT Can someone tell me on what criteria the decision is taken to archive a photo? My photos with even C.index 75 have been archived but I see many with much less Index value in the "permanent" photography album. Thanks for your comment/reply in advance.
What will be the title of *caedes first book KEIFER 09/02/05 4:43 AM GMT well .. since we are all guinea pigs in another's grand scheme (college thesis) I figured we could all toss out book titles, you know, in case the cover art hasn't gone to press yet *********************************************** 1) .. Herding cats .. (and other lessons learned while managing an internet startup) 2) .. My first 500 .. (complaints and questions fielded while providing a free service) 3) .. Read The FAQ, Gosh Darnit .. (and other royalty free expressions you can use) **********
Permanent gallery question. JOHANNA 10/25/04 5:34 PM GMT I wonder why to photos posted on the same day f.ex. Castle of Gaasbeek (130 views - 46 upload-81%) and Castle of Beersel (128 views-47 uploads-77%) aren't treated the same way. The last one (Beersel) is already in the permanent gallery architecture and the other (Gaasbeek) is in the new images.Why the difference ??? Thanks.
A 'Top New Image' Without a C-Index? PuMa 09/25/04 5:50 PM GMT Hi, I don't want to blame Heidlerr or his image for this.. but I just have a question about the picture: "StMarys"... How is it possible that, that image is a 'Top New Image' in spite of it has only 8 views, 5 downloads, and that it don't have enough votes to have a C-Index? Just wondering how this is possible... In spite of it's a great photo, how is it possible to be a 'Top image' like that way?
C-Index ladyturtle27 08/12/03 3:04 AM GMT does c-indexing work?
Explain the index please! VeraVardig 06/25/08 12:17 AM GMT I do not understand how the Cl index is calculated. Can you please explain how it works? /Helena
c-index luckycharmz 08/13/06 3:41 AM GMT what does c-index mean??
An old image of mine that suddenly got a c-index postaldude66 12/15/05 2:32 PM GMT One of my older pictures 'Paradise' like all other older pictures on this site - had no c-index and was in a 'permanent' gallery for quite a while after the new c-index & voting system was introduced, and then suddenly was moved into a place where it gets votes. Is this a strange thing to happen - or has this been happening on a small scale to images that are considered worthy of having a c-index under the new system... i am confused. the link is:
Thinking about fairness of c-index... NzglKing 12/13/05 4:40 PM GMT I've been thinking about the fairness of the c-index system. according to the FAQs "The c-index is a number between zero and 100 that aims to give a rough idea of the quality of an image. The primary use of the c-index is to enable users to sort galleries in order to bring the best images to the top." Thinking about the system and how it works, i believe it actual may not be as fair as it should be. Allow me to explain: The c-index is based on the votes it gets (needing at least 5), views a
New C-INDEX noranda 09/19/05 9:06 PM GMT Why some body vote "0" on my best picture 'MIAOU".
Image Deletes Lithfo 08/08/05 4:21 AM GMT I've recently had two image deletes I greatly disagree with. One had a c-index of 86, the other somewhere between 78 and 80. Both had fairly high views, downloads and votes. I don't get why they were deleted. I know one of them had several comments. I imagine the other did as well, but I hadn't viewed it recently enough before it was deleted to by positive. I thought photographs were accepted as permanent caedes material based on comments, votes, and c-index. Why is it two images with high rat
Wrong system rozem061 01/08/11 11:20 AM GMT My last upload *Streetsinger 2* has a democratic average score of 5.3 out of 20 votes (I can happy live with that result !)But the Caedes index generate a score, more than halve reduced to a rediculous score of 26 (read 2.6 !)Not a few of 'zero voters' are the cause of a low score, as many of you think, but the 'caedes system' causes an absurd low score on your and mine imagesSee also *THIS thread*John
Another voting system boremachine 10/10/07 8:21 PM GMT Hello friends on caedes! I just had that - maybe silly - idea of having a second voting index on every posting made by those writing replies. Official or not, maybe that would 'help' those who still are upset about the c-index voting system that opens door for any 'wise guy' having fun by giving zeros ... As I said before: that may be a silly idea, but that other index could differ a lot from the c-index. Nuff said, now it's up to you putting your two cents in it ;o) Have a nice day Chris
a posting alternative... third_eye 05/25/07 9:15 PM GMT I had an idea. It's intended for anyone with issues with the VB, comments, and any other inequity, real or perceived. Perhaps, on a VOLUNTARY BASIS a short-term post of an arbitrary amount of time (let's say a week) after which the image would be taken down. This would still allow some degree of sharing, input, etc..and circumvent the whole ranking issue, as well as the perm vs. archived concerns. I had this idea after realizing two very definite things. The first, is tha
Where did my c-indeces go? glooh 10/10/05 9:39 AM GMT Dear all, Before the new c-index most of my pictures had 80 and above as a c-index. The other onces I removed myself. However, now most of my pictures do not have a c-index but the onces that do, have an avarage around 50 or so.How is that possible?
100 C-Index Crusader 04/09/04 6:34 PM GMT Is this a glitch or has my image really reached an C-Index of 100:100? Raindrop Rose/
wallpaper subjects koca 02/13/11 9:44 AM GMT Once I read that you don't recommend people or pets in the photos (wallpapers) because nobody would like to have strange people or pets on their desktops. But I see many pets and people and those photos are highly ranked. So, how do you rank the posts? According to the quality of the photo, the beauty, the artists? And how many people are ranking the posts, do they have different criteria? My best regards. Milka
Just Curious Too zunazet 07/14/10 3:27 AM GMT This Photo / Manipulation - Dark Waters Has recieved a 40 C-index, Positive comments, and a high ratio of downloads to views. I would appreciate some sincere critique. The C-index implies it is lacking somewhat in some way. I would like to figure out what that may be. I don't worry about the C-index, but it does give a general indication of like / don't like in the voting population. Thank you. Edit: Not complaining, just looking to learn.
Views and Downloads compared to C Index verenabloo 04/13/10 7:42 PM GMT I wanted to make a point of just how "useless" (IMHO) the C Index is in comparison to the much more important fact of this being a wallpaper site. That means people come thru here by the hundreds, look at what they want for their desktop, grab what they love, and then leave. Today on the main page was a posting done in the year2004 by someone we all know...=Samatar What's amazing is that on the photo posting called "Shameless Self Promotion" there were 4985 Views of this creation, and there were
C Control/index LynEve 03/06/09 1:31 PM GMT I know the c-index scores are not being placed on our images but I thought they were still being updated in our Ceades Control. I notice that images with 18 votes collected are still showing zero. I am sure they used to be visible earlier than that in the past. ??
Does my work suck? third_eye 07/06/07 8:10 PM GMT I see thread after thread where members are distressed, concerned or disappointed by lower scoring images. Usually, it's a score in the 50's or 60's that seems to be the source of concern. I just went through my gallery, and easily a full third of my work is in the low 60's or lower. the lowest ranking image is at 24. so, here's the deal. am I just overdue for a reality check? or is my work better suited elsewhere? by the way, here's the 24-scored image :
V-D / C-Index. purmusic 01/06/07 5:00 AM GMT This is an effort to approach some kind of middle ground. I have read most, not all of the discussions surrounding the C-Index ... and a number of times the number of views and downloads have been brought into the discussion. So ... How would everybody feel about incorporating those numbers for views/downloads ... and weighting it somehow to balance the inhouse scores? For example; 50% Views/Downloads ... 50% C-Index. Now what determines a great image insofar as Views/Downloads could be ca
What determines the C Index? verenabloo 01/18/06 3:04 PM GMT What determines the C Index?I'm pretty sure there's probably a subject like this somewhere here, maybe someone can tell me where or ?
Member favorites? onespock 01/09/06 8:02 AM GMT Let me set this up....I picked 10 people at random from the online list and looked at their favorites, of these 10....6 had used the add to favorites option...this group of 6 really varied from having only one image in favs to one having 60 plus pages of favs. After looking at them all(even the one with 60 pages) I found 4 had one image in common....I then sorted by c-index to see where this image ranked...13 pages later...I found it. I would love to see a "sort by favorites" button...before som
We post Images because we are a WALLPAPER sight, right? verenabloo 09/19/05 6:05 AM GMT I would like to ask a question of all of you . Why do we post images here in caedes? Isn't it because this is a wallpaper site for the puter desktops? And if that is the case, shouldnt that be the most important thing? To know people view our images and then they choose and download the ones they want. I think that pretty much tells us all we need to know..ourselves and others loved the images and so they(we) downloaded them. It has absolutely nothing to do with voting..I would like to see tho
Where's the c-index gone? Drakala 09/03/05 10:19 PM GMT I don't know if it's just me but out of all the images I looked at today none of them had a c-index I even looked at ones that I knew had a c-index and theirs are gone too can someone tell me why or it it's just me
Not a record ..but close; D-index RobNevin 03/25/05 1:39 PM GMT I only have 10 images in the Lonely Images gallery today. That's not my personal record ... but its close, I have had more! It's hard to tell, and I don't want to brag on this dubious honor, but I recon that this must be close to a record for the site. Perhaps it could be incorporated into a new indexing system? D-index ... "D" for duds! If you've had more ... just let me know and I will gladly relinquish my assumed position at the top of the D-index. *smile*
You're banned! bridgebrain 12/18/07 5:23 AM GMT A little thing from a fun site. Ban people for whatever reason you can find! You're banned for reading this! I'm banned for having HAL9000 as my avatar. I'm banned for being online. That kind of thing. Have fun!
If I could... CurtieBear 02/04/07 8:11 PM GMT If I could reshape the voting system and permenent galleries, here are some things I would do... 1) Lets disassemble the voting booth and make voting a voluntary thing again. However, you can't place a vote on an image without providing a comment. 2) Upload amounts: Keep the uploads as they are (without the mandatory 10 vote rule for non-cadre members). 3) Do away with the "Perms", as we know it. New uploads stay the "New Images" category for a month. After that, they are then submitted to th
High average c-index ted3020 11/23/06 3:50 PM GMT For another "other stuff" addition. Recognize those people, with a listing, who have over 10 photos submitted to Caedes with high average c-indexes. Yes we can see a photo and go to their profile and see all their photos. But, if they have not submitted anything lately we might miss their photo. It would be like"the most active members" but a recognition, pat on the back. You could make a cutoff limit for the average or limit it to the top 100 or so.
Suggestion for the voting booth: categories exclusion palantir 08/22/06 10:08 AM GMT I'd love to have an option to exclude certain categories of pictures, so that they are not presented for voting. In particular, I don't like to be asked to vote abstract images or macro pictures, and I have noticed that tend to give low marks to them, as I am scarcely interested in this kind of artwork. It would be great to be able to exclude these categories, and leave the voting on them to people who like them...
Index Hypervariability WENPEDER 07/13/06 6:02 PM GMT I know it's been discussed in other discussions, but this issue continues to show itself over and over again. For example...I put up an abstract a few days ago. The starting c-index was 67. One vote brought that average down over 20 points and I'm seeing this kind of "hypervariability" based on one or two votes on numerous images here. Again, one person's vote is getting a tremendous amount of weight in the current rating system and has the ability to take an image from a relatively high qua
c-index question trevor51590 04/11/04 8:50 PM GMT I have two images that seem to be pretty decent("Buttermilk Falls", and "Buttermilk Waterfall" if you would like to see). Their c-indexes are 10 and 25. This does not seem right to me considering one had a c-index of 80 earlier today. Any ideas?
C-index corngrowth 09/30/09 12:51 AM GMT On August 28th, 2009 I've uploaded my 'Zeeland Folklore 28' post. I've chosen for voting on this image in the VB, buth more than a month later (situation by september 30th, 2009) it has got no C-index. See under 'Caedes Control' that this image got 9 votes, but this situation hasn't changed for more than two weeks. Images which were posted later, got, without any problem, all a C-index. I'm curious what the problem could be.
So Tierd of Getting LOW Points. VeraVardig 09/15/08 11:50 PM GMT I present good work and high quality photos, sometimes with a touch of art and fantasy. I still get 42 for a really good photo. have heard this before and done NOTHING! CAEDES WE have payed for our space here! Why do you not hear us? Please remove the votingsystem!!! It does not work!!!!!!! Let the downloads show the real popularity of our work!!! Anyone that feels the same as me, get in touch with and tell them so! /Vera Vardig